
Made To Be Sneaky: Chapter 10


I can't stand them. I'm going to go crazy if I have to keep listening to their incessant twittering. I didn't mind the faint calls I here in the distance, but yesterday, the nest of eggs outside the window finally hatched and ugly little creatures emerged. Moments after, another creature landed beside it in a flurry of flapping wings. I've never seen this type of creature before, but I know I can't stand their shrill calling.

Removing the pillow against my ears, I swung my legs over the side of the bed with a huff. My stomach rumbled. Conri usually arrived with a meal around this time, but he was late today.

I bit my lip hesitantly. Either I stayed there with the annoying twittering and an empty stomach, or perhaps I could take a peek at the world beyond the door?

I crept to the door, and with a heavy breath, I pushed it open and stuck my head out. A hallway stretched out before me, and I didn't see anyone. My ears perked forward as I listened, and my tail swished nervously. After minutes of waiting, I still heard nothing.

A small smile danced on my lips, and I quickly darted out and silently padded to a massive wooden staircase. My eyes bulged at the size, but that didn't stop me. I tiptoed down each step, careful to make not a sound. The staircase ended at another floor, but another one continued down just beside it.

I hesitated. Stretched before me was a wide room opened and archways leading to other areas dotted the walls. This didn't look like the kitchen or cafeteria we had back home? Instead of wandering this floor, I continued down the next staircases to find a corridor with a few doors until it opened up to a larger area down the way.

I could easily get lost in this place, I realized. Turning, I decided to enter one of the nearest doorways. With bated breath, I nudged the slightly ajar door and peeked inside carefully.

It appeared to be an office like the ones of the caretakers, but this one was warmer and had dozens of paintings on the walls and a rich red carpet. Books lined the towering shelves, and large windows let in bright light from outside. The view of the purple mountains lent a feeling of serenity that took my breath away.

I let out a delighted hum, but then immediately realized my mistake.

"What're you doing?" A gruff voice sounded from the desk. A dark haired man stood from his kneeling position after shoving the desk drawer closed.

I gasped. The look on his face shone with anger and caused me to gasp fearfully. He lunged at me with heavy footsteps. Quickly, I spun around and dashed down the corridor as my eyes swept the area to hide. I should have bolted back up the staircase! I grimaced. It was too late because I practically felt his breath on my neck.

"Go away!" I shrieked.

"Stop running!" He hissed as he grabbed my arm. He slammed me against a closed door, and pushed his body against me. "Why are you here? Did you follow me?"

My breath came in quick gasps and my vision spun. I struggled wildly, but he held tighter. In my flailing, my hand brushed the knob, so I fumbled to open it with a cry.

Suddenly, the door burst open and the man and I both tumbled into the room. "Let go!" I gasped out.

"Dot?" My eyes shot up when I heard his voice.

I immediately met his gaze, and without thinking, I gasped, "Daddy?"

Suddenly, it was like the rest of my senses flooded back to me and I became aware of my surroundings again.

In front of me, a dozen or so people sat at a long wooden table and all their eyes were on me.

The man that once held me against my will scrambled to his feet and backed up with raised hands. "She was lost!" The panic in his voice made my stomach churn. Was he afraid of my Daddy too?

I swiveled my head between the two, and each time, the anger on the large Alpha's face increased exponentially. He said something I couldn't understand in a venomous voice as he leaped over the table with a roar.

I frantically sprang to my feet, my ears flat to my head in fear. The scent of this man suffocated me. It smelled like danger. Dashing like a wild woman, I swiftly fled the room with frightened gasps and took off without a shred of a plan.

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