
The Void Universe Was Designed.

The hole that the singularity will make might seem much smaller than the one Guntu made when compared to the size of the universe but it will lead to far larger repercussions. The singularity can't destroy the void universe but it can remove everything that has to do with Helios from the universe. Removing an eternal soul from the space-time continuum will leave a black space in the fabric of the universe or what one might call a hole. This hole will exist on every level of the universe including its cosmic barrier.

A universe needs its cosmic barrier much more than a plane needs its barrier. Unknown and dangerous things that should be kept outside the universe will be able to come into the universe. There have to be reasons why they were kept out in the first place and odds are that those reasons are very good. So the consequences of their gaining entry into the universe cannot be good and that's an understatement.

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