As Jack passed an alley, he was suddenly dragged into the shadows.
"HEllo— TcH, yOu'rE BeInG FoLlOwEd. ThE StEnCh oF LiGhT…." The ghoul spat out before dragging student and master away.
A few minutes later, they were in some random wine cellar, their true appearance visible to the two of them. Their cadaver-looking skin was almost glowing in the dark.
"YoU, yOu wEnT To tHe iNqUiSiTiOn…." One frowned.
"You're welcome! They'll be chasing the dark elves in the Eternal Mines for a while now. Anyway, what's up?"
"We fOuNd tHe lIcH: tHe cAnYoN! bUt tHeRe's oNe iSsUe…."The ghoul seemed irked.
He was annoyed by WC. Ever since the Invisible Deer, many lumberjacks had stopped their activities in the Greenwood Forest and rotated to the Canyon for it was one giant rock quarry.
Their numbers made it so they had a bigger impact on the ecology and Braves had followed, trying to exploit the NPCs' assistance to hunt faster.