
The secret to a CEO's heart

«Lara Clayton, ah? And where did you meet CEO Woods?» Michael Clarke inquired, his eyes narrowed and filled with suspicions.

«Ehm... At a party,» she said with a shrug.

«Oh, does that even work nowadays? What kind of party was it? A formal event or another cocktail party?»

«Just a party,» Lara sighed. «Totally informal.»

«And what did you do to attract his attention? Just curious, uh... We have no intention of stealing your tricks.»

«I did nothing,» Lara replied, frowning.

She sipped again from her glass, and the taste brought her back in time... To that night of six years before.

What had she done?

It wasn't very clear in her mind, but she was sure everything was boring and conventional until her eyes met Nate's. She could see him... Oh, not just that: she could feel him!

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