

"Alright, copy." responded Leo.

The boat headed off with rapid speed, quickly reaching 100 kilometers per hour.

Leo also found out that Noah was absolutely right about not being able to sleep in the boat, they hadn't even been on the water for five minutes and Leo already felt like he had 4 new bruises.

They were going at such a rapid speed that the boat ended up flying up a bit whenever they hit a wave, coming down on the water with a bang which resulted in the entire boat shaking.

"Alyona, quick question. How does your inside man even obtain these vehicles? I assume if they go missing from their hangar that there would be quite alot of suspicion."

"Well, before a vehicle is officially introduced to the military it has to go through rigorous testing, if it fails in even one of the tests it will not be used. That is also why most military forces don't use alot of high tech attachments on their rifles. This boat failed a part of testing and was put in a military hangar to be decommissioned. That is when the major general approaches us if we want to buy it, in case we do want to buy it he changes the status of the vehicle to decommissioned and then sells it to us, very little questions get asked."

"Surprising since it comes from the military, seems like you have solid connections."

"Oh, this is nothing. Sir Noah has very powerful connections all over the world. He will be meeting one in Poland for a deal."

"Do you know the specifics of the deal or not?"

"Well, I do. However sir Noah informed me that he wanted to tell it yourself."

Leo was getting suspicious, he already assumed something was up.

Noah wasn't the kind of guy to keep his plans hidden if they weren't important, last time that he did not inform Leo he sent him to a foundation facility.

However, there wasn't anything Leo could do about it now, they were already on their way.

"Leo, I also heard that you were on a mission recently."

"Yeah, we were ambushing a foundation convoy that had captured some of our agents, we killed all the security guards and secured our agents."

"Now in full detail, I know that you weren't sent to "just" rescue some agents."

Leo sighed.

"The agents had classified information to report to HQ, but right before they could report it they got captured."

"Still not in full detail, what was the classified information?" questioned Alyona once again.

"I am just a special agent, do you really think that HQ would tell me that? Think for yourself." said Leo in an angry voice.

Leo did indeed know somewhat about the classified information but there was no gain in telling Alyona. There was also no way that she could know for sure that Leo knew it.

"Alright, I will believe you." said Alyona in her dull voice.

Leo relaxed a bit and calmed down, there was no use in getting angry.

"Anyways, how have you been doing after the foundation raid?" questioned Leo.

"I have been serving sir Noah diligently." responded Alyona in her usual dull voice.

Leo continued trying to make small talk with Alyona but she kept responding with one or two sentences. After a while Leo didn't bother keeping the conversation alive anymore and silence fell.

Leo used this silence to think about his next move, he finally located a sarkic outpost but he had no idea how to approach it. After all, he could not just walk up and say hello.

Leo sighed and stopped thinking about it, he would make a plan for it when he arrived in Poland since it would be night after all."

After a while, the speedboat started slowing down before coming to a stop.

Alyona's voice sounded over the intercom once again.

"We have arrived in Poland, please unstrap yourself and get out. An escort will be waiting for you."

"Wait, what are you going to do Alyona?"

"I have to hide this boat, I will see you later."

Leo didn't have a good feeling about this but there was nothing he could do, running away in a foreign country was obviously not a option.

Leo got out of the boat and took a look around.

At the end of a deserted road was a black sedan with its headlights pointed towards Leo.

If we can get 10 chapter comments on this cchapter I will release a extra chapter the next day.

lazylizardcreators' thoughts
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