
Secret Lovers

Brendon's POV:

I crossed over awhile ago.

We had to settle Vivienne down after she found out- about the baby. I didn't remember falling asleep. I must have been exhausted. I just know I was now walking in the moon's territory. Steele wasn't with me. Which meant he's still following orders to stay with Blair. I didn't need him to find the moon goddess. This was a familiar path. She often called upon me. I barely had free time in my sleep. It was usually taking a run with her. I howled, alerting her I was here. I didn't want to waste time. I wanted to get back to Blair. My beautiful red head she-wolf. My life- mate. I want to be with her for as long-

A howl broke my thoughts. It sounded so familiar. I tensed up and glanced around as I waited for impact. I could hear his paws a mile away. Our spirits collided as Luke knocked the breath out of me. I laughed as we tumbled down a dark hill. When we hit the bottom I was on top and growling playfully at my first beta.

"LUKE!" I growled out happily. "Don't you have spirit duties?" I teased him as I bit down into his ear. I could almost taste his fur in my mouth. He would get into trouble a thousand times if she catches him here seeing me.

"Relax! This is my duty," he promised me. "I have to lead you somewhere!" He said in excitement.

We took off running as he guided me. We ran through the dark woods of the moon's territory until we came to a light. It lead us into the familiar scent of just outside my own territory. Luke kept running away from my pack's territory and leading me into the unknown parts of the forest. Until we came across a small clearing. I could smell his scent then, Niall. Luke kept us just behind the tree line as we followed Niall's wolf form. He was running. We followed him as he was getting closer towards just a town in the clearing. What is my beta doing?

Niall stopped just before he made it towards the opening of the town. From the scent of where we were I could tell the town was Lamia's territory. The vampire's cursed stench was leaking out into the woods like a warning. In the shadows we saw eyes from rogues that were clearly guarding the territory. They let Niall pass without a growl his way. Of course we went unnoticed. Protected, by the spirits.

"They must know him," I muttered in conclusion. We slipped by a few rogues watching Niall. "Unless he came here because someone sent for him. Like an invitation. Why else would he come here?" I asked Luke.

"Clever Alpha," Luke said as he wagged his tail happily. "Come on, let's see what he's doing here then."

"Why are you leading me here?" I wondered aloud. I didn't mean to ask. I'm sure the moon goddess has her reasons for wanting me to follow Niall. I was- just now trying to track him down. At least I know he's not being kidnapped. It looks like he's come here on his own.

Niall stopped running as he looked at something in the clearing. He cleared his throat and it startled me. I haven't heard his wolf togue this whole time. It had been so quiet. He transformed into his human form instead and suddenly someone appeared at the clearing. "Edric," Niall said in annoyance. "You've been making life difficult for me." I felt my jaw clench. Niall, what have you been doing? How can you speak so- freely amongst strangers?

"I've been? Have you looked in the mirror lately?" Edric- the man that just came into view wasn't recognizable by phsical appearence but when the wind picked up I knew then- I smelled him before. In Innath's room on the medical wing at the pack house. He wasn't the same scent from the man we smelled in Mal's room but I could tell they were related.

"ME?" Niall growled out angrily. "No, I don't think it's a mirror. Rather a clear peice of glass." He was angry. I felt angry! Niall, kill this man! For your brother! Edric only chuckled. The two grew closer. As we followed Niall, we could see just behind Edric was a road leading into town. Now that it was growing dark, there seemed to be lights coming on. I could smell the blood stained cobblestone roads. It made me want to puke at the amount of death radiating from the edge of it all. The castle was just above the town, overlooking it.

"Lamia sent me down here," Edric said. He looked over his shoulder at the castle. Niall looked up and I could feel his anger rising up in his chest. "She wants to know if you've grown soft."

"I'm sure she did," Niall sighed out in agrivation. "But, you believe she sent you down here to kill me... when I know its really me she's asking to kill you."

"What do you mean?" Edric scoffed out.

"You didn't finish the last task she gave you," Niall said in a warning tone. "You lost control of my sister and now I've been forced out. She doesn't have a well grounded spy in the pack anymore, thanks to you. She sent you here so I will kill you."

"Lamia wanted me to kill your sister. And-"

A growl broke out in my throat as I saw Niall's face of lost expression.

"And," Edric said as he smirked in amusement. "Now that you're no longer needed- since your only useful role was being in that pack... She wants me to kill you."

"Is that the lies she told you?" Niall asked as he walked closer towards Edric. Edric was suddenly backing up. I could see Niall showing off his teeth in a grin. "You think I won't be needed after leaving the pack behind? I have many more uses... In or Out of that pack. Now, that we've got that cleared up. I wanted to talk to you about a few things."

I felt my breath loosen as Luke walked beside me. We followed as Niall backed Edric into the town's center. This was him cornering his prey.

"I-Is this about me killing your brother?" Edric asked nervously.

"Which one? Or did you mean my sister?"

"Niall, let's talk that out. We both know orders are orders. Don't be angry with me." I could smell fear.

"We both know I love her. I'm not after her for revenge but rather her subordinates she's been using behind my back. And, you're one of them."

Not romantically... right?

Niall transformed back into his wolf form. People were begining to crowd around and see what was happening. Niall was bigger than before. Like he didn't have to hold back his strength anymore. He towered- and almost looked as big as my form. He does have alpha blood in him.

"Niall~!" He laughed out as he begged to be spared. "I wasn't going to kill you," he assured. I could smell the lies he spilt out. "I'm not at fault for your sibilings. Just orders, they're just orders."

"But, you are to blame," Niall growled in his wolf tongue. "You've taken my brother from me. She can't order you to kill anyone else if you're dead... soldier."

"Why is her family so complicated?" I whispered out as I couldn't keep my eyes off Niall. So he's been on Lamia's side this whole time? How could he set his own father- in- law up like that? HE even has a soul mate in the pack! Why is he so selfish? What's his motive?

"Do you think he's killing this man because he's secretly on our side? I mean... who would want to be on that evil bitch's side? She could back stab you at any minute," I whispered to Luke.

"I highly doubt anyone would willingly be on her side," Luke chuckled out. "But, he said he's of use to Lamia besides being a spy in the pack. I wonder what he meant."

We stopped talking as Niall and Edric drew our attention back to them.

The vampire, Edric disappeared. I could still smell him here. It only confirmed my knowledge about this monster. He could become invisible. Niall didn't show fear. He growled as he smelled the air. Werewolves are great trackers. Edric's strong scent would be a dead give-away on where he is. Even if he's invisible it doesn't mask his scent. Niall lowered his head as he looked like he was smelling or listening for the beast.

The hunt is on.

Niall might be a traitor but he's hunting down someone responcible for his brother's death. If I can have any hope, it's that deep down he's actually on my side. He's a loyal beta.

We chased after Niall as he took off running. Into the town and through the town square. Until we came across as shop with a sign reading 'lycanthrope'. Niall jumped at the doorway as the door busted open wide. He's caught up to the man. He impacted Edric in the doorway and they both tumbled into the shop. The door hit the wall and glass shattered off of it. I lead Luke up to the entrance to see inside. Niall had Edric pinned to the ground. Edric was already showing himself again. Clear as day, terrified. Niall widened his jaws and clutched down on Edric's head and bit it clear off. I could hear the skull crush in his teeth. Niall looked like a monster instead of a wolf in my eyes.

"LYCAN!" I heard a woman scream behind me.

Niall growled as the man's body under him seemed to crumple. Like the thing holding it together was the head. Now that it was off- it collapsed. Niall let the head fall out of his mouth as he dug suddenly into the beast's decaying chest. He buried his nuzzle in and pulled out a beating heart. It poured out black blood as he took it into the streets proudly. The stench of vampire made me gag as he passed through me.

"That was one of the Dragavei knights," I heard someone from in the shop whisper.

"No, that was this shop's owner," another whispered.

"He works for Lamia."

"I think the lycan works for Lamia."

I tensed up as I heard their whispers. I didn't want to believe them. That Niall was truly working for Lamia. But, my eyes aren't decieving me.

I looked towards Luke. I wasn't sure I could watch anymore of this right now. What else is there to see here? I just saw Niall take a guy's head off and now he's carrying his heart around like a trophy. But, I knew this wasn't it. I could smell her. I followed Niall back towards the town square. Where a crowd was gathering.

"What's going on?" I asked softly as I saw a woman standing up on a platform. This was no ordinary woman. Unlike the marbel faces in the crowd this woman was a goddess to my eyes. No where near compared to Blair's beauty in my opinion but- she was still flawless. This woman- everything down to her perect posture or powerful wisdom she illuminated. Her smile almost seemed forced. Like smiling was a forced muscle movement for her. She struggled to hold onto her happy demeanor. Her hair was like star light to me, with how silver it was. Her red lips attracted my eyes to them. This lady never enjoyed anything. Those eyes told on her. She was mad in them. A dark sea of lies.

She was watching Niall with a pleased expression. Her look changed the crowd's mood. They were happy over Niall's kill.

Oh, This is Lamia.

"Niall," she called out. A man in a servant's outfit stood by her with a robe in his hands. By the amount of scars on his neck I could tell he was favored enough not to kill him. His lavender eyes were about the only thing I adored on him. He looked desperate for help. His eyes showed depression. She waved as Niall walked up to her like an obeident dog. He trasformed into his human state. He grabbed the robe out of the servant's hands and put it on. He pulled the beating heart from his mouth and held it out to her. Their eyes met as she took it from him. "What a lovely gift," she chimmed happily at him. She placed the heart into her servant's hands. He in exchange gave her a hankerchief from inside his pocket. He didn't wait for her to take it but instead cleaned her hand for her.

"Long time no see, Andrew," Niall said as he reached out and messed up his spanish mop head. Niall looked towards Lamia before wrapping an arm around her waist and yanked her up against his body. "I missed you," he growled to her deeply.


Lamia wrapped an arm around his neck and smiled at him. I mean her eyes twinkled as she stared back at Niall. She pursed her lips before nodding. "I missed you too," she whispered to him. I watched as the crowd moved away. Not interested anymore. Like some royal decree dismissed them. These two were alone it felt like. Lamia's lips lingered over Niall's. "I need you to do something for me," she whispered to him.

"And, what's that?" Niall asked as he sounded amused. Like he loved hearing her pleas. Niall never looked at Lilith the way he's looking at Lamia. Holy shit. I think he loves her. How did this happen?!

"Hurry up and bring me that alpha's head," she whispered. I could hear it no matter how low her voice had dropped. Niall lifted her up into his arms.

"Bring me your husband's head," he growled towards her harshly. "You keep killing the ones I love. So, sacrifce something you care about this time."

"You think I care about him?" She asked and huffed.

I looked up at the castle. So, these two are love birds? Then... is her husband actually on our side? I should have trusted him and listened to what he had to say to me. He might be able to help us.

Lamia's lips parted as Niall gave her a serious look. She nodded slightly. "If that's what it takes," she muttered. She didn't look upset but her lips quivered. She looked like she didn't know her own future if she were to go through with it.

"It's time to go," Luke told me.

"You need to get back to your mate."

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