
Pointless Expedition.

"Thank you very much Jarkon. I believe in you. The hope of the plane lies on your capable shoulders."

Jarkon's eye twitched. He is not pleased at all. He said, "Thank you for bringing this to my knowledge. You are not an evil manipulator at all."

Jarkon realized he was wrong. He had thought there was no one that he could hate more than Soverick Ghastorix. He was very wrong about that. What's worse is that he can't hurt Salvini in any way much less kill her unlike how he could hurt Soverick. They are both children of the plane but his bloodline is biased. 

His bloodline compelled him to try and kill Soverick but it is doing the opposite now. It is compelling him to disregard his hatred for Salvini and chase after some people that might not even exist for an indeterminate amount of time. 

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