
Time Marches On Finale

Repeatable Mission: In The Marines x4 has been Completed

Objective- have some of your crew infiltrate the Marines and go up the ranks and reach the rank of Lieutenant at the minimum.

Rewards: 1 ultra rare pull x4, 1 Crystal Unit x2, and 1 cross over pull, the crystal units and the crossover pull is because your crew mates, Larissa and Tanya have both reached the rank of Lieutenant Commander in rank due to there phenomenal skill in taking down pirates and upholding 'justice'

More rewards will be given to the user as his crew mates go up the ranks, next rewards are for when crew members go up to become at the bare minimum rank of Captain.

"Nice, finally I'm starting to reap the rewards from there hard work while they earn more prestige and fame in the marines." Immediately I did the 4 Ultra rare summons, hopefully I could get some crew mates better suited for my Blood Eagle Crew.

Purifying Flame Rugahr

Enchanted Armor Barvars

Berserk Ezra

Demoniac Czorag

And as for the crossover unit….. I think I'll just put that off till a later date, as for these summons I'm actually happy as they are all perfect for being members of my Blood Eagle Crew, Barvars the giant golem armor looking guy is a bit questionable for a crew mate but he's a heavy hitter it seems with those two Gatling guns attached to his arms, now let me go over who is specifically crew for my blood Eagle crew.

Sinister Basilisk Kafka



Carmilla & Lilith




& Czorag

Those are the current members of my crew, though there maybe more of them to join in the future probably the crossover character as well but even though it's been a few years since I've summoned Albedo and Shalltear I think I'll wait till sometime later this year to summon someone else into this world from another one.

Luckily it was getting close to night so it was decided that I would check out the new crew members strengths as I went to bed for the night with Carmilla and Lilith as usual with Shalltear and Albedo joining me for the night.



In the frontier what I came upon entering surprised me as both Kafka and Ezra were going all out on each other while Czorag, Barvars, and Rugahr were standing off to the side watching the battle unfold.

"What's going on? Why are they fighting."

"#^*^^+#%}~<>€£#}|##*>%*£" (Barvar)

"… Whats he saying?" I say looking at Czorag and Rugahr.

"I don't speak code so I don't understand him…" (Rugahr)

"I do youngun… but tis code is tange nd not the normal ind of code I'm familiar ith." (Czorag)

I then just rub my head and decide to find something in the inter dimensional shop to see if I could purchase something to take his encoded speech and turning it into an intelligible language.

Luckily there is something that I could use and it wasn't that expensive at a 3 star item that takes spoken code and translates it into the listeners native tongue for them to understand what's being said, so I bought it and placed it on Barvars, it then subsumed the device and the started to speak but in a more deep and guttural mechanical type of voice.

(A/N a mix between Liberty Prime and Optimus Prime for his voice, and yes I'm calling the armor golem he as the name is very masculine for the name he was given)

"A pointless endeavor…. Conclusion: Ally's who fight one another to prove there strengths to see who is strongest…. 89.985% chance that Kafka will win this fight…." Barvars says while also watching this fight unfold, and just like he says Kafka has come out on top, which is pretty obvious since she has had years of training where as Ezra was just summoned to this world.

"Alright that's enough! We have new members to our crew obviously so I want all of us to get along as we will be training with all of us together from now on to get all of your strengths up alright? And Kafka I know you don't like it but you'll need to come out into the main world now because I know you've been able to control yourself after so many years of tempering yourself in here alright?" Kafka didn't originally want to leave the frontier as when she was originally summoned it took me, Owen, Theo, Agress, and Larissa just to hold her down before she could finally calm down, now with about roughly 10 years of trying to control her urges and getting her demons in check she has full control over herself so she can go out into the world without her inner demons controlling her, and once she gets the last Dark Mecha God She can go through her final evolution.

"... If you say so boss…" she says before putting her halberd away, I then go over to Ezra and give her a cure which she just rips out of my hands before downing the contents before getting up and pointing her blade at me with a wild crazy look in her eyes.

"Fight me, I only follow the strong!" She says before launching herself at me with her dual swords, but just like against Kafka it's no contest as I easily dodge and swipe down on her nearly cutting her in half in the process, only holding myself back so that doesn't happen.

And before she could get up I exuded my max pressure from my conquers haki before stomping down on her back, making her cough up blood and holding her in place, "Will you follow my orders now? Or will I have to keep beating you until you do?"

After a bit of struggling she finally calms down, "….. Yes boss." After she says that I place a high cure by her before taking my boot of her back and proceeding towards the virtual battlefield with all the rest, after downing the contents of the high cure she goes and follows after us.



"Finally I've done it! I've finally have all the evolution units needed for me to do my next evolution before I do my final one!" I say all excited like as I receive the last and final evolution piece I needed the elusive Legend stone that is the hardest thing to find, I mean we've found them in the past but it only goes to the ones who have earned it themselves, and I finally earned mine and with this I can go to my next evolution state.

So I decide to go deep into the Isle of Man to do my evolution at a safe distance from everyone else.

(A/N I've never mentioned the size of the Isle of Man before but for size reference it's about roughly the size of Lana'i one of the smaller islands of Hawaii and I do believe that Amazon Lily is roughly 3 to 4 times larger than the main island of Hawaii, so the Isle of Man is very small in comparison.)

Though Albedo, Shalltear, Carmilla, Lilith, Baby 5, Robin, Viola, and both Theo and Florence decided to come with to watch and or well heal anyone who gets injured in the process of being near ground zero.

"Alright let's do this!" I shout as I clap my hands and start my evolution with all the units energy's merging with my body and with a massive explosion that devestates the area I finally transform to my new state of being.

Holy Flame Vargas -> Flame Legend Vargas

Though something was a bit different from before, I didn't instantly have my armor on instead my top was missing has some runic markings covered my body covering me in these weird lines that gave me a strange futuristic kind of look.

(A/N it's a reference to Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne, similar how the main protagonist of that game had those markings covering him.)

"How strange, it feels like my flames are coursing through these markings, well I guess I could go shirtless and still have some bit of defense on…. Now time to devour all the Fire Crystal units I've been saving up." Unlike the original Vargas I have a much higher level cap than him, his was around 150 or something where as mine is around level 400, so I hope these 50 Flame Crystal units I've been saving up are enough to max me out right after evolving.

Soon after a massive wave of heat energy envelops me as all the Flame Crystal units merge with my body making my powers sky rocket as my levels rapidly increase all the way up to the late 300's before slowing down and just barely maxing me out at level 400 making me ready for my next evolution, but I need a fire Devil fruit to complete my transformation.

Though I do have a flame Devil fruit growing in the orchard, but Owen earned that one so it's gonna be used for his evolution, and that's probably for the best to let him test it out first, I don't suddenly want to be unable to swim or have my fire powers be useless from getting seastone shackles put on me after all so I'm gonna just have to find another way to get one for myself and I have a few ideas how to get one for myself.

Though as I was thinking this luckily Albedo and Shalltear were able to protect them all from the massive explosion from both my evolution and my rapid leveling up as well.

Though after seeing my new looks Albedo started drooling and soon ran up on me and tackled me to the ground while she kept feeling up my toned abs and hard chest.

"Albedo…. This isn't the best time for doing this you know?" But she's not listening as she's all over me, I wouldn't mind usually but with Theo watching I can't exactly get turned on, but since I'm stronger now I think I can use this form again without severely injuring myself.

"….. Kagutsuchi…" I say as my skin becomes flackery's like charcoal and a wooden mask covers my face as 6 flaming arms appear out from my back that then pull Albedo off me and hold her back while I dust myself off and get all the cracks out of my neck and back.

"So this is the Kagutsuchi form that Perona and Baby 5 were talking about back then? Hmmm it does look cool after all." Robin says as she circles around me to get a better look at my Fire God Kagutsuchi form that I was in.

"Yeah it's extremely powerful, but it's very taxing, I could stay in this form and if I'm doing nothing I think I can handle an hour, in a fight probably only like 30 minutes maybe? And if I'm going all out maybe even less than that." I say before turning to Albedo who I'm using several of my arms to hold back.

"Albedo… Sit." I say as I use a max pressure wave of Conquers Haki to force her to sit down.

But I think that just turned her on even more as she was just panting and looking at me with Hearts in her eyes, "Yes Hooooonnnney."

I just shake my head as I try to get used to this form of mine, surprisingly it's not that hard to use these extra arms of mine and that they can channel flame energy into them to form flame blades on all six of my extra arms while I use both hands on my katana form of Dandelga.

"Hmmm I guess it's very easy to take on multiple enemies in this form it seems." I test out a couple other things as well, my speed, reaction time, strength, everything has increased exponentially in this form, but like I said earlier I can't really hold this form for that long so I return to just my Flame Legend form which is even more stronger than my previous Holy Flame form, I feel even though Katakuri is stronger than he was before that I could fight him and win, and with him helping me increase my observation Haki these past few years it would be even easier to fight him and take him down, though that remains to be seen as I said he has exponentially gotten stronger over the years going all out with his training compared to the rest of his family who for the past while have been slacking in there training, besides my girls, Cracker and Pudding the rest are training more when they feel like it rather than just doing it to constantly get stronger.

Later after getting cleaned up and back into some casual wear I decide to check up on Noel and Dessit on how Pluton and Uranus are coming along.

"Boss! You won't believe it, I think I've found an alternative energy source for both Pluton and Uranus to operate, originally they both had massive energy sources that powered there systems, but that technology was no longer feasible to make now as it is impossible to even find those materials in the world, and like you said before that those materials are available to buy in the store but the cost is too great for us to afford with everything we currently have available to use as money to buy them, so I figured out how the energy source worked originally and it's extremely similar to using Fusion energy to power there systems, albeit at a much stronger rate than fusion, but with fusion will be able to achieve somewhere between 90 to 95% of both of there original counter parts." He says as he goes on and on as he shows me the current bare bones frames of both the ship Pluton and the Giant Energy cannon that will be attached to it Uranus, though clearly they were still just in there bare bones state after all, but if what he says is true that he's found a much more easier way to power them with a much more affordable materials that can be purchased then why not use it.

"Good Job Noel, with this in only a few years time will have our own ancient weapons built instead of the estimated decades you said back at the beginning of this project, so keep at it Noel, anyway that can make it easier to build these weapons without risking them either breaking apart or not working properly that will be for the best."

"You got it boss! Now if you'll excuse me I have some more tests I need to run." He says as he leaves to go back to his station to look over his notes.

I saw Dessit but she seemed busy with trying to put them together, so not wanting to break her concentration I left her do her job.

After all of that I just realized that I had some notifications that I got from the system thanks to my recent evolution.

Current number of gates host can now make 4 -> 16, when host reaches final evolution host will be able to open gates anywhere in the world you previously have visited.

Host can now put gates on portable objects for others connected to the frontier to use where ever they go so they have an easy way to get back home.

Host can now once a day summon a massive gate to send very large objects and multiple people through at a time, Gate stays open only for 5 minutes, though sacrificing Metal units increases that time a bit to keep it open longer.

Host can summon 4 crossover units within a years time now.

Notice: Gran Tesoro has been completed, host should get in contact with Gild Tesoro soon to congratulate him and start to reap the benefits to get a constant flow of money coming in.

Quest S.M.I.L.E Start!

Objective: go to Punk Hazard in the new world and bring your best scientist with you to help out in the SMILE project.

Rewards: depends on the skill of your scientist and how well they do in the PunkHazard facility.

I was looking over all of my notifications and received this mission as I got back to my office where Carmilla and Lilith were there both doing paperwork and making me coffee as I took my seat as one started to massage my shoulders as I relaxed in between sips of coffee, "So Gild has finally made that dream entertainment ship, probably should give him a call soon to congratulate him…. Though how am I going to go about this quest that I need Noel to do for me in Punk Hazard….."

*pururururu purururururu Click*

"….. What do you want?"

"Oh nothing much, I was wondering since we're now family and all with you marrying my little sister that we should have a little business deal, so what do you say? Want to work together as partners once again?" (Doflamingo)

"….. I'm listening."

"Have you heard of what's going on in Punk Hazard…."

I just grin, *I think I just found my way into Punk Hazard now.*

End of the 4 year Time Skip Arc. And Now Beginning the Punk Hazard Arc.

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