

Leo and Valentina waited around for a little while longer.

Leo took a look at the number of magazines he had and if it would be sufficient.

No matter what happened, Leo's task was to protect Valentina, he doubted Noah would do anything stupid, but that didn't mean the chance was zero. If it came down to it, Leo would kill Noah if he had to.

Leo sighed as he looked around.

A guard could be seen walking up to Leo and Valentina in a hurried pace.

Leo already knew what it was for and got up.

When the guard finally arrived at their location he spoke.

"Miss Valentina, the transport has arrived."

Valentina sighed as she lit a cigarette.

"Well what are you waiting for? Open up that big ass garage door and let them in!"

The guard hurriedly started giving orders for the garage door to be opened.

"See Leo? This is what I meant when I said that I want someone unique to guard me. I mean look at these guys, I literally have to tell them to open a damn door. If any of these would be a regular guard of mine wouldn't be able to do shit since they would come asking every single little thing. It's simply annoying"

Valentina got up and started walking toward the garage door.

Leo could see a small truck slowly backing into the warehouse, there was just enough room for it.

Valentina took a puff of her cigarette and waited for the truck to fully back in.

After a minute of two the truck came to a full stop and two people stepped out.

They looked like regular guards, and it sure as hell wasn't Noah.

"I assume your little master will be arriving here in a few minutes?" asked Valentina as she stomped out what remained of her cigarette.

The guards escorting the transport were annoyed, but they nodded.

Valentina sighed.

"Guess we have to wait even longer."

Leo stationed himself a bit further away from Valentina and the two guards, but still in the direct line of sight. He would just be less noticeable.

He had his gun readied despite knowing that the chances of something actually happening were slim to none.

On the opposite side, the two guards escorting the convoy were sweating bullets.

They were in a remote warehouse, all alone, carrying valuable cargo surrounded by more than ten armed guards.

Valentina wasn't really helping aswell as she was speaking with the guards.

"Say, if you guys would die, what would you want on your tombstones? I personally would want a big old middle finger on mine to be honest, but what about you two?"

One of the two guards could be seen visibly panicking, but Valentina wasn't done yet.

"Did you two know that a bullet to the brain can be one of the quickest deaths possible depending on what part of the brain it strikes? If it hits one of the lobes the fatality chances are 90%, already pretty damn high, but if the brainstem is hit in the shot the chances spike up to almost 99%, there are only a handful of people who actually survived a shot to the brainstem. Say, if you were to be shot to death, how would you like it to happen?"

The guards didn't respond, instead they looked around in a panic.

The fact they were surrounded by a bunch of Valentina's guards really didn't help.

"I'm still waiting." said Valentina as she stared at the two guards.

"I-I don't know." responded one of the guards after a while.

Valentina sighed.

"Not the answer I really was looking for. Personally, I'd like to go out with a quick shot to the back of my head, no suffering, just a split second of surprise before it all goes black, wouldn't that be a good way to go out compared to suffering from an illness for multiple months, maybe even years and then still succumbing to it?"

Before the guards could respond, a voice rang out from the front of the warehouse.

"Alright, you've teased my guards enough, Valentina. Let's get down to business, shall we?"

"I was just starting to enjoy it, but alright!"

From the front entrance two familiar figures appeared, both well known to Leo.

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