
Torture (1)

For the first time, Leo managed to control his sarkic powers properly without losing control.

Granted, it was a risky thing to do since he was still in the site but worth a try.

After all, if he couldn't use his powers under pressure their value would be greatly reduced.

A tumorous form of growth stemmed off from Leo's body and entered the assistant director's mouth.

Leo controlled the growth in such a way that it stopped at the vocal cords and prevented the movement of them, resulting in the assistant site director only being able to make some basic bilabial noises that didn't require the vocal cord to move.

These noises could barely be heard since the vocal cords were generally used to amplify those sounds.

In the meantime, Leo pushed the assistant director down to the ground.

He tried resisting but was quickly overpowered by Leo.

"Say, you have some nice-looking eyes.", said Leo in an innocent voice.

The assistant site director's heart made a little jump as he heard Leo's statement.

A smile could be seen growing on Leo's face as he saw the site director move his eyes in a panic, looking for a way out of this horrible situation.

"I've never seen eyes as blue as yours."

Leo took a closer look at the eyes.

A creepy smile appeared on Leo's face as he asked his next question.

"Now that I think about it, I have no idea what is inside an eyeball, mind if I take a closer look?"

The breathing of the assistant site director kept on getting more incoherent.

Leo shapeshifted one of his fingers into a crude surgical hook.

The assistant site director's breathing became even more shallow, this was true fear and despair.

Leo slowly lowered the surgical hook towards the face, making sure that the assistant director could see all of it.

He tried struggling for a while but Leo quickly used more of the growth to weld his head to the floor, making sure he couldn't move anymore.

"No need to struggle, I just want to take a quick look."

Leo first stripped Dirk, the assistant director of his clothes, Leo needed his clothes later on after all.

Right before the surgical hook could enter the assistant director's eye socket he closed his eyes.

Leo snorted.

"Now I am getting annoyed, just let me take a quick look, will you? You don't think you are better than me, do you?", said Leo in an arrogant tone.

Nevertheless, the assistant site director kept his eyelids shut.

"Alright, then I will have to do it my way. Not like I mind though."

Leo used his free hand to slowly pry open Dirk's eyelid.

Dirk's eye trembled as he saw the surgical hook once again approach slowly.

Leo slowly inserted the surgical hook into the small pink corner of Dirk's left eye.

When the hook entered the eye it made a horrible slimy sound.

The pain was unbearable for Dirk, he tried to yell at all his might but was still incapable of doing so.

"Woah, that went in so smoothly!", said Leo in a playful voice.

Dirk's attempts at yelling quickly turned into whimpering.

"Are you about to cry? You shouldn't! Once I remove your eye all your tears will just be stuck in your eye socket after all!", said Leo.

Leo slowly but surely started pulling out Dirk's left eye.

The whimpering once again turned into an attempt to scream.

This time Leo didn't comment on it but simply continued pulling the eye out.

After pulling most of the eye out of the socket Leo removed the surgical hook from the eye.

The eye was still connected with Dirk's head by the optical nerve, but it was bungling outside of its socket.

"Now now, can't have this still being connected, can we assistant site director? Don't worry though, I will remove it for you."

Leo transformed one of his fingers into a surgical scalpel and slowly started cutting through the optical nerve.

The pain was excruciating for Dirk, it hurt even more than when the eye itself was removed.

Finally, the eye had been completely removed.

Dirk hoped that he would still be able to walk away with his life, but Leo's next words reminded him that there would be no hope for him.

"Hey, assistant site director. Would you mind taste-testing your eye for me?"

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