
new teacher

ryu:so let me get this, you are a top huntress ,were on a mission to stop someone from becoming some hight quality dog food, but

from your story that one is you, right.

summer :yes (making a sad face),while holding snow.

ryu:and by any chance are the one who did this

,ryu takes out a money paper with (summer rose was here xoxo),and said, it's beautiful work

what do you think.

summer:ofcourse am the one who made it (smag face).

ryu:so you were the one who bernd 4.5m lien,

and destroyed the dust catrg.

summer:no that was not me( look of disbelief).

ryu :you know from year ago hunters who enter this forest started to give me there money/weapons/dust so that some gluttonous cat will not eat them, but you lady just let it on fire, defiance do you have something to say.

summer:but I didn't want to it was just an accident.

ryu: yes so will not end in someone stomach,but for the next year you will be my teacher in seyth

and how to use them ,for two resonance, first I like your style, second the people who wants you dead, or you can give me the money 10m line ,what do you think it's great idea,what do you want to choose.

summer: okay this is for the safety of my family and from the way you speak if I gave you the money you will never let me stay.


summer:okay I will be your teacher but I have two conversations, first chocolate cookie for breakfast and you have to bake it your self ,and I can hug snow while sleeping.

ryu:I don't mind about the cookie but snow, while he seems to like being hugged by you.

summer:can you show me your weapon.

ryu:one second.

ryu:(alice)....(Alice are you there).

alice:(so you Finley remembered me after two years of not saying a word to me..now what do you want).

ryu:(I Know what is the second weapon form, make it a transformer weapon that can become seyth and a kusarigama and make the seyth like the unmaker seyth for world of war craft and for the kusarigama make it the blood repar from shadow fight three)

alice : ( complete to summon the weapon in any of these forms just put your arm in front of your body and say the name of the said form).

ryu moved his right hand and called in his seyth,ryu start to move the unmaker in circles .

summer:🤩🤩...that is a cool weapon how did you make it, she said while pointing at the blood red seyth.

ryu:quite easy by using two magic guns can one shot any grim and my Semblance which is blood control.

summer:okay don't tell it's not like I want to know but believe me you will be broken after one year of summer muahahahhahahaha 😈😈.

ryu:okay but why evil laugh.

summer:I just wanted to do it, you can go with the flow can you.

both of them begin to laugh madly.

ryu:no it's wired.


summer:did you just say that you teacher is wired how dair you.

ryu:you are not my teacher.


summer :no it's what I have desieded for this very moment I summer rose will be your teacher

believe it.

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