
Chapter 93: The End of the Case!

"This is something..." Zoey didn't know what to say.

  After entering the empty gymnasium, Little Imp brought her to the center of the room. He said there was something buried underneath giving off immense demonic energy. Zoey didn't feel a thing but doubted a demon as harmless as Little Imp would lie to her after everything they had been through. So, she smashed the ground until she reached whatever he was talking about.

  It turns out, there was some large weird fleshy meat pulsating egg thing. Zoey hefted it out of the ground with her gloves and as it touched her skin, she felt a strange jolt run through her body.

'Mother?' A voice appeared in her head.

"Did you hear that?" Zoey asked as she carefully put the evil-looking egg down.

"I didn't hear anything." Little Imp responded.

'Mom no sense...' The voice said in amazement and wonder. 'Amazing...'

"I think whatever's in the egg bonded to me." Zoey stated her suspicions out loud.

"???" Little Imp had no idea what Zoey was talking about.

"Daemons aren't born through eggs." Little Imp shared.

"Maybe it's a half daemon. Are those a thing?" Zoey doubted that someone managed to resist fucking a daemon for so many years.

"I never heard of one." Little Imp shrugged.

"What should I do with the egg talking to me? Do I have to keep it or do I turn it in to the OM?"

"Maybe we should ask the Boss?" Little Imp rubbed the back of his head.

"Sounds good to me. My demographic isn't suitable for me to raise a child just yet. Black, single, teenaged. My mom and grandma would kill me if they thought I had a child at this age like them." Zoey was secretly worried she would be trapped in a situation similar to her mother.

  While she wouldn't have failed as hard as her mom did, it was best not to repeat the mistakes of the past generations. At the very least, she'd have to find some cute sucker to be a dad to raise this thing with. Zoey would feel bad for James because whatever that came out of this egg would definitely not human. Neither did she know if it could pass for human. Wait! What is she even thinking about?! They haven't even gone on their first date yet! And here she is thinking about raising a child together with him? Slow your roll, Zoey.

  Zoey couldn't react as the egg suddenly pierced out and pierced her skin before sucking her blood. She frowned. That upset her and she wanted to smash this egg to pieces. Little Imp was flying right next to her but it targeted her specifically?!

'Mother. Sleep.' Then the voice drifted off.

  Zoey could feel her anger rising. Whatever that thing did just messed up her body from the inside. The young magjistar wobbled as everything felt dizzy. She couldn't keep her balance stable and her body was heating up something terrible. Like the fever after a shot from the doctor.

"Zoey?! Hey Zoey!" She heard Little Imp call out.

"Son of a b-" Everything went black.


  Little Imp watched as Zoey collapsed on top of the giant egg. Said giant egg was suddenly shrinking before it tried jumping into Zoey's mouth! Little Imp quickly stopped it by grabbing it before it could nudge open Zoey's lips. It fiercely shook with enough strength that Little Imp was forced to use all of his! The egg didn't like that and suddenly Little Imp's hands that covered it were impaled with several spikes. He gritted his teeth as he turned invisible and tried to run to his Boss.

  The egg hated this even more. A bright light flashed from the egg that temporarily blasted Little Imp to the ground. His hands were completely mangled and no longer able to be used as the now-muscular egg rolled its way back to Zoey. Rolling away at the speed of sound, the egg forced itself into Zoey's mouth and down her throat before settling nice and cozy inside her body.

"I tried my best..." Little Imp was deathly afraid of Zoey's retaliation if she decided it was his fault, she swallowed some sort of abomination.

  Little Imp quickly raced to tell his boss the news of what happened. Since he could only turn himself invisible, he thought this was the best way of doing things. If anyone would know what to do, it would be his boss. His little wings flapped harder than they ever have before. The amount of energy that egg gave off was enough to frighten him down to his bones. If a scary human like Zoey somehow combined with that energy before, who knows what kind of fate of befall the world?

  When Little Imp reached Prometheus all his panic and fright seemed pointless as he looked at his grinning boss.

"Is this a good thing for us or bad?" Little Imp asked.

"My long-time friend... Things have spiraled completely beyond my expectations." Prometheus took a deep gulp of the drink in his cup.

"So, we're not going to die?"

"Maybe. Everything now depends on how things turn out for our new business partner. If her life goes well, we'll thrive. If her life doesn't go well, well..." He took a second drink and finished that glass before putting it behind his desk.

  Little Imp noticed that the glass bumped into another glass. He had a feeling there were a lot more finished glass cups behind the boss's desk. The situation really has gone out of control...

"I don't think this nation will survive the aftermath. So, our number one goal right now is to keep the scary human girl happy for the rest of her natural life." Prometheus filled another cup.

"I... Understand." Little Imp could see it.

"Where is she by the way? Ah, don't answer that. A friend is taking care of her. Well, our part is done. Let's get out of here while we still can." Prometheus finished that cup and stood up.

"What about the mages watching over the school?" Little Imp reminded.

"I'll distract them while you escape with the men. Let's go."

"Yes sir!" Little Imp focused his mahna on fixing his ruined hands.


"There's nothing wrong with her?" Victor asked for a third time.

"Yes, Mr.Victor." The doctor on duty sighed. "There are no abnormalities in Zoey's condition that we could find. She is as healthy as a horse and will be ready to go back to living her life after she wakes up."

"Victor. Since she's perfectly fine, we have to take her in." A group of magjistar dressed in black suits came inside the room.

"I see you're all eager to die so soon." Victor laughed. "Did I give you permission to enter my student's hospital room?" His oppressive mahna bore down on the entire room.

"Zoey Winters has been accused of attacking her fellow magjistars and even a squad commander..." The shortest of the black suits gritted his teeth from the pressure even as blood leaked from his mouth. "We must take her in for questioning and give judgment for her actions during the joint case..."

"Don't get me wrong. I know you idiots are just following orders from those old bastards up top. They're trying to get my disciple to use as a hostage against me because they're afraid of our potential and strength." Victor wasn't stupid. "If I happen to step out of line more than they like, they'd hurt her or increase the period in which she would be detained." He knew exactly how things would play out if he gave in here.

  The magjistars who were ordered to capture Zoey Winters by any means began sweating rapidly. They might be expendable arms and legs of the top brass of the OM, but they too knew how things would play out for the young child and Victor. It was only just their luck that they had to be sent to do such a suicidal mission.

"If you turn back and go on home, you'll live." Victor didn't see the need to say what would happen if they didn't leave.

"They have our families... I'm sorry Mr. Victor." All five magjistars began to shout.

"Wind Volume V: Hurricane!"

"Force Volume V: Crush!"

"Lava Volume V: Eruption!"

"Electricity Volume V: Raw Voltage!"

"Snow Volume V: Endless Blizzard!"

  Victor didn't smile after hearing that. Those old fogies must be really pressured if they're willing to put him in a situation like this. Zoey must have shown too much talent in the joint case and they grew deeply afraid after hearing or seeing her prowess. Pride flowed through Victor's bones once he thought of this but at the same time, he was sick of those old heads anyway. Now would be a good time to change the OM from the inside out anyway.

"Space Volume I: Blackhole." And everything went dark inside the room.

  Once the spell was completed, the five magjistars were no longer present within the room. The doctor in charge of Zoey was huddled in the corner of the room, his face full of terror. Victor sighed as he turned and looked at Zoey. The things he does for this little troublesome brat. In a way, it was like looking at a younger version of himself except, he didn't have someone to watch over him back then.

"Leave this type of messy and troublesome stuff to me. I already lived my life being jerked and manipulated by those fogies. I won't let them put you through the same things I did." Victor walked toward the door, determination present in his eyes. "Keep an eye on her for me doctor. If anyone comes to cause trouble, just call me. I'm in her emergency guardian contact."

Comment/Review on the story readers and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, and etc of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

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