
Peeve’s the clown

As we walked with the rest of the house back towards the common room, the students were on edge. Especially the first years, they were shitting their pants all the way there. Peeves didn't help the situation as he would come out of somewhere and scare us. Sometimes he would pretend that the troll was coming this way which I found to be most fascinating.

When this happened everyone soon showed their colours, Percy should be one of the first to jump in front of the troll was indeed coming, but Percy met my expectations, the coward freaked out and backed away. Some of the kids actually stepped forward which I found to be noteworthy. Hermione looked frightened but stood her ground and looked towards me to gauge my reaction.

I could see the look of surprise when she saw me leaning on the wall calmly. I naturally knew that the troll was not even close to here even if it didn't stop by the bathrooms like it did in the movies and books. So, what as there to be afraid of. When we heard Peeve's laughing all the others knew that they had been tricked and sported annoyed and indignant looks on their faces all the way back.

I laughed at the sight and followed along merrily without much of a care. "How can you be so relaxed in a situation like this? A troll is on the loose and here you are looking like you're strolling around a park," said Hermione beside me with an angry look.

"If and I say if, the troll does make its way over here, don't I have you and your big brain to help me figure it out?" I teased, only to get punched for what seemed to be the millionth time on the arm. "Oh you! If anyone can do something or think about how to deal with a troll it would be you," she said confidently. I could only shake my head, why does she have more confidence in me than I do?

Sure, I was smart, and sure I had knowledge of the story but that would not help me when facing off against a troll. My only option would be to try the method Ron used and the second would be to melt the fucker into a puddle of troll meat with Drak's power. But the second option would not be possible since I would under no circumstances expose my power, it would be too much of a headache to deal with.

As for magic and spells? I am limited again by what we are learning and the library. I have a plan for the restricted section in the library. The restricted section is full of books and knowledge that focuses on how to combat dark magic or is about something relating to dark magic. There was everything from potions to charms it was chalk full information that would be useful in my pursuit for power.

But It would have to wait until our dear little protagonist attempts to stop Quirrell that night. Snapping out of my thoughts I pat Hermione's shoulder and continue to walk onwards under the incessant noise of peeves. He did however eventually give up when none of the students reacted to his nonsense anymore. I chuckled softly at the sudden thought that popped into my head.

What would happen if the troll showed up and Peeves was truly trying to warn us, man would that be chaotic. I shook my head and arrived at the common room shortly after. I Finally understood why dark wizards were able to deal so much damage, these students were so frightened that they were scared of their own shadow let alone a dark wizard that is a hundred times more lethal than a troll.

But look how happy they are now, it's like they completely forgot about the existence of the troll in the castle corridors. In the span of a couple of minutes the once tense atmosphere was once again joyful and light. People were eating, playing games, or talking about the troll with a smile. Me and Hermione sat in our usual spot on the couch and watched this happen with a smile of our own.

"Naïve, aren't they?" I said without turning my head. From the corner of my eye, I could see Hermione shake her head and sigh. "I finally get why you wanted me to train, who knew that there would be a troll in the castle undetected. What would have happened if me or you were separated and got attacked. Maybe we could have outrun the troll with the amount of exercise we are doing but not others. Especially when Trolls are magic resistant, so attacking them with it is dumb," she said frightened at her own idea.

I laughed and flicked her forehead, "relax, it is over now, the teachers will get rid of it, and everything will be fine. Now the real issue is where those two idiots are," I said with a frown. There should be no reason for why they are missing, it can't be that hard to follow a simple set of instructions, is it?

Hermione looked at me and then at the crowd and soon realised who was missing. I saw her facepalm before getting angry. "Those two incompetent idiots will make us lose points again," she said with a scowl.

"Relax, it won't be so many, and you need to forget about this points thing. It's not worth our time thinking about it. If we get them that's good, but we shouldn't care about them at the end of the day," I voiced while slightly pushing her.

She fell sideways onto the couch which seemed to take her mind off of it as she sat back up straight, stepped on my foot and smiled before opening her book. "Must you torture me wherever I go?" I said in annoyance. "Yes, I must," she said without giving an explanation which pissed me off. Seeing my face Hermione laughed quietly before turning her attention away from me.

Soon some others noticed Harry and Ron's disappearance and got worried. But that didn't last long before Professor McGonagall walked into the common room holding the arms of two students with torn clothes and a dirty look like they had been dragged across the dirt while being tied to a horse-drawn carriage.

When we heard that Ron and Harry went to look at the troll, I facepalmed. I forgot the most crucial part, they are idiots without Hermione, well, they were idiots with her being present but without her, they were far worse. It seems that unlike the original, Harry and Ron didn't manage to kill the troll. No-no, it was the other way around, the troll almost killed them.

Luckily the teachers arrived in time and stopped the troll, or the idiotic duo would have to be scraped off of the ground with a shovel. Shaking my head, I opened a book myself and read before it was bedtime. I said goodnight to Hermione and walked towards the men's showers to have my daily bath before bed.

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