
Chapter 168: Valentino, Diha

Saturday. London, United Kingdom.

VALENTINO STARED AT VIGGO'S back. He stood at the vanity, scrubbing his face. The stubble had grown into a scruffy beard this last week, giving him a rougher than normal look. He only wore shorts. Water trickled off his shoulders from his shower. It was the first time he'd gotten the chance to wash since...

When was the last time?

She'd showered first when they landed at the second crash pad.


He hadn't showered in days, when sometimes he showered morning and night.

It was a holdover from the days when they'd been forced to maintain a shower schedule. Their foster parents wouldn't allow everyone to shower every day. It used too much water and hiked the bill. Viggo had been focused on sports, chasing the ever elusive athletic scholarship that had never come. They'd all wanted to make concessions for him, but rules were rules.

Now he could take as many showers as he wanted, so long as he stayed alive.

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