
Car crash

Oliver started walking towards the barn and Leo followed.

"Say, Oliver. What was that about?" asked Leo as he caught up.

Oliver kept walking meanwhile responding.

"Remember Leo, money is a powerful tool. We can't always land on runways and such and then we usually contact farmers so we can land on their property. We have another agent place another transport vehicle, in this case, a car on their property before sending the coordinates to the pilot, in this case me. Usually about 1000-2000$ is enough to land here without having to explain anything, they just think we're some novelty-rich guy."

Leo noted this down mentally, he might need to use something like this when he starts his own group.

Oliver pushed open the door to the barn and a single vehicle could be seen along some farm equipment.

"Leo, our car for this journey will be the Chevrolet suburban, most commonly known as the car that the secret service uses. However, this is a civilian model so do not expect any hidden features and such."

Leo nodded but he was in deep thought.

Leo simply got in the car and decided to sit in the seat next to Oliver.

Oliver immediately drove off, if he wanted to be in Austin on time every second counted

In the meantime, Leo was thinking about a possible alliance with the chaos insurgency.

They shared one common goal, and that would be to destroy the foundation.

Leo still needed an additional powerful backer, but the chaos insurgency was also quite well affiliated with MC&D, so it was a high-risk high reward situation.

After a while, Leo got snapped out of his trance by Oliver.

"Say, Leo. How did your last mission go? The one in Russia?"

"You mean the one where you brought me with the jet?"

"Yeah, that one."

"Well, the client wanted me to do something quite risky that resulted in some less than pleasant things for me, but nevertheless I completed the mission, this mission is quite similar to the last one and that is why I am not looking forward to it, can you understand?"

"Yeah, did you not try talking to Iris about it?"

"Well, I called Iris a bitch recently so I figured that it would not be of much use to."

"You did what...?"

"Iris has been treating me like shit recently so I called her an absolute bitch before leaving the room."

"How are you still alive? Usually she would have you fired before you die in some kind of "accident."

"Well, Percival personally backs me, Iris only manages me. So she can't really do anything major or she will incur the wrath of Percival.

"Understandable enough, I guess."

"Hey, Oliver. I am feeling a bit jetlagged, mind if I sleep for a bit?"

"No worries Leo, I will wake you up when we arrive. Have a good rest."

Leo closed his eyes, it was quite hard to fall asleep in the car since the roads were quite bumpy, after an hour they got on the main road and Leo finally fell asleep.


Leo woke up to the sound of a car horn, he was still quite dazed since he just woke up.

"Oliver, the hell are you doing..." said Leo in a drowsy tone.

However, the sight in front of Leo jolted him awake.

Oliver was laying head first on the car horn with blood dripping from his head.

The front windshield of the car was cracked and you could no longer see through it.

There was one small hole in the windshield and it was completely splattered with blood.

In the next second a loud crash was heard as the car crashed against the side of a mountain.

Leo and Oliver were driving through a canyon road when Oliver got shot.

The moment the car connected with the side of the mountain Leo's head connected with the dashboard.

He had forgotten to put on a seatbelt since he was sleeping.

Leo instantly passed out upon hitting the dashboard and slumped forwards.

Multiple figures were approaching the crashed vehicle, all dressed in tactical clothing.

They were all holding modified guns to fire tranquilizer darts and they were closing in rapidly.

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