
A day in the life of Ben Liu Jeff and Hoodie Hayley Lulu Summer and Sky kid's part Two

Liv p.o.v MUM I yelled yes Sweetie my mum said it's sally and Lazari they are fighting I said my p.o.v okay I said Liu Jeff come with me I said okay they said Liu p.o.v *holds Sally away from Lazari* Jeff p.o.v *holds Lazari away from Sally* My p.o.v now can you guys tell me why in hell you are fighting I asked them they both look away she start it Sally said I SAID TELL ME WHY THE HELL YOU ARE FIGHTING I SAID Sally p.o.v Because Lazari took my bear I said My p.o.v Lazari did you take Sally bear no mum Lazari and why are you crying I asked Lazari because Sally hit me Lazari said okay Sally your bear is with me getting fixs like I told you Mr Teddy would be with me I said oh right sorry Lazari sally said it's okay Sally Lazari said

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