
Final terms

"You little...!"

Leo stopped Valentina before she could get angry.

"Anyways, do you agree with my fourth term?"

Valentina calmed herself down before responding.

"So to get it straight, for the first while you will be functioning as my right-hand man before starting your own GOI, once you do you expect my support to get yourself established, once you do get established I will be able to contact you for private missions and such every once in a while, in return we will be giving each other mutual support, right?"

"Exactly right."

Valentina rubbed her hands on her temples before responding.

"Fine! You win, just make sure to do your job properly, will you?"

"Yeah, sure. But there is another term though."

"Oh yeah, the weird one." said Valentina.

"Do I have to explain it to you?" asked Leo.

Valentina seemed to be in thought for a while before responding.

"Mind if I do a guess first?"

"Sure, go ahead." Said Leo.

"I am assuming that you are doing a full reset on your identity, removing all of the ones you've been identified as such as your current one, right?"

Leo smiled.

"Guess I will be in capable hands, "boss.""

Leo quickly elaborated.

"You are completely correct, I am removing all of my current identities since I don't want to be identified by MC&D at any cost. I will only be informing those whom are the closest to me about it."

"And what are you planning to do with the comrades you made at MC&D?"

Leo remained silent for a while before responding.

"I will... Abandon them..."

He had a pained expression on his face since he truly didn't want to abandon them.

More specifically, some of them.

Most people at MC&D were utter assholes, but he was still technically befriended with some people of his squadron.

More specifically, Pirate.

Leo also was quite chill with Banshee, but they never talked alot.

More specifically, she didn't talk alot.

When it came to Kevin and Alex, Leo was alright with them, but he didn't like them that much.

Valentina stood up and put a hand on Leo's shoulder.

"Life ain't ever easy lad, but this is the best decision for your own safety, I am sure I don't have to explain that to you, do I?"

"No, there is no need. But still, thank you."

"No problem."

Leo took a second to recollect himself before speaking again.

In the meantime, Valentina sat back down.

"I think that finalizes our terms of service, doesn't it?"

"It sure does, I will be getting you one John Doe and one Jane Doe civilian, any specific requests?"

"Yeah, preferably a bit muscular, they don't have to be a bodybuilder or anything but at least well toned."

"Yeah, should be doable."

"My final requests would be a bit of money every now and then and a MP5SD as weapon if possible, it was the weapon I used at MC&D but by the time I could get action with it I already got captured."

"Should be doable, although the MP5 might take a while, alright?"

Leo stood up and extended his hand to Valentina.

Valentina did the same and the two shook their hands before speaking in sync.

"In that case, we have a deal."

Valentina continued speaking.

"I will be informing the delta command soon and you will receive a "rank" in the insurgency since it is mandatory, you are pretty much to accompany me at all times. The insurgency will probably bitch about me only getting one "guard" since they prefer you to have two, one at daytime and one at night, but they will just have to deal with it."

"It is what it is." said Leo.

"Well then Leo, I will be putting in the order for your weapon soon, we will be breaking the 'must be with me at all times' rule temporarily since I don't want to be seen with you in your current form, don't want it to be leaked to MC&D."

A confused expression appeared on Leo's face.

"What about those two guards that escorted me here then?" asked Leo.

A surprised expression appeared on Valentina's face.

"Oh! right! In that case I have a different first mission for you!"

"And that would be?" asked Leo as Valentina reached towards her hip.

Valentina pulled out a M1911 pistol with a short silencer on it.

"Leo, as your first mission, would you mind taking care of those two guards for me?"

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