
The Green Necklace

"Am I really going crazy?" Ella said.

She was still looking at the necklace, which without any doubt was now brighter than it was once, but she still couldn't make out anything from the voice in her head.

"Hurry up, your friend won't last any longer!"

Ella could notice the light of the crystal getting dim and then brightening up again as the voice spoke in her mind.

Without any form of hesitation, Ella picked up the necklace.

'I've picked you up. Now how are you supposed to help me?'

'What your friend is fighting there is a starved incubus.'

"I don't need your explanation, just help!" Ella almost screamed.


Silvia was struggling to hold the possessed man off as her face was beginning to turn red, as for her hands they were in pretty bad shape.

"For a human, you are really trying to match up to my strength." The man said with a smile. "But that still changes nothing."

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