
Invite to the Fire Festival Pt. 1

After an entire month came and went full of celebration I didn't really have much to do, but one thing did change after everything.

"Eagle! Please train me so I can get much much stronger than I am now!" Yamato said as she bowed her head towards me.

"Sure, I'll show you the ways in how everyone in my crew gains there strength at such a fast pace, the catch is you can't tell anyone outside of my crew about this power got it?"

"Yes! I promise to never tell a soul outside of your crew of how it is done." I just nod and tell her of the contract which she accepts without question.

After she accepts it I just say, "Everything will make sense when you go to sleep tonight." After saying that and leaving her slightly confused I began to walk off to somewhere else.

Why didn't i explain it to Yamato well of course it was because a certain hard headed girl was listening in on our conversation so I had to leave my training to her vague for now.

After I disappeared out of sight for the both of them I reappeared behind Ulti thanks to using short distance gate movements.

I then placed my hand on her shoulder making her jump in fright as she jumped away and pulled out her Morningstar.

"It's not very lady like to ease drop on the conversation between people you know?" I say with a grin.

"I heard that your giving Oden, Yamato or whatever a special type of training to make her stronger really fast, I want that training as well!" She says in a very haughty fashion.

"Hmmmmm….. no."

"What?!? But why not!!!"

"Well for one thing your not apart of my crew, another thing you hate me still as you try to get back at me all the time, luckily since Shalltear took you under her wing you at least only attack me when I'm on my free time, and lastly I just don't feel like it." I say as I just give a shrug before stopping her Morningstar with my barehands.

"See that's what I mean, I mean if you got your temper in check I might think about it but right now I don't think so." I say as I push her back before ignoring her and going off to do my own thing.

She was about to attack again in fury but then she realized that if she did that, then he would be right and that she can't control herself at all so she holds back and skulks away to think some things through.

"Hmph….. maybe Shalltear is starting to get through to her, if she learns to control herself maybe I will let her in as well."

After that there wasn't much else before night came and I showed Yamato about the Frontier and all the benefits about it.

And from the look on her face with stars in her eyes she decided that she would travel through every virtual battlefield to see the entirety of Grand Gaia, the name of the world that the Frontier is a part of.

While she was excited about that she was also giddy about the metal parades and the jewel parades as when she saw metal and jewel spirts she instantly hugged them because she found them cute and also found the slimes, nymphs, bulbs and normal evolution units to be cute as well as she hugged them whenever she saw them.

Though when I told her that she could get her own sometimes if you beat them in battle there was a big glint in her eyes as she went around on a rampage to gather more of them for herself.

Even though she was a light type and only needed light units to evolve she went around everywhere searching for as many of different types of cute evolution units so she would have for herself, and it seemed she was a radar to find any evolution unit needed even the extremely rare ones were not hard for her to find, which was nice as she would pass any mimics, idols, totems and mecha gods off to me because they weren't cute to her, which in all honesty they aren't, but with her help now it would make it much easier to help us evolve, now all we need is to get our levels up and have more money, which by the time the Artificial devil fruits are made in mass quantities and Grand Tesoro gets more and more popular will start to be getting money regularly.

But for now with all the celebrations going on and confirming with Theo that all 4 of them were indeed pregnant it was time to relax for awhile….. besides me having to constantly run away from a baby hungry Albedo everything was normal.

"EAGLE-SAMA!!!" Speaking of which it's time to run I say as I move at my fastest speeds over to the lava land of F. Haven so I could dodge her.

After jumping into one of the Lava pools I turn back to look at her looking at me, "*Sniff sniff* do you really not want to have a baby with me Eagle-Sama?" She says with tears in her eyes.

"Albedo we've already tried, hell I even used Mad Lust on you so I could give you as much as you needed, but your a succubus, you feed off that stuff so it makes it near impossible for you to get pregnant even if you wanted to, unless you can turn off your succubus powers completely we're not gonna be able to have a kid, do I make myself clear?"

Hearing this she deflates before nodding her head in understanding, seeing that she gets it i come out of the lava pool as I forcibly dispel the heat out of my body by making a big steam cloud before approaching her and carrying her princess style.

"Come on love we can snuggle up together for the rest of the day while we try to figure something out." Hearing this she nods happily as she rubs her cheek against mine.



A few days later after having a nice Lava bath with Inoko and Aesys in tow I got a call from a certain 'friend' of mine.


"Kaido… what's the reason for this call?"

"Well there's the main reason but I'll say this before that, congratulations on becoming a father it seems that LinLin is going around telling everyone she's ever known that she's finally gonna be a grandma soon *sigh* why is that woman so annoying all the time…"

"Well thank you for saying that, now what's the real reason now?"

"….*sigh* Orochi says that he wants to meet you personally at the next Fire Festival, though if your gonna come to this would you come a day earlier? I have some matters to discuss with you in detail after all."

"Let me guess, it's something about that project that your working on right?"

"Yes that, we need to talk, let's just say I'll make it worth your while if you help me with it is what I'm saying."

"Fine I'll head over to Onigashima to talk about all this, when is the next Fire Festival anyway?"

"In 4 days so I'd like to meet you in 3 days to discuss terms."

"Fine I'll come then, do you need Ulti and Page One back for the festival?"

"If they want to come back let them if they don't then it doesn't matter."

"Alright well I guess I'll see you in 3 days." I say before hanging up.

He then puts his away as well before leaning back, "King…. Have Maria and her subordinates look after Eagle while he stays here."

"As you command."

The next day after getting the call from Kaido I received another call from Noel.

"Noel what is it? Something important happened?"

"It's Caesar, he's freaking out because he just got an order from Big Ma to create a way to Gigantify normal people into Giants, problem is that both me and Caesar know is that it's impossible, in theory you can do it but only on children as they still are in there growing phase, but we both ran the calculations and even if it's done once they live past 5 years from getting there gigantifying shot that they will die because there body cant handle the strain, and adults it doesn't work on as it just grows them all wrong with there organs not growing proportional to there new sizes, if only we had a devil fruit specifically to help things grow and shrink at will then maybe I could do something about it…. You think you can grow a devil fruit with those properties boss?"

"Hang on let me look" I say as I begin to search the catalog of devil fruits I can grow that helps make things grow and there were only 3 that fit the description, the More More fruit, the Mini Mini fruit and the Size Size fruit being the only ones.

Size one only increase one part of the body at a time, mini does the opposite and just shrinks you and the only one that seemed the one I really needed was the More More fruit as it made anything at most 100 times larger, faster and stronger than the original, problem is that I could grow the other two with the money I have but the More More fruit is at an insane expense of 1 Billion Berries which isn't impossible to get but that's the equivalent of me not spending any of my money for the next two years, though that will be less as the Artificial Devil Fruits start to get made in mass and what I get from Gild's casinos, so for now I just bought the mini and size fruits and decided to hold off on getting the More fruit, I just looked up who has it and there deep in impel down so getting it out of him personally will have to wait.

"I have somethings in the world but for now you guys are on your own with how to figure this all out."

"Alright boss I just thought to let you know, and I may have a way to make Artificial Logia fruit but I may require assistance from mrs. Smoothie, her juicing power works on anything that isn't already a liquid right? Then I might be able to use that power of hers to make the Artificial Logia fruit possible in theory."

"Alright how about after I attend the Fire festival in Onigashima will test this theory of yours."

"Thanks boss, I'll talk to you later got tests to run." Noel then hanged up to continue his tests.

"Ahh I can just smell the money rolling in soon enough." I say before going off to do something's before setting out for Onigashima.



2 days later I came back to Onigashima with my crew, Ulti and Page One in tow, Yamato decided to stay back as she doesn't want to go home anytime soon after all.

Though the welcoming party was more of a welcoming attack from Jack as he tried to attack me and my crew, though we able to dodge just in time I had no plans on acknowledging him what's so ever as I completely ignored him as I proceeded further into Onigashima.

That just infuriated him even more as he went in for the attack on me again, "Albedo... take out the trash…." Just as I was about to be hit Albedo blocked the attack with her axe while in her full armor form.

"Yes Eagle-sama." She says before beginning her fight with Jack, everyone else stayed and watched there fight while I just proceeded inside, shortly after going into the main portion of Kaido's base I came across King who soon after seeing me brought me to where Kaido was currently.

"Well that was a warm welcome, you should put a leash on that mad dog, the mussel isn't enough." I say as I grab a gourd and pour myself a drink before sitting in front of Kaido.

"Hmph, he's probably still mad about how badly you beat him when you were last here, but let's put that aside, we have business to discuss."

"Right, this New Onigashima Project that you have in the works, what's it about exactly? Cause I doubt it's about you redecorating Onigashima as it is."

"No, it's me taking over Wano by lifting the Island of Onigashima itself and placing it down right on top of the Flower Capital itself and renaming Wano into New Onigashima the land where only pirates rule over all." He says this whole showing a 3d model of Onigashima and Wano and ends it with smashing Onigashima into the Flower capital with the capital destroyed underneath.

"A lot of people will die because of that."

"Do I look like I care?"

"No, but we can use that to my advantage if I help you with this plan of yours."

"Hooo, and what would you get out of this?"

"Well want to know the secret of how I escaped that encirclement by the Navy back then to get into Shabody and cause the Shabody Massacre?"

"…. I always did wonder how you did that exactly."

"I can create points all around the world and instantly move to said points, I call them gates specifically cause they look like gateways, and for about 1 hour I can open a massive gate that can transport large amounts of people a few miles away…"

"So you using this power of yours you want to what? Make yourself the hero that saved the people of the Flower Capital?"

"No no not just the Capital I plan to make myself a hero for all of Wano, I know that besides the capital most of the country is a wasteland where not enough food can be made right?"

"Yes because of the massive battle between me and Orochi versus the original Oden and his retainers the battle poisoned most of the land and most fresh water sources due to Orochi's powers, you have a way to purify the land?"

"Possibly… I have a few Allie's that could possibly fix Wano, I do this for a few years making me out to be the guy needed to take down the terrible Orochi and free Wano but…."

"That's where I come in to avenge my 'friend' and take the fight to you personally…"

"Not just me but your daughter fights you too, because by then I will hopefully made her strong enough to be a threat to you."

"Oh ho? And how is her progress right now?"

"She has definitely gotten stronger now, but she still has a long road ahead, but by then either you win and Wano is turned into New Onigashima and ruled by you for a time until she comes back for a round two to take it from you herself when she's strong enough."

"And what happens if she wins?"

"Well it wouldn't be named New Onigashima as she would keep it as Wano after all, but I mean you want her to beat you eventually right? You want her to earn the title of shogun and not just hand it off to her right?"

"WORORORORORO!!! Yes! I want her to earn it! After all I plan to hold it tightly so there's no chance in hell I'll just give it that easily, well if she was easily manipulated like Orochi is then maybe, but I like this even more! A real life and death match between me and my own flesh and blood daughter! This actually gets my blood pumping, so boy don't disappoint me when the day comes because I want it to be a fight that will go down in history after all!" He says in excitement that he's had for the first time in a real long while.

"Of course that fight will come, but I think it will be better that you have Wano for at least the duration of this final war of ours, after that all bets are off and well we will be standing on opposite sides of the battlefield you and I."

"Oh you have confidence boy?" He says as he releases his conquers haki straight down on me.

But I'm unflinching as I use mine in retaliation, "The more time I have the more stronger I get, by then you won't be my match beast."

The room was filled with black lightning sparking the air around us, this goes on for awhile shaking Onigashima in the process and freaking everyone out.

"PFFT." I'm the first to break out of character as I burst out laughing as I can't take this seriously, or maybe it's the alcohol starting to work on me, after all we've been drinking for awhile.

And because of me laughing Kaido began to drunkenly laugh as well as we couldn't take this seriously with us both drunk.

"Hah heh, Kaido everyone fears you, but hey! Everyone fears me as well…" I say as I just drink straight from the gourd instead as we progressively get more and more drunk, but luckily Kaido is in a rather happy mood because of all we talked about earlier.

"No Fuhihi, they fear me more than you, if I want to I can have an entire island slaughtered at my will!" He says as we're just drinking more and more.

We go back and forth on whose scarier to everyone else before getting bored of that and talking about other things.

"Kaido… we're monsters right?"

"I'm a monster… I don't like other humans... because us Oni were treated like savages.... by the rest of the world… You? Your definitely a monster…. Just like me….."

"This… World isn't made for monsters... we should change that right?"

"Mmm... this war I want... I want it so…. The world will be…. Run by monsters and beasts and pirates alike..."

I'm realizing I'm getting too drunk now, so I don't fall unconscious i superheat my body to get rid of the alcohol building up in me so I can think straight but it makes the area around me get burnt from touching me.

After getting it out of my system I get up and stretch.

"Well Kaido we can talk more after the Fire Festival, enjoy the rest of your drink." I say as I leave him to himself.

"Fuhihihi…. It reminds me of my younger self….. and Xebec too." He says to himself as he drinks more.

As I'm leaving I'm intercepted by none other than Black Maria, "Kaido-sama said that I should treat you as a VIP guest at my establishment, Woman Trouble, I do hope you would come along with me to enjoy yourself." She says as she walks off with a very sexy sway in her hips.

"Ho ho, I think I'm gonna have some fun here tonight, *Maybe if I go through her staff and say I'm not satisfied then she'll have to satisfy me to make up for it*" I say and think to myself as I follow her with a grin.

But she was having her own thoughts on this as well, *Ohh I haven't had the chance to break an Emperor before, oh this will be fun, but I shouldn't underestimate him, but with a bit of smoke here and there I'll make him come to worship me like a goddess! Ooo how exciting after all…*

*I will make you my Woman/Toy!!* (Eagle/Black Maria) we both think as we smile evilly to each other.

Who will win in this battle of the sexes? The Veteran Sex Maniac himself Vargas? Or will the high class Orian of the Beast Pirates Black Maria with the help of her hypnotizing smoke and expert skills break him? Find out next time on OPBF

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