
Dark Age

King Majarlica from the castle: "Makali Albedo?! That voice I've heard in my head, was it truly from the Death God?!"

Madame Faye in a random tavern: "Oh my, he really did it now."

Kate: "Did you feel that too?"

Matthew: "That explains his unusual magic. But what does he intend to do now?"

Kate: "I never knew a smile like his hides a murderer within him, If he really is the Ruthless Emperor."

Matthew: "Stop it. He could kill us anytime if he wants. Don't even think about provoking him, literally."

Mr. Rosace: "That kid, did my eyes fooled me?!"

Kupkop: "Cali?! What is happening?!"

Mica: "I can't believe they're gone. This is not real, right?!"

Zen: "Shine, Matt, Tania, and Pete.."

Mica shouts: "Cali, are all of these true?"

Zen: "Tell us the truth, Cali!"

Manna: "That guy.. It's the other guy who saved my life!"

Manna shouted: "If Im not mistaken, You're sir Cali, correct?" What is the meaning of this?!"

Prince: "What is going on, Cali?!"

Makali in everyone's mind: "I already told you, didnt I?"

Makali took out his iron crown and worn it.

Makali: "I am the Ruthless Emperor."

Zen: "Thats-! The crown must be controlling his mind!"

Biel: "No, the crown is just a normal crown. Lord Makali told the truth and will reveal the rest right now."

Ceed: "That must be what you meant yesterday! You know everything about this, don't you?! Who are you really?!"

Biel: "My name is Biel Rosace. I am the General of Royal Knights, directly serving under Lord Makali one hundred five years ago. I am your predecessor."

Ceed: "Biel Rosace?! Our great grandfather?! How are you so young and.. alive?!"

Manna: "Why are you here?"

Makali: "I am here to witness the condition of my empire. To see the effect of my one-year reign after a hundred and five years. To be frank, I am disappointed. All the corruption, discrimination, poverty, and lunacy, are all disgusting. That's why I am here to reclaim my throne from the Majarlica Family."

Manna: "An evil dictator like you does not deserve the highest throne in the continent! Seize him!"

Makali paralyzed all of the guards temporarily.

Makali: "Look who's talking. You and your father once attempted to dispose and kill your sister and your mother just so you can inherit the throne, correct?"

Manna: "What?! I dont know what are you talking about!"

Makali: "Stop playing dumb princess. Unfortunately for you, your murder attempt failed because your older sister is here in the colosseum, alive."

Manna in her mind: "There is no way! I made sure to check their breathing to make sure they're dead!" Without her noticing, her mind is heard by everyone in the kingdom due to Makali's magic.

"There is no way sister Mica is still alive!"

Makali: "There you have it. You finally told the truth."

"You might not know this but, I can read and share people's mind."

Citizen 1: "Was that the princess just now?!"

Citizen 2: "I cant believe this!"

Citizen 3: "Ive been suffering from their reign for a long time, and now this?! Im finally conviced that the Majarlicas must be taken down!"

Zen: "Cali, who are you really?"

Makali connects to the mind of Zen, Ceed, and Mica: "Its time for you to learn who am I. What Im gonna show you is my story, a hundred and seven years ago"

Year 1713, Capitolio City (Majarlica City), at the Castle Gardens. A child was seen playing in the garden, exploring and studying the world around him.

A child that is pale and weak. He is said to have no magic. His name is Makali Albedo. He is aware of the fact that he is Manaless, but his desire for magic cannot be easily taken down.

He's trying to find objects to manipulate using magic.

The boy saw a butterfly on top of a flower before it flew away.

The boy tried to control the fleeing butterfly by pointing his arm towards the insect that looks like he's reaching for it.

The butterfly suddenly disintegrated into dust and formed a human shaped smoke that ressembled his body shape.

Makali stepped back due to fear and then he tripped over.

The dusts imitated his movements.

Cali tried to undo the magic. Then the dusts fell to the ground before being swept by wind after the magic was dispelled.

He later tried it on the stone path but it didn't work.

He then tried it on the bushes. This time, it worked. The bush began compressing into his shape until it matched his body mass. The plant also started to transform some of its compounds in order to further imitate Makali's body.

A maid saw what he's doing so she quickly approached him.

The Maid: "Prince Makali, you should not do that! What you're doing is dark arts, and its very dangerous!"

Makali: "Really?"

The Maid: "Yes, master. The elders said that if you use it too much, you can no longer be accepted by Goddess Fiona in the afterlife!"

Makali: "Im sorry, Ms. Gale."

Gale: "Stop making me worry, okay? My job is to take care of you so if something happened to you, I'd be dead to your parents. You might not even see me again, and there is a possibility that you might end up to a much more strict maid than me."

Makali: "I understand, Ms. Gale. I won't do it again, I promise.. By the way, do you think Fiona is real?"

Gale: "What-?! There you go again. Stop saying some absurd stuff. Of course she's real. How else would the world exist? She is also the reason why you are alive and why people can use magic."

Makali: "I just dont understand her at all. If she gives magic to people, how can I don't have one? Does that mean that she's not in favor of me?"

Gale: "I said stop already! Im gonna get mad if you keep talking like that!"

Makali zipped his mouth while making a polite face. He knew that his fear to Gale's wrath, once it's unleashed, will be engraved in his mind for years to come.

Gale: "Anyway, it's time for your religious lessons, don't keep the Empress waiting. Dont go spouting those crap again, do you understand?"

Makali nods and walks away in a fast pace.

He headed to the Empress' room. The castle is massive but he memorized all of its rooms and hallways.

He knocked on the door and shouted his name.

The Empress: "You may enter."

He opened the door to enter and closed it right after.

Sitting on the bed is the mother of Makali. A beautiful woman with white hair and skin.

Makali: "Good day, mother."

Empress: "Did you accomplished the last task I gave you yesterday?"

Makali: "Yes. It was to read five teachings from the Pheonix Scriptures. I have read and memorized these:

First, Dark arts are various harmful magic of the devil, spelling them will have you forsaken.

Second, Fiona is the Goddess of Beauty and Fertility. Thus, "beautiful" women and children are made sacred. Harming them indicates a disrespect to the Goddess.

Third, Women and children should not be involved in the roles of men, such as war and politics. A "beautiful" woman does not battle nor lead, therefore there is no reason to harm the woman or control the woman, doing so is a sin.

Fourth, A beautiful woman is ladylike, kind, and a follower of Fiona. Beauty is not about appearance, but personality.

Fifth, Fiona comes in many names such as, Immortal Pheonix, Goddess of Life, Goddess of Beauty and Fertility."

Empress: "Very well. Your next task for tomorrow is to understand and explain the meaning of those scriptures. If you understand what they stand for, you can easily memorize the rest of the Phoenix Scripture."

Makali: "But mom, thats like thousands of teachings.."

Empress: "It takes time but you will get there, Kali."

Kali: "The amount of time needed will probably outlive me. That is maybe why they named it Phoenix Scripture, since you have to be an immortal to learn all of it."

Empress: "Hey that's disrespectful! But I admit that's pretty clever." She giggles.

Kali laughed with her.

Someone knocked on the door and stated he is a guard.

The Guard: "Empress Mari, the Emperor is looking for Prince Makali."

Mari: "I see. I'll bring him over."

Kali tensed up and breathes deeper.

Mari: "Lets not keep him waiting."

Both of them went to the throne room where the Emperor is usually found.

He is sitting in the throne with a gaze that shows his disappointment.

Mari: "Good day, Emperor Sakal. Why did you wish to see us?"

Sakal: "I would like to know how is the progress of Kali's magic abilities."

Kali: "I'm still working on it, f-father"

Sakal grit his teeth then sighed.

Sakal: "What a failure. A pathetic excuse for a prince cannot inherit the throne. If this keeps going, Prince Majarlica from Drageo will inherit the throne instead."

(Drageo is a kingdom within Agham Empire located across the Dragon Sea. Agham consists of four major cities/kingdoms.

Located at the north of Dragon Sea is Capitolio City, at the west is Drageo, at the east is Battrea Kingdom, and Disierto Kingdom at the south. To make it easier to imagine, the inspiration to the geography of Agham Empire is the ancient Roman Empire. A vast empire that surrounds a vast sea.

The three kingdoms had their own kings, but only the Emperor in the Capitolio possess the power over all of them. Basically Emperor > King).

Sakal: "Looks like we have no choice but to resort in Dark Arts. Fiona's religion isn't proven real anyway. Starting tomorrow, you will be studying Dark Arts on your own, I will try to find a sane teacher for you."

Mari: "Oh, dear! That is a dangerous power to bear! You can't expose my son to such hazard!"

Sakal: "My words are absolute! Don't forget that it's your fault for bringing me a weak child! That is all, now begone!"

The words marked in Kali's mind due to fear. To avoid his father's anger, Kali decided to dedicate his effort to Dark Arts, the heretic power that controls the living.

Sorry for not uploading in weeks. I was busy on making the cover. The cover turned out better that I expected, but Im still not satisfied. Might change it a bit next time.

Anyways, the next arc is about Kali's past. This is also the part I personally like.

Kokuseicreators' thoughts
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