
Let's Begin


I had not expected that Sir Nolan, I mean Nolan, would pick me up from my room so that he could guide me to work. I don't think I ever thought he would care enough to go out of his way to do that for me. And he even commented on my work clothes. He said that he liked them. Was that because he thought they were appropriate or that he just thought they looked good on me? I don't know which one it could have been. But I do know that I was both more relaxed and a lot more nervous for this first day of work.

Nolan had told me that we had a lot of work ahead of us and he didn't know how long it was going to take. Had he gotten a lot of requests from King Callum or from other people that were looking for his help? Was he that swamped with what he had to do? I truly do hope that I would be able to help him to the best of my abilities. I was hoping that somehow, someway, I might be able to lessen this massive workload he seemed to be buried under.

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