
Lamplad The Determined.

The park leader turned away from him and continued speaking. "We will not be looking for the Emperor. We have the Nameless here that needs our protection. Are we to leave them here to fend for themselves? Who will protect them? They will die and it will be our fault. So we won't go looking for an Emperor that might not exist. That is a gamble that I am not willing to play especially since it will certainly cost us the lives of poor defenseless Nameless."

She paused to gauge their reactions. "I hope you can understand and sympathize with the Nameless. For the Nameless are blameless."

The Warrogs howled in agreement. To be specific, it is the majority of them that howled in agreement. Some were not in agreement so they didn't howl. Those in the majority are very glad with her stance. It is those in the minority that have some problems with it.

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