

Seeing that it was finally done Rex pulled out machop's ball and aimed it at Machop.

Rex "Machop return" a red light appeared and engulfed Machop before shrinking him and sending him back to his Pokeball.

The commander was surprised by the sudden change in the battlefield. after all, it went from dry areas to a field with water that reached their waists. Rex and the commander had to make their way over to some boulders near them to get out of the water. The commander was already starting to get angry again due to the flashback of the sprinkler incident. Rex didn't seem to notice as he observed the battlefield. Nodding in satisfaction he pulled out Magikarps Pokeball.

The commander visibly tensed up when he saw what Rex did since swapping out a pokemon like machop out for another means he must have a stronger pokemon. He was getting increasingly nervous as he saw Rex throw the Pokeball into the water before a Massive 1 meter tall golden Magikarp came out. The commander was stupefied, he couldn't quite comprehend what just happened. wasn't his opponent supposed to bring out a strong pokemon? why then did he take out a Magikarp.

Commander "stop playing around kid return your weak Magikarp and bring out your actual pokemon," he said mockingly

Rex didn't seem to mind but Magikarp took deep offence to that. It had been training with Rex for a good couple of days and their bond grew deeper the more time they spent training and playing. He didn't like to get insulted by being called weak, but the most important reason why he was mad was that it reflected the ability of his trainer. And he absolutely could not tolerate that.

Rex "i would be careful with your words, this little guy really doesn't like insults of any kind. as for my mistake, there isn't any, Magikarp is all I need to beat you." he said calmly and confidently

Commander " Ha! kid don't look down on me, your too naive if you think a pathetic Magikarp shiny or not will save you from a beating. after I'm done with you I'll boil your fish and eat it in a soup," he said mockingly as he eyed the big Magikarp while licking his lips

Rex's eyes turned cold, and a chilling air swept the passageway. The commander thought he was in a freezer for a second before realising that it was because of Rex's stare.

Rex "no more talking, Magikarp use tackle," he said.

The commander chuckled and ordered Arbok to use thunder fang. Magikarp had its swift swim ability so it sped towards the Arbok at quick speed before ramming its head on its abdomen, sadly it only did minimal damage due to its low attack and only left a small mark. it was like hitting a metal door with a weak wrist. Arbok didn't hesitate and lunged at Magikarp before landing a powerful thunder fang on him. Magikarp was sent flying out of the water briefly before landing again. it had taken significant damage from that. even with its above-average defence it still took a lot of damage. Rex seeing that the tackle did nothing was not fazed as he was waiting for Magikarp's evolution.

Rex "Magikarp wait for Arbok to get close and use splash"

The commander really lost his cool this time, he burst into laughter and began to mock Rex. Hearing what the commander was saying really ticked off Magikarp for a second time. The commander didn't seem to care as he ordered Arbok to use another thunder fang.

Arbok rushed over to where Magikarp was at a fast speed, not restrained by the water, courtesy of the shape of their body's. Magikarp who saw that Arbok was close enough it used splash and created a big curtain of water that covered Arboks vision. Arbok soon broke through the water curtain only to see that Magikarp was gone. Before it could react it got hit again on the back of the head. sadly once again it did little to no damage. Magikarp was getting increasingly frustrated as it felt like it was letting down Rex. Before it could think anymore, Arbok had turned around and snapped its jaws shut on Magikarp for a second time before blasting him away again. Magikarp landed in the water before sparks of electricity ran across his body, immobilizing it, accompanied with the water, it increased the paralysis and it started to flare up constantly. The commander was by now completely and utterly pissing himself in laughter.

Commander "This is everything you have? this is what your big plan was? this is what you swapped your Machop out for?" he said in between laughs. Magikarp by now was lost in rage at being mocked, it felt weak and pathetic, it had utterly let down Rex. while Magikarp was feeling down Rex began to smile as if this whole matter was unrelated to him.

Rex "Magikarp I completely believe in the power you have, never back down! never belittle yourself," he said completely ignoring the insults the commander was hurling at him. Magikarp was stunned for a good second before its emotions peaked, accompanied by the immense pressure from constantly losing the battle, it began to Glow with a bright light. By now the commander was in tears from laughing too much before suddenly stopping as if someone had grabbed him by the balls. His face was drained of colour as he stared at the Silhouette in the mass of light that continued to expand. The glow soon faded away showing a colossal 10 meter Blood red Gyarados towering over the entire area. The commander was aghast at the sight.

Commander 'how did it turn like this, why why why why why, it was a PATHETIC LITTLE FISH!' he exclaimed in his mind as he stared at the pokemon in front of him who was giving him the deadliest stare it has ever seen. Rex smiled at the commander's reaction before focusing on Gyarados.

Rex 'system show me Gyarados stats'


name: Gyarados the Atrocious pokemon

o level: 20

o bond: 80%

o height: 10m

o hp: 160

o attack: 190

o defence: 130

o sp. atk: 100

o sp. def: 130

o speed: 145

o ability: intimidate, moxie

o moveset: bite, hydro pump, ice fang, rain dance, aqua tail, aqua ring, dragon dance, bounce.

Rex almost had a stroke when he saw the stats on Gyarados. He was ecstatic and almost jumped and danced on the spot before seeing how Gyarados was staring at the commander, he had to get serious again, he pulled out the phone he just bought and called the only number he had. He didn't think he would be using this number in this way instead of a booty call but it was what it was. without hesitating he called Jenny. after a couple of rings Jenny picked up.

Jenny " I didn't think you would call me back, sadly this is not a good time I'm quite busy right now there was an explosion at the Mall just a couple of minutes ago." she said

Rex "yes I know I'm here right now I was shopping in the mall when it happened. No time to explain further, get here NOW! There is a masked man taking on the commander and he seems to have taken down all the other grunts, now is your best chance." he said

Jenny "how are you able to contac- never mind that's not important. That's great we were unable to enter since they had hostages but now we can," she said excitedly. Rex cut in quickly

Rex " there are still three elite grunts with the hostages right now, don't rush in loudly use stealth to get in, otherwise you will blow your cover." he said

Jenny " thank you this is very helpful information. You said that the commander and the masked man were fighting were are they?" she asked quickly.

Rex " they are fighting to the left of the food court, near the control room. the passageway was blocked by the collapsed ceiling." he said before abruptly ending the call. he had no time to continue to chat with her since he had more pressing things to be concerned about.

The commander who had snapped out of his daze by now heard the conversation between Rex and what seemed to be the police. He knew that his chances of dealing with Rex and his Gyarados were slim, but he couldn't walk away since Rex wouldn't let him go, so he could only fight and hope for a swift victory. The only good thing was that Arbok now dealt 4x damage to Gyarados due to his quad weakness to electric type attacks.

Commander "Arbok we can't afford to stall for time move quickly and use thunder fang" he yelled

Rex " That isn't going to help there is no escape from Gyarados," he said with a smirk.

Rex "Gyarados use aqua ring to heal yourself then use rain dance," he said. His intention was to slowly heal him up while they battle. rain dance was to increase the power of water type moves. Rex also found that Aqua ring can be used by a pokemon when there is not much water in the area to allow it to move much easier, it was like a bubble of water around the pokemon. Gyarados did as he was told and set up aqua ring before using rain dance. a small downpour started and then covered the entire area, it was like an indoor storm. The commander frowned intensely since this was not going to be easy.

Arbok made his way over with lightning in his mouth and tried to snap its jaws down on Gyarados. Rex seeing this couldn't allow it to land or it would deal severe damage to Gyarados. Not only was it quad effective, but with rain dance and the water, it would be disastrous. Water is conductive, or at least impure water is and since Gyarados is not strong enough energy-wise to summon a storm of pure water he is in big danger. The reason Rex thought about pure and impure water is that depending on the strength and control over his/her energy a pokemon has, it can purify and increase the power of a move. For example, in this case, if Gyarados could use pure water he would actually take a lot less damage as pure water actually acts as an insulator compared to impure water. Getting back to the point, it was a lot of damage right now if even one lightning fang lands.

Rex " Gyarados don't let it get close use a hydro pump on its mouth." Gyarados didn't hesitate and shot out a one-meter thick hydro pump right at Arbok's mouth that was filled with flickering electric energy, as the move hit it created a big blast before water combined with electricity blew everywhere. Arbok was actually hit with a combination of hydro pump that had been electrified at the last moment by its own attack. It shot backwards with steam coming from its mouth as it lay on the ground twitching lightly as it tried to get up. suddenly the faint sounds of Footsteps could be heard coming from behind the commander. before he could turn around he was hit with a sudden thunder wave and left paralyzed on the floor. Arbok was restrained by a big Arcanine and all the water was quickly being drained away. Rex quickly returned Gyarados to his Pokeball and left in a hurry while the Arcanine was busy.

Taking off his mask and changing back into his normal white coat, black gloves, black shirt and pants he made his way to the food court where three grunts were laying twitching lightly from a thunder wave and a couple of police officers standing around them while untying the hostages. One of the police officers saw someone suddenly walking in and alerted the rest, they quickly approached and surrounded Rex.

Officer 1 "identify yourself and tell us why you are here," he said while putting one hand on his Pokeball. before Rex could respond a voluptuous woman in a tight-fitting uniform came in with two other police officers holding the now unconscious commander.

Jenny " don't worry about him he is the one that gave us the information we used to raid the place." she said while looking towards Rex. she didn't ask why he wasn't with the other hostages or why he could make a call since she had guessed who he was with the sudden disappearance of The "masked man" he mentioned. Luckily Jenny didn't mention the Masked man to anyone since she was too busy planning the raid. all the other officers thought it must have been someone that didn't want to be recognised and didn't know the details that pointed towards Rex.

Rex was not surprised to see her since he did call her and it was timely at that. He still handed his ID over to the police officer who checked it and then gave it back to him when it gave the all-clear. Rex didn't want to spend any more time here, he was exhausted and he needed to still go to the pokemon centre to get his pokemon checked out. No one stopped him as he was uninjured, jenny didn't see him out as she still needed to do some questioning before everything was settled.

Soon Rex made it to the pokemon centre and handed his pokemon over to nurse Joy.

Nurse joy "please have a seat it will take a few minutes to get them checked out and healed. he soon walked over to a chair and sat down before closing his eyes. he really was exhausted, but he was currently going over all of what happened earlier and engraving this experience into his memory. Soon nurse Joy came back with two pokemon and handed them to him.

Rex "how do I register for the Kanto league," he asked

Nurse Joy "oh that is easy please just give me your ID and I'll sign you up right away. Would you like a badge case to collect your Badges in?" she asked nicely to which Rex only nodded as a response. Soon Nurse Joy finished signing Rex in and gave him his ID and a badge case, he then walked out and stretched while taking a deep breath of fresh air.

Rex ' finally done with that whole fiasco, but I did get Gyarados so it was worth it in the end. I will explore tomorrow and buy some other things and then leave for Pewter city to face off against my first gym leader. Man am I looking forward to what that simp brock has in store.' he thought chuckling as he headed to his hotel room for a good night's sleep.

AN: the useless simp brock about to get a beating? who knows, stay tuned and as always leave comment if you enjoyed.

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