
Fangirling over Alvin

"I still think that we should return to the palace. You can have a proper meal there," Harold suggested as she looked around the marketplace for a place where she could eat. 


"Let's eat something different for a change," Alicia insisted. What did the people here eat? She was dying to have a taste of the commoners' food. 


Harold sighed as he let her lead them to a shop where people were seated eating outdoors. Harold let his eyes scan around the place to make sure it was safe before leading her to an empty table where they both sat down. 

The owner of the shop immediately joined them, "What would you like to have?" He asked, even though he was not very comfortable with the fact that the lady was wearing men's clothing. 


"Do you have a menu?" Alicia asked curiously, making both Harold and the shop owner exchange a look, each wondering if the other knew what she was asking about. 


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