
History lesson part 2

We stared at the empty space where his body used to be. The black flames weren't a joke, nothing was left. But the hatred didn't die down. And so, we manipulated the negative emotions within the humans to hunt down Hezpot, our Naive, comedic brother. It didn't take long to find him. Ever since we knew him, he had always been the coward of the family. It took days to tire him out since he kept running away.

*Bang* *Swoosh* *Crackle*

As soon as we finished killing the remaining humans, we met with our second big brother for the first time in centuries.

[I'm so glad you're here Achlys, although, you didn't have to kill them all off. I felt bad for them. They would have run away when their numbers dwindled enough,] he said with slight reproach. Clearly, he wasn't a fan of killing.

{yes, it's all my fault, I'm to blame,} we said angrily.

[Relax will you? The stick is still as firmly lodged up your ass as last time we met,] he said with a laugh. but his laugh was short-lived as a massive black paw descended on his defenceless neck.

[a joke, Achlys, a joke! Stop, or Zepher will be mad. You know how reckless our big brother can get. I don't want to get scolded,] he said, slightly frightened by the idea.

{HA! That annoying loser is dead. And you're next, give him my thanks when you meet him,} we said. I distinctly remember us smiling. *sigh* such good times. Anyway, back to the story.

Hezpot was a dragon that controlled the weather and was a master of the elements. He was cowardly, yes, but his ability to create storms was unparalleled. After consuming him, a terrible drought ensued for several days. Only after we awoke did we find out that we had set off a countrywide heatwave that killed hundreds of thousands.

But what did ants mean to an elephant? Setting their meaningless deaths aside we continued on towards our next target. Only sapphire remained before we would fight father. We didn't use the same strategy as we did for our two brothers. After all, we were already strong enough to win in a head-to-head battle. So, we therefore flew directly towards where sapphire dwelled. Inside a mountain covered by a waterfall.

Upon entry, we saw Sapphire, sitting calmly on a rock staring at us with sadness.

[it seems, my dear brother, you are set on this path.] she said, with even more traces of sadness.

{you have brought it on yourself for the way you treated me. You have no one to blame but your-}

[our father. He is to blame.] she cut in.

[father tried so desperately to allude the darkness that would eventually come, that he made it worse. I do not blame you for your actions my sweet little brother. For you, are the one I cherished the most,] she said as a tear slid down her face.

[come, do what you set out to do, and let fate guide you. I pray for your salvation, lest you end up lost after all this is over.] she said before lying down, wide open and defenceless. In the moment, we felt nothing, no remorse, no pity. We didn't even register the words she said. We simply killed her. She neither screamed nor begged for mercy. She simply laid there… quietly.

Sapphire was the dragon of wisdom and virtue. But it would hit us too late for it to take effect. In the moment, the urge to kill our father blinded us from seeing the wisdom our sister had imparted. Fuelled with hate, we flew in Lahru's direction with intent to kill. But he was no longer in his usual spot. He had fled. A trace was only found years later. A group of wizards and witches had set up the very first magical family. The Pendragons. A family that abstained from the material world, who wasn't influenced by our dark powers. For this reason, we knew that was where our father was hiding.

Drowning in Hatred and exhausted from all the searching, we decided to opt for a different approach. Manipulating the nature of humans, we made them search for the family. And slaughter them. All for the chance to get the powers of the Dragons. The rumour worked and the humans flocked like wolves.

It only took a few years to find them. But what astounded us, was that Lahru, someone with immense self-respect, sealed himself in a human in an attempt to hide from us. But he didn't count on Liam's rashness which left too many clues. his constant battles and odd abilities soon gave him away.

When we finally found him, we confronted them at the top of a mountain.

"Dragon of destruction and chaos, I have heard much about you and your despicable crimes." Said Liam in a disgusted tone.

{Oh? If you know, then who gave you the courage to face me? Perhaps it was my cowardly father that hides within that worthless body of yours,} we said mockingly.

"Coward, that is a word reserved for those who kill their own family out of petty revenge," said Liam.

{you do not have the right to lecture me, child. Now, Father, come out before I squeeze this little human into a pile of meat.}

[*Sigh* after so long, why are you still so adamant on your need for revenge?] asked Lahru from within Liam.

{Being disowned has that affect on someone]

[is there really no way to make you stop this senseless crusade of yours? After all, you have killed all of your siblings for your petty revenge, Sapphire… oh my sweat girl.] he said with a deep sadness.

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