
Elbaf Polyglyph & Heading Home

As we left the village we began head up the mountain, though we weren't prepared that the mountains would be freezing cold.

It was summer time and there was only snow at the peak but even as we went up the mountain it was still extremely cold, well for everyone besides me and Owen since we were just walking flames that if we walked around naked in subzero weather we would be fine.

So everyone huddled up close to us since we were walking heaters after all.

I then realize it's not the best idea for us to be all huddled up together so I opened up the multiverse shop and grabbed everyone some warmer clothes to wear.

Good thing I did to because not long after as we were just starting to get into the snowy part of the mountains giant balls of snow started to tumble down the mountain side towards us.

Both me and Owen then get in front of everyone sending waves of flames at the giant snowballs melting them.

But it was actually huge boulders that made the center of the giant snow balls that both me and Owen had to hold back with are arms.

Seeing us struggle a bit both Robin and Hancock Teamed up and stoped more of the snow boulders by either stopping them completely (Robin) or kicking them apart with brute force. (Hancock)

"THIS SHIT IS STARTING TO PISS ME OFF!!!" I say as I start to rapidly spam flaming fists at them breaking them apart at such speed that whoever is actually throwing them at us can't keep up.

I finally see that there are these giant… Yeti's? That are chucking them at us from the ridge above us.


"What?! Are you serious?! Won't that just-"


He just grimaces before he pulls out his revolver and starts to shoot it up towards the ridge at the Yeti's.

They were easily able to defend from the shot, but the shots weren't the important part…


The sound of the loud ass gunshots were all that mattered as it started an avalanche of snow coming straight to both the yetis and us.

The yetis seeing what was happening tried to flee but ultimately got taken down by onslaught of snow and ice.

Both me and Owen had to push our flames to the max just to part the sea of snow that was starting to wash right over us.

After roughly 20 minutes or so the avalanche finally came to an end.

"Huuu… is everyone alright?"

"I-I'm f-freezing w-wet now Captain…." (Mikita)

"M-me t-too" (Visha)

I just shake my head and heat them up getting rid of the cold water covering them and drying there clothes.

The others were wet but weren't really complaining but I just dried them all off anyway.

"Alright let's see if our 'friends' are still alive." I say with a rather pissed off look as we kept on going up the mountain.

Not long later we came a few large piles of snow that done erupted into huge giant yetis.

"HUMANS! You no welcome here! This is our lands! Leave!" One of the yetis, probably the leader of this group, yelled at us.

"We were just-" (Robin)

"NO! You leave now! OR FACE OUR WRATH!" They said as the began to pound at there chests.

"Robin if we could do this peacefully we would but if it's a fight that they want, then it's a fight they will get, Everyone! Take them down!"

"Try not to kill them ok?" (Robin)

"Will try lass but they don't seem to want to go down easily." (Owen)

Now it was us versus 3 giant Yetis up here on this snowy mountain, me and Owen focused on the middle one who looked like there leader.

While, the Boa sisters, Robin, Tanya and Visha handled the one on the right.

And the Doflamingo girls, the Alabasta team with Perona, Theo and Florence handled the one on the left.

You'd think this would be easy, well for me and Owen it wasn't that big an issue but for the others…. Well….

Hancock's love love power didn't work on them because well, it seems they don't find her attractive as it only works on those that lust after her.

Her sisters couldn't even use there snake forms as they become cold blooded which isn't a good pairing with ice cold weather.

Tanya and Visha were more or less just pissing there yeti off by shooting it with gun fire, they would keep going for it's eyes but it was smart enough to just block it with its hands and it's thick fur kept most of the projectile damage out.

Robin was the only one that was truly hurting it as she kept thrashing it about and slamming it into the ground but if avalanches couldn't kill them or even knock them out it would take awhile without some extra help to take there's down.

The others weren't fairing any better, you'd think sugar's ability to turn things into toys just by touching them would make it a cake walk…. Well the thing is even when she got to touch it, it didn't work but when she went for some exposed skin such as the bottom of its hands it instinctively dodged away but no matter how she tried it wouldn't let her touch its hands.

Monet is well… snow user so… yeah…

Just like Tanya and Visha, Gem and Baby 5 weren't doing that well with damaging there's as well even though they have a bit more omph but still aren't doing enough damage.

Zala's attacks were working but were leaving more like surface level damage.

Mikita, Perona and Viola were the ones pulling through on there end, Mikita launching herself and pummeling him, Viola with her flaming tear attack and Perona making him sluggish from feeling depressed.

Theo and Florence were more or less playing support and healing anyone who was getting hurt while fighting them.

"Robin! Mikita! Pass pass pass!" I say as I grab mine by the ankle and use all my strength to spin him around and around.

Mikita just grins and leaps into the air before using some of Gems explosions to send her flying straight into his gut and straight to me while Robin crates a giant hand to throws her's at mine.

I then help collide them all together knocking them all down the mountain turning all 3 of them into giant snow balls heading further down the mountain.

"Did we beat them?" (Mikita)

"No… we just slowed them down for now, cmon we need to get to the top, the compass is pointing up there so let's go!"

Everyone nods in agreement and we all start to go up the mountain as fast as we can.

About an hour later we reached the peak to see the Polyglyph covered in both snow and ice.

"Let's get a fire going, some of it is unreadable with all of the ice." I say as I pull out some torches and light them up.

"Why don't you use your flames to melt it all?" (Perona)

"I could but there's a chance I damage the Polyglyph and make it unreadable, plus that's even more likely with something frozen suddenly heating up rapidly…"

"Isn't that only with glass?" (Tanya)

"... even so I could possibly melt the Polyglyph if I super heat it so it's better just to use normal fires to melt the ice…"

Everyone just looks at each other and just shrugged as they took there torches and started to melt the ice while Robin took notes and when fully shown off I would use the cane feature to take pictures of each side that is fully shown.


"Well looks like will need to wrap this up fast then!" I say as I take pictures of all the sides of it as we just got them all exposed.

As I finish the Yetis appear behind us completely enraged and attacking us.

"Robin! Can I just go all out now?! I don't think we can be friends with them or get out of this PEACEFULLY!" I say as I fight them off and smashing them into each other.

"Just chuck them down the other side of the mountain!" (Robin) she really didn't want us to kill them for some reason.

"UGH FINE!" If it's something my woman doesn't want to happen so be it, so I just smash them into each other and send them off the sides of the mountain away from where we came.

"We have to get down the mountain fast!" Then I pull out a bunch of snowboards, "But let's do it the fun way!" I say as I hop on my snowboard and head straight down the mountain.

"WOOOHOOOO!!!" Mikita, Sugar, Baby 5 and Perona all shouted excitedly as they snowboarded down the mountain.

The rest looked at each other and just hop on there snowboards and following after all of us.



After we reached the bottom of the mountain we all ran back towards the village meeting Gerd and Hajrudin who were watching over Nami and Nojiko while we went up into the mountains.

"So….. there are Yeti's up in the mountains…. Are they friends with any of you giants down around here?"

"Yeti's! Aw man! Why didn't you let us come with!" Both Nami and Nojiko were upset that we didn't bring them.

"They weren't exactly friendly girls…"

"Yeti's? Yeah they're there own tribe compared to us giants so if you did anything to them we wouldn't mind really, we're not on the best of terms with them as they claim that all the mountains are there territory after all." (Gerd)

"So if you killed any of them somehow we wouldn't really care…" (Hajrudin)

"See Robin? Even I knew that they wouldn't care either, there not endangered or something right?"

"Not really, anywhere that there's snowy mountains in the world there's at least one group of Yeti's living up there." (Gerd)

"…. I just don't like killing things if we can help it…." (Robin)

I just smile and shake my head, "That's one of your good point about you, you have a heart of gold, but we got what we came for, we can study up on it more when we get back home."

"You guys heading back off to your homes so soon?" (Gerd)

"Yeah we originally came here for the Polyglyph and that's really it, though we did like to see how you guys lived your lives here but we have done what we came here to do so it's best we be on our way."

"Well it was nice to meet you, your welcome to come back to Elbaf anytime you want." (Gerd)

"We will, and thank you for taking care of the kids while we were up there." We all thank them and start to head back to our ship.

As we began to set off everyone started to wave goodbye to us even Loki was waving us off with everyone else as we waved back until we couldn't see them anymore as we headed north following the same path we took here back home.

"Well this world is really interesting right Tanya?" (Visha)

"Hmmm, compared to our old one this world is much more interesting, and besides the occasional mission and training I get to relax as much as I want! Much more than I could back in our old world! And bonus we live on a tropical island even so we can just sit outside and relax whenever we want." (Tanya)

"Though I will say this, after you two go through your first evolution I have a special mission for you two while you work under Larissa, but I'll explain it when you both are stronger alright?"

"Yes Sir!" (Tanya & Visha)

"Alright Nami! Take us home!"

"Yes Captain!" (Nami)

After that everyone goes off to do there own things while I go to Robin's study and hand her the pictures that I made of each side of the Polyglyph.

"What we're you able to skim through from the one side of the Polyglyph that you saw?"

"Hmmm…. As far as I can tell it talks about how the Giants were allied with the fallen kingdom that the ancestors of the Celestial Dragons had defeated, just like Jarul said, but it also says that many other tribes were allied with the Fallen Kingdom as it was just the 20 Vassal Kingdoms that overthrew the old one but it was them against all the tribes, Long legs, Long arms, three eyes, giants, ancient giants, Oni, minks, every tribe was on there side, even some I think have been lost to time like the…. Lunarians, they pop up a lot it seems they were the closest ally of the fallen kingdom it might be the reason why they no longer exist…." (Robin)

"Anything about Hades? If that still exists there's a chance that if anyone gets close to changing the world they could pull that thing out and bring everyone to heel in fear of death…."

"So far no, but there might be more info on these other sides of the Polyglyph but I need to look into it more…"

"Well take your time we have a few days till we get home and even if your not done by then I still have to do something's after we get back…."

"Like what?"

"Oh nothing much…. Just challenging Mihawk to a duel…"

".... We'll good luck, just try not to get too hurt." She says as she shakes her head before going back to studying the Polyglyph.

"Yeah…. Me too…" I say as I leave her to her work.

*Whatever this Hades is… we need to think of counter measures against it…. When we get home I'm gonna talk with Noel and Dessit on making something that can counter even Hades… if that is possible…*

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