
The Traitor

Niall's POV:





"Alpha Brendon."

"Well done, thank you for delivering the news to me." I heard Lamia's quiet voice praising someone. I was walking up towards her door when I overheard it. I slowed down to tip toe and stuck my ear up against the door. Of course, she'd know I was listening in. Nothing slips past her. She just doesn't know if it's me or not. The door was air tight... but not sound proof.

'Yes, thank you milady." It was Meynard's loyal voice inside the room with her.

"Now that the mutt, what was his name again?"


"Yes, now that I got that other wolf to kill Brendon... I'm sure the Scarlet Nightwalkers pack will be in my clutches in no time."

"They're actually on the way here. They're not with Vivienne."

"Ugh...." Lamia sounded annoyed. "That's not good, are you sure she's not with them?"

"Maybe she's behind..."

"Well..." She snorted. "The death of an alpha as well as a weak Luna will do many things to a pack. Especially after I kidnapped their weakest omegas." Of course.... the warriors that could fight- we killed and left their corpses there to rot and be found. That will do a number to my old pack. Lamia? This is new.... to me. Did you act on this alone? You're tricking them on coming here... by killing Brendon?

Vivienne was in Blacktail last time I checked. Does that mean the alpha of Blacktail is in league with Lamia privately? I can't make assumptions... so soon.

"And," Meynard chuckled out. "We killed their strongest warriors that we found in that area."

"Dangling a prize like omegas possibly being rescued... or the chance they could kill me is a good way to lure them into a trap. Once I have her pack out of the way... I will have no one else to stop me from torturing her to death..."

"Niall," I heard Meynard say before I felt the door open and I fell forward. Meynard caught me from hitting the floor and helped me stand up. He brushed my shoulders off and I glanced in at Lamia. "How good of you to visit," Meynard chuckled out. "Lamia was just saying how she wanted to tell you some exciting news." Lamia smiled at me as she stood by the fire.

"Darling," she called out to me. "Did you overhear?"

There wasn't much to hear, darling!

Lamia always looked like a statue. She never made overdramatic motions without first... thinking them over. Her eyes were deadly. She was staring me down with unbelievable hatred. I was starting to become her enemy now. She caught me spying on her. Of course, I want to fight her. I wanted this confrontation. She wouldn't outright tell me I was out of line. But, her voice was speaking useless nonsense. She wanted me to overhear her. Lamia had a gifted tongue. She... didn't scare me. As manipulative as she could be... I've been there all along wide awake. Her tongue was ready to control my thoughts and emotions...

"Brendon died?" I asked questionably. "What did you do?"

Notice, she didn't say who killed Brendon exactly. She won't state his name. She wants me to ask these questions.

"I'm always a step ahead of my enemy," she reminded me as she waved Meynard to leave us. "Just wait outside," she told him. He pushed past me and shut the door with him. This woman... the first time I met her.... I felt devotion to love her until the end of the world. Her passion for control... was something I connected to.

There was nothing that could keep Lamia from getting what she wants. The past told me that much. She never gives up. This vampire was a conquer. She never faltered. She held high confidence in what she does. Her ambition doesn't stop with Eder's position. She will not rest until she has everyone under her control. If I openly display I do not love her... she will get rid of me as fast as she cut ties to Eder.

I walked over to Lamia and grabbed her wrist. I wanted to touch her. Her skin only bringing me to shiver. But, I clung to her for dear life. Lamia looked like the first day I met her. She was still as smart and dominating. She was a tower of authority in her stilettoes. I was never scared of her. Her lips were the only thing colorful about her. She wore red lipstick that distracting all eyes to it. Her silver hair was off her neck with delicate loops of curls in a tight bun on top of her head. She had a familiar black cocktail dress on that fit her figure like a glove. This was like her victory dress. Her cloak sat on her Victorian style chair. It telling me she meant to go somewhere soon.

"What have you been plotting without me?" I asked so sadly. My voice was low and angry with her. My mind locking on why she could be doing all this.

Lamia did this to ruin my sister, hasn't she?

It was clear as day...

My sister done something to upset her.

Just like how Fang upset her long ago.

Is the past repeating?

"Are you ruining my sister's life because of what happened to Emmett?" I growled out. I overheard Vivienne killed Emmett. "This isn't just about you wanting the territories- this isn't about what happened decades ago between you and Fang- this is about her... isn't it? Are you taking out your anger on her? Because she killed your latest pet?" I growled out. This is ridiculous. We could have just let the packs surrender and leave.... She HAS to have it all. "Lamia I beg you to forgive my sister," I whispered.

"I'M more angry at her for catching my husband's eye."

Her husband's eye?

Why does that even matter?

"Eder? You killed him. Why does it even matter?" I asked her and growled. "We're supposed to be lovers now. I'm your king, right?" I asked her. "Don't hold grudges against your in-laws."

Lamia was an older vampire... and I only met a hand full of them that acted as childish as she did. Her feelings have long been disconnected in her body. She doesn't feel the same way others do. She's not young. She's experienced a lifetime of emotions that now swell into one feeling.... the worst kind. Hunger. Hunger was many things to a vampire...

I'm now pressuring her.

Squeezing for her to tell me the truth.

I knew it all along.

She didn't love me.

She doesn't love anyone.

"Eder is my only husband," she told me softly. Her eyes avoiding mine."I could never pick you over him… How could I?" She asked as she shoved me away. "Niall you haven't been useful to me this whole time!" She slammed her hand down on the mantle to the fireplace. She turned away from me and growled. Yes, she's been using me this whole time. Only to get whatever she wants... Was it Eder's attention? "You couldn't do one simple thing for me," she hissed through her teeth. I took out my pocket knife quietly as I looked at her back. Lamia doesn't want just one thing. Even if I gave her.... everything... she would still want more.

Her voice continuing... "All I ever hear is- oh my family... I love my family. Do you think they'll love you after all this? How can you still want their hearts to beat?" She sounded frustrated with me. "That's the weakest thing about you, Niall. You still believe you have a family," she snorted out. "They don't care what happens to you and you shouldn't care about them either. If you truly loved me... You would have brought me HIS head as a love offering of devotion."

She would be mad at me if I did.

The way she talked reminded me of a middle schooler trying to break up with their boyfriend. I was dissatisfying her and she didn't know how to explain it to me. It was like she was telling me to stay out of her way now... and fade into nothing on her horizon.

I stepped forward and pressed my lips against her ear. "You don't really mean those things, do you?" I asked her as I stuck the knife into her back. I pressed and smelled her blood pour out as I started for her heart with it. "You're just angry at me because you're angry at yourself," I told her. I covered her mouth before she could scream. A tear starting to run down her cheek as she was now in pain. This was too easy...

"Niall," she gasped out against my hand.

"No! Don't call my name. You didn't give me enough time to kill Brendon for you. You didn't give me any time to start with to show my devoted love for you. You're still obsessing over Eder…" I trailed off. "You chose to go behind my back and kill him yourself. So who did my job?"

"The alpha of Blacktail," she hissed out through clenched teeth. "You won't kill me." It wasn't a question. She didn't smell of fear.

I held the knife against her heart as I felt her body trembling in unannounced pain.

"Lamia," I muttered. "Why can't you leave my family alone?" I growled out. Was I just a pawn to her all this time? And she's ready to toss me aside?

"I hate you all," she admitted through gritted teeth. "Every last one of your blood line. Especially when it comes to your sister. I want to crush her beating heart in my hand!" Her head twisted to get a good look at me as she strained her neck to do so. "Do you still want to escape from your wolf life? Or, have you found a reason to go back there?"

"I told you once not to hurt my family. Several times you have ignored my one request."

"And, I told you that I hate you and your kind and your family."

"We both have to make a decision then," I told her as I shoved the knife through her heart. She opened her mouth to speak but blood fell out of her mouth. She touched her lips and looked into my eyes.

"Meynard," she choked out as she fell towards the fire. I grabbed her before she fell in and lowered her to the ground. I felt an intense care for her washing over me. I heard the door come off its hinges as Meynard rushed in.

"What have you done?!" Meynard asked me.

Relax…. Relax…

Lamia would never let me kill her so easily.

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