
Stay with me

At this point and time, Gary was just far too upset to care about whether Kirk recognised him. In fact, in some way the teenager felt that he needed the Altered to be aware of it, to see who had been the one to fight and defeat him, and how much Gary regretted it.

The high schooler had decided to agree to Kai's plan, yet when he had killed all those orphans, it had felt like the only way to save them, but this… this seemed liked a complete waste, a misunderstanding that could have somehow been avoided…

Aware of the kind of injury he had dealt the Altered, Gary had felt as if someone as if someone had plunged a knife into his heart before, but now, seeing the way Kirk looked at him, with just a tiny smirk on his face, yet without any blame in his eyes, it felt like someone had twisted it.

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