
Royal Capital Kanyou

The mountain tribes, marched down the mountain and out onto the plains heading towards Kanyou, Zheng and Yo Tan Wa had three thousand mounted warriors, Shoubunkun had managed to gather a few hundred men scattered after their escape.

If they had more time Yo Tan Wa could finish unifying the mountain tribes and would have around ten thousand warriors but it would take a few months. Sadly they couldn't wait that long.

With the three thousand, they planned on marching up to Kanyou city gates and requesting permission to enter, they would use the excuse of seeking an alliance to meet with the Seikyou and Chancellor Ketsu.

They now stood outside Kanyou dressed as mountain tribesman waiting on the response from the city officials.

Before long the city gates opened and in marched Zheng and Yo Tan Wa with three thousand warriors behind them.

It didn't take long for the warriors to march through the city and appear outside the royal palace located deep within the city. Next, they had to select fifty people to enter the royal palace to meet with seikyou and the chancellor. They would send 10 Qin soldiers and forty mountain tribe warriors.

Unforchently for Meng, his previous act of bravery must have been taken seriously, for Zheng had chosen him as one of the ten Qin soldiers to enter! now a three hundred man commander (in name only at moment) he couldn't refuse and had to enter.

The royal palace had at least a thousand guards inside it, the fifty soldiers entering the inner palace would be heavily outnumbered, if they weren't fast enough once the fighting broke out, enemy soldiers stationed all over the inner palace would swiftly converge on them and that would be it.

The three thousand men outside the royal palace would be stuck outside and would have to stop any more troops from entering. Seikyou had around eighty thousand men stationed inside Kanyou and it wouldn't take them long to rush to the royal palace from all over the city.

Meng much preferred to stay outside the royal palace, he would at least have a chance to hide amongst the people if the battle took a turn for the worst, inside the royal palace he was trapped behind many layers of wall, and even if he tried to run he would first have to get past them and then try to escape past the men outside the palace. By then it would have likely long been surrounded.

The fifty men entered the royal palace and slowly marched their way past the outer walls, soon the Crimson Turtle Gate located about halfway to the royal palace was in front of them, here they were asked to disarm before they would be escorted any further.

With no other choice, they quickly attacked! their 50 men attacked a hundred men that were stationed at the Crimson Turtle Gate.

Meng with no choice but to fight, quickly started firing his bow, letting the other warriors rush ahead first. He knew they had to get the crimson gate open as soon as possible so he told Shin to climb the walls and open it from the other side.

Thanks to him and Ten (who snuck in with them) they were able to cover Shin as he climbed over the wall. Meng could hear Shin fighting many opponents on the other side.

He had thought about taking Shins' role and doing this himself but was glad he didn't or he would be the one on the other side fighting multiple opponents.

With the gates open thanks to Shin, they all quickly rushed inside, they had almost managed to catch the chancellor after storming in! but unfortunately, they were stopped by Shi with fresh troops from the royal palace, he had brought another hundred men just in case something happened, saving the chancellor in the process.

Zheng and Queen Yo Tan Wa, decided that they would stay outside to distract the enemy, Zheng's brother would want him dead and he would make sure to send troops to wherever Zheng was located. If they were lucky, their brother would shift troops to fight Zheng leaving himself vulnerable.

They would send Tajifu and nine others! to break off from them and head around through the right dragon corridor, Heki knows the maze-like path and would be going with to lead them through.

Zheng sent him along to the throne room, Ten having snuck along also joins them.

Soon after the group left, Zheng and the mountain tribe warriors left outside started to get shot by crossbowmen, thanks to the brave efforts of a few mountain tribesmen they manage to wipe them out.

The group inside had managed to get close to the throne room but are stopped by a large group of men! led under an assassin named Saji.

Shin and the mountain tribesmen charge the enemy! while Ten and Meng fire from farther back, picking off a few men one after another.

Outside, Zheng fights bravely, but they fail to stop messengers from calling for help, soon more soldiers will be on the way.

The fight inside is going well with the tribesmen, Meng and Ten killing many men.

Seji enraged! kills a few tribesmen, Heki is afraid of Seji strength after he easily kills the tribesmen, and can only watch as Shin fights the assassin.

Shin almost dies a few times but Heki takes a hit to save him, seeing Shin fighting the assassin alone his pride wouldn't allow him to just stand there and just watch.

Enraged thinking that Heki died, Shin ends the fight quickly against the assassin! while the rest of us clear up the remaining soldiers.

We now have nothing stopping us from entering the throne room, but everyone is wounded except for me and Ten.

Outside, the battle was going well, until a mounted Gikou brings more men and attack Zheng!

Enraged! Shoubunkun displays his old skills! and holds off against a mounted Gikou! even with a horse, Gikou is unable to kill the old warrior and is unable to fight Zheng.

The mountain tribesmen are struggling to hold off against the new enemies, until Zheng rallies the Qin soldiers, not going to be outdone, they soon rally themselves and fight even harder, still, the battle is tough! and they are all slowly being worn out and cut down.

Inside, the group reaches the throne room, Meng takes this chance to spread the assassin's poison on his arrows.

He knows that Ranka is inside. Upon entering the throne room, seikyou was about to start a speech to distract them! but Meng quickly shoots two arrows! one hitting seikyou! and the other the chancellor! due to being coated with poison, he knows that it's enough to kill the pair.

The two groups in the room can only awkwardly stare at each other.

They had all rushed here to kill seikyou and the chancellor and it had ended just like that.

Meng is the only one unfazed. Quickly he aims towards the ceiling! and quickly shoots Ranka as he's about to jump down to attack!

Even though Seikyou is dead Ranka was ordered to ambush the group here, having been trained to always listen to Seikyou's orders, he attacks the group!

Ranka was enraged by Meng's sneak attack! he quickly jumps down amongst the group and knocks out Shin! then kills a few tribesmen! he then rushes towards Meng to get his revenge.

To the others, Meng appears to be bravely dodging all of Ranka's attacks! but is in fact, secretly screaming inside! and pleading towards Bajio in his mind, for him to come and save him.

Meng cant believe that Ranka is still able to fight, he had tested the assassin's poison already, and it is more than enough to kill an average person many times over! he's already shot Ranka with multiple arrows!

Ranka enraged and close to death, due to the poison, attempts to suicide with Meng! in one final attack, he barely misses Meng! only able to land a small blow, that barely scratches him on the shoulder.

Meng barely managed to dodge Ranka's last attack, to his surprise! Ranka's attack, even though it's basically just a scratch! still causes a spray of blood to pour from Meng's body!

Inside his mind, the time has slowed down, and he thinks that if this was a game, then Ranka's attacks, would all have insane RNG! (Random Number Generator).

(he's just thinking fast, not a superpower)

It's as if all his attacks, roll a natural twenty, every time he lands a hit! Meng being a mob, doesn't want to think about what would have happened if Ranka's full attack would have landed, instead of just scratching him.

Less than a second after Ranka attack fails, Meng can see that Ranka has died, while still standing on his feet! his body yet to start falling.

He quickly moves to slice Ranka's neck before the others notice!

To the others, Meng has just casually dodged all of Ranka's attack and in one final moment exchanged blows with Ranka! in the end, a fountain of blood sprays from Meng's shoulder! and Ranka's neck! with Meng ultimately being the last one standing!

Meng is shocked, if his health was at 20 HP at full health then Ranka's one scratch just did 12 HP of damage on him! a scratch!!! once again he believed that it was impossible for mobs to fight against strong generals from this era! they are all too OP!

Trying to look cool and relaxed, he makes his way towards seikyou and the chancellor's bodies, he cuts off their heads including Ranka's, and the group quickly leaves to meet up with Zheng. The fight ends with Bajio never having fought Ranka.

Zheng and Yo Tan Wa outside are heavily outnumbered and close to being overrun and wiped out. When out of nowhere Ou Ki comes with fresh troops and kills Gikou as if he was nothing!

Ou ki has the strength and army ends the fight, with the outcome of the battle in his hands he decides to test the young Zheng, if he likes the young king he will spare his life, if not he thinks it would be better to end the civil war here and now so that Qin doesn't become too weak from all the fighting over the throne.

luckily for Zheng, his desire for total unification of China has inspired the old Ou Ki.

Ou ki having served under the old god of war felt inspired by the passion and determination of the young 31st king of Qin and decides to spare his life, officially ending the battle and declaring it Zheng victory.

Meng arrives with the severed heads of seikyou, the chancellors, and Ranka. With the battle over Zheng takes control of the throne once again and sends out messages to all the generals on the borders, he commands Ryo and to surrender his forces to him but doesn't expect him to comply, he knows he will soon march his army here now that only Zheng is left to challenge him for the throne. The border generals likely won't answer his messages until he resolves things with Ryo.

Having won, Zheng now controls his brothers' forces and now has around 70,000 men, Ryo has around 200,000. With the battle over the next day the mountain folk quickly leave, Yo Tan Wa hopes to finish unifying the rest of the mountain tribes before Ryo arrives.

Shin is rewarded with a small home and turns down an offer from Zheng to stay and serve as a royal guard in the palace. The stubborn Shin refuses and wants to earn his way up the ranks with his own skills. He then leaves with Ten who now has a small mountain of money.

Meng gets everything he asked for but the quality of troops is less than he hoped, his horses are somewhat old and his troops look either too old or too young. Zheng rewards him with a small fortune and agrees to allow his family to be spared from serving in the military, he's rewarded a small piece of land to farm.

Zheng likely by mistake had included a few young mares amongst the horses, Meng surprised greedily decided that he would send them back to his village to breed. If he's lucky a year from now he will have fifteen new foals, after another four to six years they will be old enough to breed.

Having been given time off, he returns home to his wife and family as a three hundred man commander. Owning land their social status has been raised and he now no longer has to worry about his family heading off to die in some unknown battle, sadly he will still have to serve under Zheng as a three hundred man commander but it's a small price to pay. If he's lucky and lives long enough, hopefully, he and Dai will be able to send their children off to school to become scholars, if he can perform enough deeds in the future on the battlefield he might be able to accomplish this.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and mob side character (compared to shins mc! op! plot armor! ass lol)

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