

"Wait, what did you just say Valentina?" asked Leo with a confused expression on his face.

He was sure that he didn't hear that correctly.

"I'm sure that Noah has managed to rip the insurgency for atleast a billion dollars or something."

Now Leo was sure he heard it correctly.

"You kidding me?" asked Leo.

"Nope, that man is genuinely a rat. Where do you even know him from?" asked Valentina.

"Well, you know how I used to work for MC&D, right?"

"Yeah, of course."

"My first mission was delivering some anomaly to Russia, more specifically to Noah. Ever since then Noah treated me fairly and I've worked with him multiple times already, so he pretty much became one of my most trusted accomplices."

"Quick question, did that man ever persuade you into joining him?"

"Pfft, pretty much all the time, whenever he saw a chance he would try to offer me something, I'm pretty sure that he even offered MC&D 300 million in order to acquire me."

"Well Leo, that is actually really good for me."

Leo was once again confused.

"Why is that?"

"You see, when MC&D learns of your escape at the foundation, Noah will be the first suspect since he offered them money for you. Noah will probably have some agents come to his house in order to interrogate and investigate him for a while, but they will also quite quickly learn that he doesn't have anything to do with it, nevertheless, it will keep the heat off me for a while."

"What does that mean for me?" asked Leo.

"Honestly not a lot except that you won't be able to contact Noah for a while longer, you will first have to reconnect with your sarkic colony thing before you can reconnect with Noah, but that also will take a while since we will be having it quite busy in the next upcoming weeks."

Leo sighed upon realizing that it would take quite a long while before he was able to reconnect with his accomplices.

"Anyways, different topic. What delta command member are we meeting and what do you want me to do?"

"Oh right, I never told you. We are meeting delta command member Haitao, he is actually from China but had some business in America. We will be meeting at quite a luxurious hotel, you honestly don't have to do anything. Just sit beside me and look around for anything suspicious, if Haitao asks you a question just answer him honestly."

"Right, will do. Where did you even meet him?" asked Leo.

"Well when I was inducted into the delta command council he was the first one to vote on me joining, the others were all skeptical but he instantly approved, dunno if he just didn't care or if he liked me, but that is pretty much how I met him. I've been close to him ever since that."

Leo nodded.

Valentina and Leo continued chatting for a while until they arrived at their destination.

The driver opened the door for Valentina and Leo and they got out.

Leo was greeted with a massive hotel in front of him, one suited for millionaires.

Leo's gun was in a small backpack that he was wearing, it would be quite suspicious to enter a hotel with a loaded gun visible to everyone after all.

Valentina and Leo checked in, saying that they were visiting a friend before heading to room 014.

Valentina knocked on the door, and after a while, an eye could be seen peering through the peephole of the door.

After a couple of seconds, the door could be heard unlocking and opening.

A Chinese man late in his forties could be seen sitting on a couch.

"Ah Valentina! Come, take a seat, your buddy aswell!" said the man with a smile on his face.

Leo and Valentina obliged and took a seat.

Leo already noted that there were three guards in the room, and there probably was a fourth in the lobby or a sniper or something.

The Chinese man could be seen sniffing in the air before an expression of disgust appeared on his face.

"Did that woman already gas you with that nauseating perfume of hers?" asked the man with a smile on his face.

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