
Alea's decision

Since her return from the pharmacy, Alea still curses her stupidity.

Who wants to marry Erwin and can love him even though Alea's heart says no.

"God, please help me," Alea pleaded in her heart.

Asking for almighty help, after what he can afford, and ending in anxiety.

Alea's cell phone rang, a message from Erwin came in asking what she was doing.

Alea only answered as needed, and there was nothing that Alea wanted to discuss with Erwin anyway, even though there was Alea was very lazy to talk to the man.

Now Alea plopped down on her bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking about her wedding.

"Would you be okay if you said Erwin wasn't what you expected?" he muttered to himself.

Alea ruffled her hair, feeling exasperated with her brain not moving quickly to find a solution.

Feeling asleep, not finding any ideas and things, Alea woke up again. Now she walked to her closet and pulled out a small drawer containing a photo of a man Alea had been waiting for all this time.

The man wearing a beach shirt looks smiling while putting on his relaxed style.

Adding to Herdy's handsomeness, "Her home, I need you," Alea whispered sadly.

Her heart screamed, crying because she had to marry a man she didn't love at all. "I might forget you forever. Hurry home and marry me," Alea muttered back.

There was a knock on the door of Alea's room. Alea immediately wiped her tears that accidentally fell.

Alea quickly re-entered Herdy's photo and immediately opened her bedroom door.

"Dad..." Erin said.

His father smiled, "Can you come in?" he asked.

Alea then opened the door wide, so her father could enter then Alea pushed her wheelchair.

"What are you talking about, dad?" asked Alea when she was sitting on the edge of the bed.

The older man seemed to sigh softly, looking hard to open his voice.

"I want to message you one more time, Ms. Don't let you disappoint Erwin. Accept him as you are because Mas Erwin accepts you as you are," Alea's father paused for a moment. Because his breath felt heavy when he spoke.

"Love can come if you can be together, the most important thing is that you want to open your heart and accept it," he continued later.

Alesa could only be silent. Everything her father said was not wrong.

Everything is true, "Lea's sorry, Dad. Lea still can't accept Mas Erwin because she's still waiting for someone," he said slowly.

Alea was only able to lower her head, unable to see her father's face.

Alea is afraid that if her father is disappointed in her, Alea can't defend Herdy.

"Nduk, if the person you've been waiting for hasn't come yet. You'd better forget it, and a serious man won't delay in proposing to his woman," Alea's father's words felt very piercing to the heart of his heart.

Not the least bit wrong, very trustworthy and accurate, and it's a fact if Herdy was serious about him, maybe the man had proposed to her and came home to meet his father.

There was silence for a moment, then Alea looked up at her father, who was smiling.

"Alea will open her heart to Mas Erwin, Dad." There's nothing else for Alea to worry about.

Erwin may indeed be his actual soul mate, and it makes Alea's father happy and happy to hear the princess's words, who is willing to accept Erwin by his side.

"I hope you are happy, forget the things that are not serious to you, Nduk," Alea's father said goodbye.

After advising her daughter, from yesterday, Alea's behavior had indeed been read by her.

Therefore the man immediately advised him, not wanting his daughter to continue to hope for the uncertain her never even show the bridge of her nose in front

While Alea could only cry bitterly, hopes of marrying the man of her choice had to fail and disappear.

But how else, Herdy had revoked and did not reappear after years of being gone.


Early in the morning, Erwin had come to Alea's house, carrying a basket of fresh fruits.

"Good morning, Dad," Erwin greeted, then shook his hand.

"Wow, thank you, son, for coming early in the morning," said Alea's father.

Erwin just smiled. Today is his future father-in-law's blood sugar control schedule.

"Where's Leah Yah?" Erwin asked when he didn't see Alea's figure by his father's side.

"He's inside to get water. He'll be here soon. There he is," Alea's figure appeared and immediately locked the door.

"Uh, there's Mas Erwin," said Alea.

It's a little strange actually if you have to start liking Erwin, "Slow down, don't be in a hurry," said Erwin.

Alea grimaced a little, and it was self-evident that her face was trying to force something.

"Let's go," Alea's father became a savior for Alea who was clumsy.

Erwin took over the wheelchair and pushed.

Yes, while Alea only followed Erwin from behind.

"Dad, just sits in the back so that you can be in front with Mas Erwin," said the father.

Alea just nodded obediently. It was impossible to refuse her father's request.

Erwin rubbed Alea's shoulder gently, "If your mind, you can go behind it," he whispered so that his future in-laws wouldn't hear.

"I'm okay, Mas, don't worry," he replied.

Erwin felt relieved if Alea didn't mind at all, thankfully for him to see Alea from a close distance.

The car that Erwin was driving drove along the road to the biggest hospital in the city.

Along the way, Erwin tried to have a light chat. Alea also replied by asking this, and it made the parents behind him calm down.

"It's going to be a while, Dad. You wait outside. You don't have to come inside," Alea's father asked.

"Okay, Dad." Alea and Erwin replied in unison.

After arriving at the hospital and Alea's father entered the room, Erwin sat beside Alea.

Until the distance is only a few centimeters, side-by-side can be counted on the fingers.

"Are you thirsty?" Erwin asked.

Alea shook her head slowly, "I brought a drink, Mas," he said.

Erwin chuckled softly, feeling ridiculous. Didn't his future father-in-law say that Alea was taking drinking water?

Erwin scratched the back of his neck that didn't itch, trying to relieve the embarrassment that suddenly assaulted him.

"Mas Erwin thirsty?" now Alea asked back.

"Y-y-yes," he said nervously.

Alea handed her the water bottle, then Erwin reached it and opened it because of his embarrassment.

Erwin swigged the water until the water in the bottle was immediately flushed.

"Mas, finish it, sorry." Sigh.

Alea just smiled a little, amused by Erwin's silly behavior.

"It's okay, Mas, later if I'm thirsty, I just buy it," he explained.

Erwin felt terrible about it, "Can you just buy it?" bargain.

Alea shook her head earnestly if she was okay.

"Sorry again," Erwin regretted while holding Alea's hand.

The door of the room opened suddenly. The figure of Alea's father came out of the room, "The doctor called the guardian," said the nurse pushing her wheelchair out.

Alea immediately entered, leaving Erwin and his father, who had just been checked.

"Morning, Doc," said Alea.

"Morning... Mr. Hamzah's guardian?" asked the doctor.

"Yes, Doc," said Alea tensely.

The doctor who checked Hamzah's condition immediately told him that his father's blood sugar pressure was rising.

Even though drugs and insulin continue to be used to suppress high blood sugar, that's not the only trigger.

It was the thoughts that made Alea's father even more confused, "Thanks, Doc, for the advice," said Alea.

"Take a look at their diet together, okay?" he advised.

Alea immediately left the doctor's room. The retina of her eyes caught the figure of her father laughing with Erwin.

Maybe it's time to decide to choose Erwin, and I hope he makes the right decision and doesn't make Alea regret it someday.

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