

"NEVER!" Harry yelled.

"Fine, have it your way," he said with a grimace. Quirrell as if jolted by electricity jumped into action. He pointed his wand at Harry, "Avada-"

Before he could finish an orb of light appeared in front of him before sending him flying. Harry turned his head to see Tom walking down the stone steps. Quirrell used a weird spell that turned the floor into a rubber-like substance that broke his fall.

Quirrell was about to cast another spell when Tom used expulso forcing him to dodge once again. He really hated to waste all that effort back in the forest, but letting Harry die was out of the question. He also didn't find a way to spin it off where he had the upper hand since if he revealed himself, he would be put into a passive position, and Harry would know he had some dealings with Voldemort. Harry being Harry would snitch to Dumbledore and that would not end well.

But he didn't regret spending the time to talk to Voldemort since having a backup plan ensured a way out. having something to fall back on would allow him to stall for time while he thought of a solution. He turned his head towards Harry who was still laying on the floor like an idiot.

"Are you going to simply sit on your ass Harry?" he asked in annoyance. Harry snapped out of his stupor and stood up laboriously. He freed himself from the loose rope and stared at the kneeling Quirrell.

"TRAI-" Quirrell wasn't able to finish before reducto came flying towards him. He dodged to the side and ran towards Harry. He shot out a green beam of light that startled Tom. Forced to dodge, he didn't have a choice but to separate from Harry. As he landed, he saw Quirrell kicking Harry in the stomach which threw him to the ground.

"Now, let's try that again, Avada-" another attack was sent towards Quirrell's direction by Tom. Quirrell being interrupted yet again quickly dodged, but suddenly saw an odd scene. The attack landed on Harry instead, sending him flying through the air. Upon landing, he was knocked out cold due to hitting his head. Tom sighed in relief.

Finally, he was free to let loose for a while. Suddenly, the air around Tom began to change as if another person had descended in his body. He stopped pretending, he stopped holding back.

"I had strings, but now I'm free," he said slowly and with a smile.

"I did hope you'd last long enough for me to have my fun, but seeing how frail you are, I think it will not be possible." He lamented while shaking his head.

"At the very least, do entertain me for a few rounds," said Tom stretching his neck as the temperature began to rise. With every step he took, a depression was made where molten pieces of stone could be seen in the shape of footprints.

"All that power and look where it got you… disappointing!" he said as his voice began to get deeper and more sinister, it was clear he wasn't talking to Quirrell. His eyes changed from bright blue to a blood red. His hands released smoke as they lit up with black flames.

"W-What are you!" Quirrell said stuttering again as he took a step back. Even Voldemort was silent.

"Me? Pest control. I heard fire is most effective on bugs," Tom said mockingly. He waved his arm upwards causing a slash like figure to form from black flames which burst outwards in Quirrell's direction. He tried to dodge and was successful but landed forcefully on the ground.

Quirrell got up with a grunt and sent an Avada towards Tom only for it to be dodged with slight effort. Tom didn't say anything and continued to walk at a steady pace, inching forward towards Quirrell with every passing second. There was only so much room left before they would be face to face.

"This isn't supposed to end like this, what are you, who are you really?!" Quirrell yelled hysterically as he backed up continuously while sending all kinds of attack spells towards Tom. Tom easily blocked them by using the different types of Protego spell's he had learned. Sometimes they reflected back in random directions, sometimes they landed accurately forcing Quirrell to dodge once again.

"There is no point in telling a dead man." He said monotonously before stretching his hand out in front of him. A massive wave of black fire spread out in a fan-like shape towards Quirrell.

An aged voice could be suddenly heard chanting something before Quirrell disappeared and reappeared next to Harry. Quirrell upon landing kneeled on the ground panting heavily.

"Grab the stone! NOW!" yelled Voldemort hurriedly. As Quirrell attempted to reach his hand out, a demonic voice could be heard.

"There is no escape from me!" said the voice from behind Quirrell. Voldemort stared into Tom's Bloody red eyes. He felt the hatred and the power behind that gaze. It was like a beast was staring at him hungrily. It was a puzzling feeling; he didn't know why he felt like that.

But for the first time in his life, he felt like prey. Tom grabbed Quirrell's shoulder and lifted him up before throwing him effortlessly across the room, smashing into a wall. Spiderweb like cracks spread all over the stone wall, as Quirrell's disfigured form could be barely made out amongst the rubble.

Tom walked towards him before stumbling and falling to one knee.

[don't push yourself, you're over-drafting my power. Reel it in, you will have your chance later,] warned Drak as he observed Tom's condition. Tom nodded slightly but the red light coming from his eyes shone even brighter. Tom got up again as if nothing happened and made his way towards Harry.

He chucked the unconscious boy's body over his shoulder and walked towards the immobile Quirrell who was struggling to move.

"incarcerous!" Tom spoke, it was to avoid any accidents from occurring. Quirrell who was now tied by thick ropes wasn't able to move his arms and was therefore unable to cast any magic. "Expelliarmus!" he cast right after. You could never be too careful.

"What are you planning to do?" asked Voldemort with a frown, his face was fine since Quirrell had his embedded into the stone.

"Don't tell me you forgot already? the sacrificial spell that got you killed all those years ago," he answered with a mocking smile. Voldemort's face contorted to the extreme as he glared viciously at Tom.

"How do you know such a thing!" he yelled demandingly.

"You are in no place to be asking questions, let alone in such a tone," Tom reprimanded with the same mocking smile.

He lowered Harry and grabbed his left wrist before placing it on Quirrell's left arm. It began to blister as the muffled, pain-stricken wails of Quirrell could be heard from within the stone wall.

The left arm began to turn grey and before long, it was reduced to ash which fell to the floor softly like snowflakes.

Tom approached Voldemort's face and stood 20 centimetres away. "Till next time," he said with a smile before bringing Harry's hand parallel Voldemort's face. As soon as it made contact, the screams of pain could be heard from Quirrell while the furious yells could be heard from Voldemort as his red eyes stared at Tom's smiling face from between the gaps in Harry's fingers.

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