
ncubus Demonio – Sinful Story – Chapter 21: 2 Down... Sorta (R18)

Big Tits, Big Cock, Maledom, Minor Cheating, Anal Sex, Dubious Consent

Aight, first thing Django wanna get off his chest. School fuckin sucks, man!

"I mean fuck, I've never been this bored in my life. All we got is math, history, science, and English. Fuckin English! That's where I spend most of my time." Django thought in annoyance.

He'd could be chillin' with his boy's for right; eatin' dinner and shiz, it would be steak, green beans and mashed potatoes. God damn, that sounds good as fuck, but that's beside the point.

School was boring as Annalynne woman rights speeches, though it didn't help that his homies were stuck in this shit as well. Plus, he could only talk to his boy's after school. He could barely hang out with his boy's without his momma on his ass about his demon powers. So yeah, he was pretty much screwed.

At least the teachers weren't bad so far. Nagi is cool and actually gave a fuck. But the girls were another story. The girls were a pain in the ass.

"Mr. Whitmore!" Nagi, his female teacher, called out to him. "Please come here."

Django looked up from his book and saw her standing there, looking down at him. She had dark brown skin, long black hair tied back into two braids, and a short skirt that went all the way down to mid-thigh. Her legs were toned, like she worked out regularly. It made sense since she taught magic class...

That and the shawty was dame fine muthfucka girl.

"What?" Django asked, not really wanting to go over to her desk.

[How you gonna talk about ya girl like that?] the demon core spoke to him. Django ignored the voice like always.

The teacher smiled and said, "You know what I'm talking about."

Oh god, she knows? What if everyone else does too?!

But before he could freak out more than he already did, the rest of his classmates started walking over. They stood around Nagi's desk and waited nervously.

Nagi nodded and told them, "Alright, let's start our lesson today by learning how to cast a multi-illusion spell."

She pointed at one of the students who raised their hand and asked, "Yui, can you please explain your theory behind this spell?"

The student named Yui stepped forward and began explaining her idea.

"Well, when casting multiple illusions, we need to consider the fact that they're going to overlap each other."

"Yeah... I already know to perform that spell." Django interrupted Yui, making the girl silently growl at the boy. Girl is still a hater.

After some awkward silence, Yui continued on, "So basically, we have three types of spells that will work together: a single illusion, an overlapping illusion, or a triplet illusion."

Wanting this to be over and finally head home, Django answered in great detail on how the multi-Illusion spells works.

"Okay, now that you guys understand the theory behind the spell, let me show you how it'll look in practice," Yui concluded while glaring at Django, who just gave her the finger.

Yui walked towards the front of the classroom and chanted the incantation for the spell. A small ball of light appeared in her hands and then expanded until it took the shape of a human figure. After a few seconds, the humanoid image disappeared and reappeared in the centre of the room.

"I can do that better!" Django said, snapping his fingers. Then, he snapped his fingers again and created a new illusionary person. This time, the illusion was a little bit taller and had a different face.

"Hey, you can't use that move! You gotta say the whole word 'impersonate'." Yui scolded him.

Django shrugged and repeated the same motion.

"This time, you gotta make sure that the spell you choose matches the type of illusion you want to create."

He repeated the process once more.

"Alright, you're doing good." Yui complimented him.

Django replied, "Thanks, but don't get used to it with a smirk. Next time I might mess it up. Or, or just make some fine ho- I mean, girls!" The teen laughed at the thought.

Yui rolled her eyes and turned back to the class.

They practised the spell several times, but it seemed like no matter how many times they tried, the spell wouldn't work properly.

But it wasn't entirely their fault. The girls are more distracted with their new class president, who is the elite course Student Council President (no one wanted the job), fighting with the only male student of their class.

"Ugh, why must I deal with this shit?" Asuna Springfield complained to herself.

Asuna Springfield was a beautiful Japanese girl with long, silky black hair, pale white skin and almond-shaped blue eyes. She also had a petite body with perky breasts and a tight butt.

"Why would I know that..." Django answered her question. Asuna raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "You're an awfully sarcastic individual, aren't you?"

"Only on days that end in 'A'"

"Wait, why would you only be sarcastic in..." Asuna trailed off before glaring at him. Her obvious and most likely violent reaction was cut off quickly when she heard her roommate Makie Wild guffawing, tears streaming from her eyes as she clutched her stomach. "M-Makie!"

"Ow, ow, owwwww! My heart hurts!" The pink-heard girl laughed.

"S-sorry! Tee hee! It's just...bwahaha! So funny!" Makie continued laughing, earning a very sad look from Yang.

"S-stop laughing at your roommate! Makie!"

Django couldn't help but grin tiredly. "At least one of ya has a sense of humour."

Asuna twitched. "Makie, stop laughing at me, and New Boy, stop being such a sarcastic ass!"

"I'll stop being a sarcastic ass when you start givin' me your number or give me a blowjob", Django smirked—causing the girls to blush but making Yui and Asuna quite angry with the black-skinned teen. He looked around at the girls in his class. He had to admit; he'd seen so many pieces of jailbait's.

"I swear, I should kill you myself," Asuna muttered under her breath.

"Who cares? We're getting pizza later. Wanna join us?" Makie asked.

Django leaned back in his chair. Should he join take the Japanese girl on his offer? One of the reasons the incubus is in this class is to sleep with all 31 students. He could easily pick up any of one these girls and fuck their brains out with his mind control. But, he knew that would be wrong.

"No thanks," Django responded flatly. "I think I'll pass on the pizza."

"Aw, man. Come on; it's free food!" Makie tired again with a seductive smile. Django could tell this girl was quite bubbly and cheerful. The heir of the Whitmore fortune recalled the information the pink-haired girl. Age 15. Measurements B 78D-W48-H75. The file says Makie's greatest strength is in her athletics, particularly her abilities as a rhythmic gymnast, and her mana core is at Blue-Solid stage. But he shouldn't try to have sex on the first day.

"Sorry, but I'm kinda full. Maybe next time."


"See ya."

Makie frowned as the boy left. She glanced at the clock, noticing that class was almost over.

Before Django, he was stopped by Yui. "HOW LONG ARE YOU GOING TO IGNORE ME!"

Django sighed. He knew the reason he was ignoring her was because of the incident with Satsuki. Yui kept bringing it up whenever she saw him...and even more often when she didn't see him. The half-demon decided to talk to her now so she can finally shut up.

"Accidents happen Yui! Calm down! Plus, I did nothing wrong. " Django shrug his shoulders, mocking her.

"Calm down?! You want me to calm down!? You know what you do did! You monster!" The girl with white hair stomped, glaring at both Django.

"Yeah, and yelling at someone about it is totally going to fix things." Django snarked, crossing his arms and matching the girl's glare.

"Hey! You can't speak to me that way! Do you know who I am? What family I'm part of!" Yui stomped her foot, her arms going akimbo.

"You mean besides an uptight bitch?"

"Shut up! Shut up! Don't talk to me like that!" the girl screamed, grabbing onto Django's shirt, pulling him close. "I'm Yui Bominable of the Bombinable corporation! Russias leading Elemental stones and computer!"

Django gave a small wave of his finger above his head. "Whoop-de-doo." He muttered in the most bored tone of voice he could muster.

Yui's eye twitched, and she began to grind her teeth. "You're lucky I don't rip your throat out right here and now," Yui growled angrily.

"And yet, here I am alive, and you're still breathing. Now, unless want to fight me? Ya, take your fat mitts off my shirt!"

"My hands are not fat!" Yui glared at him, her anger boiling over. "That's it! Django, I'm going to fight you and if I win you leave this school and never have sex with Satsuki again!"

Ryūko Matoi stood up from her desk after hearing her older half-sister's name. "What!?" Ryūko gasped in shock.

Ryūko is a sixteen-year-old girl of medium height and mid-length dark-blue tinted hair with a single left-swept red highlight on her bangs. Her eyes were deep blue orbs that sparkled in the sunlight. She wore a plain black t-shirt that read 'Don't ask', a pair of black jeans and a black leather jacket that went down past her knees.

Django let out a groan. "Why ya have to snitch on a brother?" Grabbing her hands off his shirt, the teen started hotly at the half-human eyes. "You want to fight?! Ok, bet... BET! If-I mean when I WIN I'mma have you blow me on the spot!"

Ryūko's temper flared as she glared at the boy again. "What did you to my sister!"

"Nothin'! Just... nothin'!" Django denied, shaking his head.

"Oh? Nothing?" Ryūko asked suspiciously.

Django, already tired of this and hungry, just told her the truth. "I had sex with her, ok? Y'all better not snitch on me! Cuz there is no proof!"

"Is that true?" Ryūko demanded, her face turning bright red as she realized what he meant.

"Yes! Yes, it is!" The teen replied uncaringly, scratching his cheek. "So yer gonna fight me as well?"

"Uh-huh," Ryūko said, nodding slowly. "If you lose, you will have to confess what you did to my sister!"

"Deal." Django agreed, holding out his hand.

"Let's do this."

The two shook hands.

"Hey, I'm fighting him first," Yui interjected.

"It doesn't matter," Django said calmly. "I fight you both. And both of you will lose."

"Fine, fine..." Ryūko said.

"I accept your wager, you vile bastard! Let us go to the gym now!" Yui declared, glaring at the other girl.

"Whatever's." Django nodded, letting Yui lead them away from the classroom.


Ryūko and Yui lay on their backs; the breath knocked out of them for the umpteenth time, and Ryūko's scissor blade and Yui's glaive lying beside them, having fallen from nerveless fingers.

Both girls stared up at the ceiling with wide eyes. Their bodies ached from the exertion and their muscles burned from the strain placed upon them.

Their faces flushed with embarrassment and shame. The Japanese teen was forced to admit that she'd been played, though it'd be more accurate to say that she played herself in underestimating the boy just because of his size and relatively thought it was just mage.

Ryūko can't believe how much power is in the teenager.

"So... you girls done yet?" A bored Django asked unharmed, sitting cross-legged across from the girls.

"Not hardly," Ryūko grunted, pushing herself to her feet, wiping sweat off her brow. "You cheated!"

"Aye, Yo, Makie Lemme holla at ya real quick!" Django turned his head toward the pinkette overseeing the fighting. "Whatchu think? These girls done yet?" Django called.

"Stop talking and keep fighting, Mr. Whitmore!" Nagi said, waving her hand dismissively. "Remember, if you three at part of a magical contract of words. Meaning you WILL have to complete on what you started,"

Yui had spent most of her life being worshipped by her family and the tournament circuit. Called the 'Goddess of Victory' and praised repeatedly, Yui had been placed on a pedestal for her entire life. Four-time Russian Champion, greatest hunter mage in her nation's school; Yui was never short on praise. However, the white-haired girl can't believe just utterly outclassed. She was in this fight. No one would ever doubt that.

However, in the end, Yui couldn't deny the fact that she'd lost. A boy defeated the Goddess of Victory. It hurt more than she expected it too.

"I conceded to the fight," Yui admitted quietly, staring at her hands.

"Thas cool," Django shrugged, standing up and stretching his arms.

"How could you do that!?" Ryūko yelled at the boy. She then blinked in awe and horror as Django immediately dropped his pants, and the boy's not so little soldier erupted from his loosened boxers. Ryūko, Yui, and all the girls of 2a eyes locked on the thick piece of blackboy meat as Yui squeaked in surprise…

… She has never seen something THAT big before!

"Yo! Whaddaya think? Real nice, huh?" Django asked, getting closer to Yui.

Suddenly feeling very small and vulnerable, Yui can't help but feel like a child again. The goddess of victory felt weak and helpless against a mere human male.

"Ugh! You sick freak!" Yui spat, blushing up a storm, taking a step back.

"Ya sure about dat?" Django chuckled, grabbing hold of Yui's shoulder and pulling her close. "Why are so many girls into this type of play?" The boy thought, as he can feel her lust rising.

"Who was the bitch that lost a bet?" Django asked Yui, who clearly was struggling to answer.

"That thing… was in, sis?" Ryūko whispered, watching the scene unfold with horror.

"… I… I…." Yui stammered.

"Ah-ha-ha-ha!" Django laughed, looking at the shocked girl. "Well, start sucking! I got things to do and paper to make,"

Yui gulped as she looked at the cock in front of her. Then she took another look at the monster cock, the size, the girth, and the lumps on the thing! And tried to run. But she wasn't fast enough as Django grabbed hold of Yui's arm.

"I won the fight! If you don't start on the BJ... I guess I can take ya cherry pie, then ..., or maybe something else."

"No!" Yui cried desperately. "Please don't in my pussy!"

Django grinned evilly. "Oh? Well then, how bout we settle this fair and square?" He asked, walking toward her.

He lifted Yui into the air, holding her by her ass cheeks, and walked her over to the nearest wall.

"Wh-what are you doing?" The girl asked nervously.

"Trying to get some leverage!"

"Please don't!" The girl begged, tears forming in her eyes.

Django smirked and held her tight around her waist. "Now, since ya didn't wanna suck me off, maybe I'll just fuck you instead!"

Yui whimpered as he pushed her down onto her stomach, her body falling limp, her legs spread apart.

Django reached down, grabbing hold of his shaft.

"Ow! Ow! Please stop hurting me! Don't do this, please!" The girl pleaded.

"I'm sorry, baby…." Django said, pushing his dick between her buttocks.

"OW! OW! OWWW!" Yui screamed, trying to push him away but only succeeding in making the situation worse.

Yui, her face burning with utter humiliation, feeling… feeling so many eyes running over her body, feeling so exposed, so naked, as the boy rips off her top, freeing both breasts from their confines. The sensation was unlike anything she had ever felt before; it made Yui feel like a piece of meat and not at all human. She looked down to see his hands on her bare skin—taking off her bra!

"Hahaha! You're so cute when you beg~," Django cooed.

"Please, no! Please!" Yui begged, her voice cracking. "I'm sorry for what I did, please don't do this." hoping to god he'd or worse, them finding out… finding out that… they simply couldn't learn...

That she had never been more turned on in her life!

"Oh come now, that's just silly talk coming out of your mouth, isn't it?" Django said mockingly in response, sensing her emotions. It was a mix of humiliation, fear, rage and lust, which drove him wild. He didn't even care if she found out about his true identity anymore. This girl would be his plaything until he was tired of her. Then he could go back to being an ordinary high school student again.

Django shoved himself inside Yui's ass roughly, the pain forcing the girl to cry out loudly.

"AH!" Yui screamed. She'd almost cum on the spot! This- this man, who had taken advantage of her innocence and forced himself upon her, was fucking her butt hard, making her squirm around in his grip while he pounded away into her tight asshole. His bumpy cock felt huge, stretching her insides apart.

Django pulled out, slamming his hips forward, burying himself balls-deep in the girl's buttocks. Swallowed him whole. He could tell she hadn't gotten any because she clung to him eagerly, sucking him in like a vacuum cleaner. SMACK His hand fell down upon Yui's ass. The girl simply released a muffled moan as she tried to not give into the pleasure.

"Next time don't back out of a deal with me!" Django said to the moaning girl. "Now get used to it!"

He slapped her ass once more, causing Yui to yelp and push against the wall.

Yui's ass was already adapting, shaking and clenching her legs, but slowly relaxing. Her face was as hot as Ryūko's, she was just as red. With one eye shut and the other open, she gasped for breath as Django began fucking her harder and faster. The lumps on his shaft are scraping the walls of bowels.

"Please! You're too rough!" Yui whimpered, cuming for the fifth time today. "Stop! Stop! Please stop!"

But Django wasn't listening. Instead, he clutched her hips, holding onto her firmly. He fucked her fast and furious, grunting each thrust as he slammed himself deep within her rectum.

She just wanted this nightmare to be over with. Oh dear, she is going to have some serious anal bruising later! But right now, all Yui cared about was how good it felt. She was getting addicted to the sensations. Every inch of her body seemed to tingle with ecstasy.

(An hour later)

It was too much for Yui. Yui had always known that some men were large, but not THIS big. It was like an orc was fucking her. As he fucked her, she felt every inch of his length, even the ones she'd never seen before. Yui had never been so full in her life. Every thrust caused new waves of pleasure and pain as he filled her up to capacity.

The pleasure was so intense, she was having trouble breathing.

Yui cried out as he slammed his cock into her ass. She knew she couldn't last long under such a brutal assault. He was ruining her assshole, carving her ass inside and out to be redesigned as his fuck toy. Django didn't care that he was skewering the prized treasure of New Republic Academy that resided in New York City. It was his now, and he planned to do with it whatever he wanted.

She should have never cheated out a deal with a demon.

"AHH! AHHHH!" Yui yelled out as she came. Her pussy gushed and leaked juices down her thighs, soaking the floor underneath her.

Yui shook uncontrollably as she climaxed.

"W-wait! I'm sorry! You win, Django! I'll suck to your cock! Just stop don't fucking me in my ass, I can't handle that anymore!" Yui pleaded, finally admitting her loss to her classmate. However, Django responded by laughing as if taunting her for her fate.

"Don't you understand? It doesn't matter what you do! This is MY ASS!" Django laughed. "IF you want to stop all you have to do is beat... Tomorrow!"

Yui gulped nervously. She was terrified of what he meant. What he was implying.

"Please Django! I can't take it anymore! My ass hurts so bad!" Yui moaned, tears streaming down her face as she begged him to stop.

"Aww, you poor thing..." Django teased, continuing to pound his cock into the girl's ass.

"You know what happens next, don't you?" Django asked.

"What?" Yui replied, still crying.

"If you don't follow through, I will make sure everyone finds out what kind of slut you really are..."

Django warned her, grabbing Yui's hair and pulling her head back. "And then... I'll show them everything."

Yui's heart skipped a beat. She was scared shitless. Scared of people finding out that existed beneath all her expensive clothing and finery, literally stripped of everything that made her an heiress and revealed what was underneath: a dirty little slut who constantly thought about sex, constantly craved to be seen naked, a total whore more befitting a stage with a pole than a chair in a boardroom. That was the true Yui, a girl who wished she could wander the halls in nothing but her underwear at most, lacy, flimsy things that did almost nothing to conceal her tits or her pussy, advertising her like a product to be bought. Then have a strong male take her in hand and fuck her brains out until she passed out from exhaustion.

Django smirked, knowing she was lying. The moans were not fake. Her pleasure was genuine. He was enjoying hearing her scream.

The boy continued to hammer away at the helpless girl, giving her ass a good workout. The boy could see her struggle to endure the pain of being pounded by his huge cock. Yui can feel the twitching of his member as it tries to force its way further in as it begins to reach the deepest parts of her body.

Yui is in so much agony that she can barely breathe as she feels him go deep and hard, bottoming out in her rectum.

"I'm cumming!" Django announced, thrusting his pelvis forward, shooting rope after rope of spunk deep inside Yui's asshole.

"AAHH!!" Yui moaned, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she orgasmed.

"You little whore!" Django snarled, pulling out, leaving behind a gaping hole where once there was a virgin ass.

His cock was coated with her juices, dripping from his shaft, his seed dribbling out of her ass, pooling on the gym floor below.

The half-demon was not done, though. Django's hand glows a dark green as he cast a healing over Yui's body. [Healing Magic: Slow] Slowly regenerates the target's Health and Vitality.

"Now... Ryūko," Django called out, smiling wickedly at the girl. "Come here, sweetheart."

Ryūko turned towards him, looking at the mess that used to be Yui's ass. She saw that the girl's anus leaking blood and semen. The green energy that she saw Django used is healing the damage at a very slow rate.

"What did you do to her?" Ryūko asked angrily and was more than turned on by the sight of the injured girl.

"I gave her a taste of what she dished out," Django smiled, showing off his fangs. "I made her mine. Well, for today" He shrugs. "Now come here and open your mouth or I can to ya what I did that naggin' bitch?"

Ryūko blushed slightly, knowing that this was the moment she would either have as ruined or have her throat ruined. She swallowed hard as she stared at the monster cock that was inches from her face.

"Open wide."

Ryūko opened her mouth as far as possible as she felt the tip press against her lips, feeling the warmth as it pressed against them. She felt the pressure increase as Django forced his cock past her teeth, pressing against the roof of her mouth. Then the rest of his shaft followed until he slid right down her throat.

"Mmmphhh!" Ryūko coughed as Django pushed his cock deeper, causing him to bottom out in her throat.

The thick overpowering scent funnelled through her nostrils, channelling up to her brain, sending her into a heat crazed daze. Her core quivered, her womb shaking in need and directive. Her heart raced, pumping blood throughout her body. Her hands gripped tightly at the sides of his thighs, squeezing his fleshy muscles. Her toes curled in anticipation of what was about to happen next.

The sheer force of his congealed cum blasting her throat was immense. She could feel it shoot down her oesophagus as he filled her belly with his seed. She could hear him grunting as he emptied himself into her stomach, filling her up completely as he shot load after load into her stomach, making her gag, trying to swallow it all but failing miserably as it went all over her face.

"Guh... Gah... Ahhhhhh!" Ryūko screamed as she felt his warm cum fill her tummy, her body writhing in ecstasy as she felt his cock pulsate and twitch, her tongue licking at the underside of his cock, The white semen was practically solid as it clung to her entire splayed form, the stench was something else altogether.

Even more overpowering than the sheer musk that permeated and spread from his heavy cock and balls, was the rich vibrant smell of his cum. There was something terribly hypnotic about it, something that URGED her to slide her tongue out, lick up every drop.

Her eyes rolled back as she succumbed to the pleasure of tasting his essence.

"So that's what that feature does" Django wondered as watched the girl pass out as Yui did.

Afterwards, he left Ryūko alone and walked out of the school, taking the subway home.


That night, Ryūko woke up to find herself naked in bed, her pussy wet and sticky with her own cum. She also found a note on her pillow which read: 'Thanks for letting me use you.'

'Who the hell is this?' Ryūko thought groggily, sitting upright and rubbing her sleepy eyes. Then she remember what happened in gym class.

She remembered how she passed out during gym class thanks to Django's cock in her mouth.

"I-I-I need to get stronger!" Ryūko told herself vowing to never lose to that boy again!


Yui woke up groggily and looked around. She found herself lying on her bed in her room. She was covered in sweat and breathing heavily. She sat up and looked at her clock and saw that it was 11 PM.

Yui stood up, still dizzy, and took a shower. After getting dressed, she noticed that her underwear was missing and realized that Django must have taken them.

Yui remember everything. She still remembered how he had fucked her butchered behind, leaving bruises across her cheeks and thighs. Her mind kept going back to the way he had treated her, calling her 'cute' and 'innocent'. How he had called her name during sex. And worst of all, the way he had humiliated her by ripping off her clothes.

Yui sighed deeply and decided to never lose to Django again and how wet become. She needed to train harder than ever before!

She got ready for bed and laid down, falling asleep quickly.

When she awoke the next morning, Yui was surprised to find a note on the table that said, 'Don't worry, I healed ya. I hope you're doing well. Also, the class agreed to never tell a soul.'

Yui felt better but knew that she wasn't fully recovered yet. But Yui knew that if she trained hard enough, she would recover soon enough.

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