

"Machamp, how do you feel?" He asked as he observed the Pokémon mounted on Arcanine.

[It feels odd, a lot of power is coursing through my body, but I can tell that my body can't handle it currently.] he said before dismounting arcanine. He floated down before standing in front of Rex. Then he began to shrink, and his form turned back into his normal mode. He still towered over Rex as he looked down at him.

"yeah, I estimate you only have two minutes before you will be forced to revert back. So, keep that in mind. That is not to say it can't be extended. As you get stronger, you'll be able to sustain its use." He encouraged.

[yes, I concur with your analysis Rex. I can feel that my mastery of martial arts has reached the highest point. I should be able to beat you easily now,] he said with a grin. But to his surprise, Rex simply shrugged.

"good for you mate, I never really cared for it, I just trained you so that you can be the strongest you can be. It's not surprising that the legacy brought you knowledge. Anyway, what's with riding Arcanine? That looked odd." He said with a raised eyebrow.

[HA! That, yeah, I don't actually know, it just felt right, When I face my other half, riding Arcanine should prove to be useful,] he said solemnly. Rex nodded. He didn't give it much thought. But just when he thought about moving on, he suddenly felt extreme pain from somewhere in his body. He couldn't contain it and began to scream which shocked Machamp who ran to his aid. Through gritted teeth, Rex spoke.

"System, what's—happening---?"

[the anomaly is acting up, but for some reason, it is being suppressed. There seems to be something missing. The system will need time to analyse.] it said quickly.

"How much time," he said as the pain slightly subsided.

[uncertain] it said to his shock.

"Why?" he asked.

[there is not enough data collected. The system has observed that it is directly connected to Machamp and that something odd will happen. The system guesses that it has something to do with the incomplete legacy. Maybe completing Machamp's legacy will allow you to figure out what this anomaly is?] it said with uncertainty.

But to Rex, it made sense. Since there was something missing, it must be the other half of the legacy. Now he had another reason to hunt down that collector dude. The pain subsided completely after a while, and he was supported by Machamp who had a worried look.

[are you ok Rex?]

"yes, don't worry, there seems to be something that connects us, but there is something missing. I'm guessing it has something to do with the missing part of your legacy. So, we need to try and get it," he said seriously. Machamp had a vicious glint in his eye that quickly faded.

[I will do my best,] he said seriously.

"don't sweat it, fate will take its course, we are but a boat in its turbulent waters. Being carried by its strong currents. What happens will happen. It is of little importance. We need to celebrate your successful evolution Machamp," he said as he patted Machamp's shoulder with a smile.

Machamp had a smile on his face and nodded with glee. Rex's pokemon got up and came running with stars in their eyes as they observed Machamps new look. Rex had to admit, it looked gangster as fuck. Glowing fists, golden eyes, he looked strong. He smiled as he watched Marshadow climb machamps body and sit on his shoulder. Arcanine was arguing with it, clearly jealous since he could no longer do that.

He noticed Scyther off in the corner looking at machamp seriously. Rex walked up behind him.

"Don't worry Scyther, you will be just as strong as him one day." His words startled Scyther who quickly turned around. He looked at Rex with a deep look.

[Can I really be as strong as big brother?] asked Scyther. Rex understood what he was saying since he had aura. He smiled and pulled Scyther into a tight hug before making him turn around to see the rest of the family.

"look at them, they're all happy, enjoying their time, you mustn't dwell on these thoughts of yours. I do not know if you can obtain a legacy. Maybe you can't and maybe you will never reach his power level. But I'll tell you a way you can get just as strong as him even without a legacy. Wanna know?" he asked with a grin.

Scyther nodded with unprecedented seriousness. He was worried about being left behind. Him, onix and gyarados especially didn't seem to have a legacy attached to them. He was worried that he would be left behind by Rex.

Rex understood this perfectly. He felt saddened at the thought of leaving Scyther. Or any of the others as a matter of fact. He decided it was time to clear something up.

"EVERYONE, come here, I need to say a few words," he raised his voice so that all of his Pokémon could hear. They all turned around and came running. When they saw the solemn atmosphere, they all became serious.

Machamp came to Rex's side as did Arcanine.

"It has come to my attention that some of you feel down about this whole Legacy thing. Some of you feel like you'll be left behind. Unable to catch up. I am here to tell you that this is not true. Sure, they have been blessed with such power, but you don't need a legacy to be strong. Who cares if you have one? If you want to be strong, train harder, exceed your limits daily, steel your resolve and push the boundary of what seems impossible. If there is no legacy, then make one. You are the main characters of your own story. I am simply your guide.

Scyther, you are aloof and cold, but I know you care about this family deeply. I understand your concern, but a legacy is simply a head start. I refuse to believe you cannot catch up.

Victreebell, my brave and loyal friend, you may have adopted a more vicious attitude, but I know you are still the holy knight that will be the first to stand up to danger.

Gyarados, my prideful yet arrogant friend. Your pride stems from the love and respect we all have for each other. I cannot wait for the monstrosity you will become.

Onix, my steel wall, you do not need to worry. Your time to shine will come. And boy will you shine, brighter than any other. I cannot wait to see just how much power you will wield.

Marshadow, the assassin in the shadows, you are the newest team member, but your place is already cemented as the dangerous yet quirky perv of the family. But that doesn't take away from your noble character.

Arcanine, the fierce hero ready to put down his life for this family. You act tough and mature even when you're a child deep down. But you would not hesitate to help those in need.

And last but not least, machamp, my first pokemon, and brother. You are the leader and friend to all, the fair judge and peacekeeper.

What am I saying with all of this? All of you hold special places in my heart and are an integral part of this family. We are all a cog that makes this machine work. No man will be left behind. We will train harder until all of us are able to stand together side by side at the final peak. The peak of power." He said solemnly.

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