
Rui Day 2

The second day started off with Qin's army on the left battlefield under General Ou Sen (40,000) facing off with Wei General Kyou En (40,000).

At first, both armies had fought were an equal match for each other, but thanks to Kyou En using his bow to send signals to direct his men, he was able to slowly gain a slight edge on Ou Sen, and started pushing the Qin forces back!

While Ou Sen and Kyou En fought on the left, over on the right flank, Qin General Kan Ki (35,000) faced off against Wei General Kai Shi Bou (40,000).

In the center, Wei General Rin Ko (40,000) was having a staring contest with Mou Gou's main force guarding the center. Mou Gou having suffered a slight defeat had pulled 5,000 troops from Kan Ki men and moved them to the center to help replace their losses.

*Day 4 since the start of the battle*

On the right battlefield, Kan Ki had spread out his troops and had been hitting the Wei forces in a hit and run tactic using gorilla warfare against them! not facing Wei directly he kept luring away parts of the Wei forces and then ambushing them, his men spread out around the area had been intercepting the supplies sent to the wei forces on the right flank.

Wei General Kai Shi Bou soldiers were slowly being picked off, they lacked water and food resulting in lower morale amongst the men, to make matters worse, Kan Ki kept sending them back the severed parts of the troops who chased after his troops and got ambushed. They kept finding carts on the edge of their camps filled with the mutilated body parts from their dead men.

Kan Ki was doing so well against Kai Shi Bou that Wei decided to replace him with General Gen Pou the strategist who used the smokescreen against Qin center force.

Gen Pou looked at a map of the local area, and after listening to reports had a good idea where Kan Ki had positioned his army's headquarters! with Kan Ki men spread out all over, they would be too far away from their headquarters if Wei rushed there.

Gen Pou ordered Kai Shi Bou to take the bulk of their forces and overrun Kan Ki headquarters! soon he started hearing reports about the success of their advance when suddenly a new group of messengers arrived and updated them on the situation.

Gen Pou noticed that these messengers had blood stains on their armor. Kan Ki being discovered quickly dropped the act and he and his men quickly killed Gen Pou guards. Gen Pou tried to save his own life by recruiting Kan Ki but the old bandit quickly cut off his head and fled the area.

Kan Ki had managed to kill Gen Pou, but his headquarters was being overrun! being away from his men, he couldn't stop the troops spread out around the area from rushing to reinforce the headquarters, they would be arriving piece by piece against a larger force, quickly rushing back he had to save as many as his men as he could. Kan Ki couldn't help cursing the old strategist! despite being dead his troops were still butchering his men.

With the day coming to an end, the Qin center army couldn't help celebrating Kan Ki for avenging them against Gen Pou, they learned that Kan Ki had killed the enemy general but no one knew that Kan Ki force on the right flank had been beaten badly to accomplish this.

*the next morning*

*5th day*

Meng stood with his men watching the center battlefield as both sides moved to get their armies into formation. With Kan Ki's army being mostly destroyed, their right flank was now vulnerable to be attacked, Kai Shi Bou troops could swing his troops from the right battlefield and hit the Mou Gou command center from the flank.

Meng watched as Rin Ko troops that had been having a staring contest with them for the last few days, start to advance towards them. It was clear that Rin Ko hoped to pin down their troops here, inflict enough casualties today so that the next day, Kai Shi Bou troops either hit them from the flank or avoid them and hit their command center to take out Mou Gou.

Meng took his 1,750 mounted archers and rode out to meet them, he harassed the enemy as they advanced. Rin Ko troops slowly advanced at first, but as they neared Qin troops, they started picking up speed and charged!

As both armies were about to clash, Meng pulled his mounted archers off to the side to avoid getting sandwiched between both forces. As the soldiers from both sides clashed, the Gaku Ka Unit charged out from the rest of the Qin forces and made a break for the Wei command center!

As the Gaku Ka Unit neared Rin Ko command center, a part of the Wei forces in reserves moved out to surround the Gaku Ka Unit, Mou Ten seeing the Wei forces moving to surround him decided to ignore it and kept charging! as the Gaku Ka Unit charged into Rin Ko troops they were soon completely surrounded as they Wei troops hit them from behind.

Mou Ten and his men were soon struggling against Rin Ko personal guards, but this was his goal the whole time, he wanted to lure Rin Ko veteran troops away from him and then attempt to cut their numbers down, the Gaku Ka Unit would have to fight the other Wei troops in the area, while also being surrounded and cut off from their allies.

Meng watched as Mou Ten charged with his troops, he thought about joining him, but there were still thousands of troops fighting here, his mounted archers were causing a lot of casualties on the Wei troops as they rode behind them, every so often the enemy cavalry would attempt to engage his troops but he would just lure them away as they chased after him, and he would just skirmish them down.

A group of Wei archers attempted to deal with him, but Meng just simply pulled his troops out of their range. He wanted to charge into them but Wei was keeping a few thousand troops in reserve to protect them. His troops just kept running around behind the Wei forces harassing them with arrows, and occasionally his 1,700 heavy mounted archers would charge into the Wei troops from behind.

Mou Ten and his troops were taking heavy losses but they had also managed to inflict casualties on Rin ko personal guards as well, with his troops close to collapsing he finally signaled the Hi Shin Unit and Gyoku Hou Units!

Both the independent units, upon seeing the signal, pulled their troops away from the fighting and charged towards the Rin Ko command center.

Meng noticed that the Wei troops that were guarding the archers had moved to position themselves in between Shins and Ou Hon charging soldiers and their archers!

Shin and Ou Hon without knowing it, had created an opportunity for Meng to charge into the Wei archers supporting their attack on the Qin center army. While the Wei troops were distracted by Shin and Ou Hon, Meng charged into the archers!

Meng had 1,500 heavy mounted archers left after he charged into 800-foot archers, he was able to take most of them out before Wei realized what had happened and returned to chase them off.

Mou Ten seeing Shin and Ou Hon charging over, ordered his men to retreat, the Wei troops chasing after Mou Ten and their men haven't yet realized that more Qin soldiers were charging over, the bulk of Wei troops guarding Rin Ko's command center were busy chasing after Mou Ten leaving the command center vulnerable!

Meng riding behind the Wei forces took a second to observe Rin Ko command center far away across the plains, he could see that Shin and Ou Hon troops' flags were sitting right outside the command center! he was sure that right now Shin and Ou Ho were dueling Rin Ko right now.

Meng was tempted to go help, but their troops were winning here, with the enemy archers gone, Meng and his men had complete freedom to harass the Wei forces from behind! occasionally his mounted archers would harass a section of Wei troops enough that they would panic and hundred of soldiers would attempt to flee! his men would then chase after them and harass them with arrows before eventually charging them down as they fled.

*Left Battlefield*

While Shin and Ou Hon are dueling Rin Ko on the center battlefield, General Ou Sen troops fighting at the left battlefield were slowly retreating under the constant attacks from Wei General Kyou En.

Kyou En and his men were winning battle after battle against Ou Sen, as they chased after Ou Sen fleeing men, they failed to notice the local terrain, without them realizing it, they had been lured into a "Wei Di".

( Wei Di: a specific type of terrain comprised of a steep entrance, mid-ground surrounded by sharp cliffs, and finally, an extremely narrow exit, excellent terrain for killing the enemy. The attackers can simply unleash arrows from high ground and when the chance arises, rush down to sweep the enemy in one push)

Heki and his men serving under Ou Sen watched as the Wei troops were cut off and harassed by arrows! for the last few days they had lost battle after battle, but now they were slaughtering the trapped Wei troops.

Kyou En having held back a few thousand men, suddenly attacked a section of archers atop the cliffs from behind! they had now created an escape path for their men.

It looked like the Wei troops were going to be able to escape from the Wei Di trap when once again the section of cliff that they had just cleared was closed off once again by troops under Ou Sen.

Now Kyou En was trapped alongside his troops and they were quickly being cut down when once again a section of the cliffs was ambushed from behind by troops under General Ren Pa, once again an escape route had been made for the Wei troops.

Ou Sen, despite having the terrain advantage and inflicting heavy casualties on Kyou En troops, decided to pull back his men, Ren Pa had managed to sneak his troops into the area without him noticing, it was possible that thousand of Wei troops were moving to surround them. The bulk of his forces were still intact and they had managed to inflict a lot of casualties on Kyou En army, Ou Sen was satisfied with this and happily retreated.

Ren Pa and Kyou En combined forces chased after Ou Sen but were forced to stop the attack after Ou Sen retreated his men atop a large hill. Ren Pa and Kyou En were left stunned, without anyone realizing it, Ou Sen had managed to build a large fortress without anybody noticing! even if both forces attacked, they still might not have enough men to take that fortress!

*Center Battlefield*

Meng was successfully harassing the Wei forces from behind, Wei lacking any ranged units in the area were forced to pull 5,000 cavalries away from the fight to deal with him.

Meng and his 1,500 heavy mounted archers simply kited the Wei cavalry away from the battle, firing volley after volley as they fled away from the chasing Wei troops. Eventually, the Wei cavalry lacking any ranged weapons had suffered too many casualties chasing after Meng and his men and stopped chasing after them.

Meng seeing that the Wei troops had stopped chasing them, turned around his troops and had now become the attacker! he ordered his mounted archers to position themselves behind the fleeing troops and on both flanks!

Meng and his men fired volley after volley into the fleeing troops when eventually they had whittled their number down to less than 2,000! sadly they had run out of arrows and Meng decided to pull back his men and stop chasing the fleeing troops.

With so many Wei cavalry having been pulled off from the attack, the loss of their archers, and having been constantly harrassed from behind throughout the whole battle by Mengs troops, found themselves with low morale.

With low morale, Wei lines were struggling to hold and were in danger of falling apart. The Wei troops holding the center of the line, suddenly heard a roar behind them as they fought!

Meng having returned to the battlefield, seeing that Wei's center was thin, decided to charge that weak spot with his men, with his men hitting the center from behind, causing Wei's line in the area to collapse!

Wei's attacking center army suddenly found themselves cut in half! their troops to the right of center, had their morale shattered and quickly fled the battlefield! the left line not receiving any orders from their headquarters thanks to Shin and Ou Hon attack, hesitated to retreat and soon found themselves getting flanked by the Qin forces that now outnumbered in the area.

The Wei troops bravely fought, until eventually, they received the order from Rin Ko to retreat. Rin Ko having fended off the Hi Shin, Gyoku Hou, and Gaku Ka Units were finally free and were shocked to see the state of the battle!

Rin Ko seeing half their army flee and the other half slowly being surrounded, quickly gave the retreat order! he was furious! he had lost a few fingers fighting Shin! and his attacking army had suffered a lot of casualties while he had been distracted.

*Mou Gou Camp*

With the day coming to end, Meng and his 500 men returned to the camp, they had bravely charged into the rear of the Wei forcing holding the center, causing the line to collapse but had suffered a few casualties in return, Meng and his men proudly rode amongst the men as they celebrated their victory today.

Eventually, he ran into Shin, Mou Ten, and Ou Hon. Like him, they had all lost a large number of their men today, they had failed to kill Rin Ko after charging his command center without receiving orders to do so, and were now moping around the camp killing the mood.

Meng hoping to cheer them up, walked up to them carrying a large jar of wine, he kept thanking them for keeping Rin Ko distracted long enough for the center army to inflict heavy casualties on the attacking Wei forces.

Meng managed to cheer up Shin after he mentioned how one of his men said how close he was to killing Rin Ko in a duel! and how Shin managed to cut off a few of Rin Ko's fingers!

With the day coming to an end, the results of today's battle were:

Qins center battlefield ended with Qin able to claim victory having inflicted many casualties on the attacking Wei troops. They are at risk of being hit in both flanks from the troops on left and right battlefields.

The right battlefield, was mostly quiet, with a few of Kan Ki's men slowing down the Wei troops, Wei could claim victory on the right battlefield despite having lost a general, their troops are mostly free to move around the area but still at risk to falling to small ambushed from Kan ki's few troops. Threatening to attack Mou Gou right flank.

On the left battlefield, Ou Sen had managed to inflict heavy casualties on Wei troops but he is now stuck and isolated while defending from inside his fortress, while Wei is free to move around the area unhindered, posing a risk to Mou Gou left flank. the situation could be considered a draw.

Thanks for reading and I hoped you guys enjoyed the chapter, I've been a bit busy lately and last few chapters I haven't proofed read as much as I would have liked.

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