

Kai returned back to the throne room. Knowing all that he did scared me, what could have in the future and the possibility of losing everything so easily. His mother had decided to take over and he only believed in her because of the hate she nurtured for werewolves. Her pride was too high to be defeated just like that.

The younger prince knocked on the door, knocking loud and steady only to see his mother appearing at the doorstep. The queen looked back for a second, probably checking on the wolves before she stepped outside. 

"What did the doctor say?"

"Suicide pill which is…"

"Forbidden in BloodBound. You're right after all. Someone tried to frame you."

"Mother, they're working with someone to destroy BloodBound." Kai told her and the queen's eyes widened in shock. She grabbed her son by the arm, leading him a bit further.

"Do you understand the gravity of your words right now?" She whispered.

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