

The man looked annoyed at Leo, he had bought multiple items from Marshall Carter & Dark and their combatives had always shown him respect.

Leo was defying this by not kneeling before him, he was sure he would report this in to get him reprimanded.

Leo also knew what Noah was thinking since he was looking at him with annoyance.

"Where is the item I ordered?" asked Noah.

Leo answered.

"Your requested item is in the vehicle, do you want us to move it for you or will your guards do it?"

"Ah, my guards will do it. I see you and your teammates have been injured, please come to my mansion with me so we can get you treated and so you can relax."

Leo turned around to take a look at Artemis and Crawler, they both had a look of utter disbelief on their face.

"I am sorry sir Noah, we are unable to do so. HQ expects us to report back in London soon." spoke Artemis.

"No, I insist. I will contact HQ and pay if needed so you can stay here for a while and rest, atleast for today."

Artemis had some doubt on his face and after thinking for a while he spoke again.

"In that case, we agree."

Noah looked satisfied with the answer.

"Please follow me towards my car.

Noah started walking away and the four of the six guards returned to their posts.

Leo quickly followed him and Artemis started walking next to him.

"What did you do Leo?"

"What? I didn't do anything."

"This client never acts like this, usually he is really rude to combative and he has managed to get a lot of combatives either demoted or fired entirely."

Leo was not surprised to hear this, he knew that he would be safe since MC&D could not afford to lose him.

Leo took a good look around the warehouse and was quite surprised.

There were a lot of guards and numerous artifacts and what he assumed were anomalies.

After walking for a short while they arrived at two blacked-out BMWs.

In front of each of the vehicles stood an armed guard who saluted Noah.

Noah turned around and pointed at Leo.

"You, please get in the vehicle with me. The others can take the other vehicle."

Leo was startled when he heard this, but he did not deny Noah's request.

The driver opened the door for Leo and gestured for Leo to get in the vehicle.

Leo quickly got in and the driver did the same thing for Noah.

The driver quickly started the engine and started driving.

"So, what was your agent name again?" Asked Noah.

"I am agent Nightmare serving under Artemis as part of the MORTIFER squadron." responded Leo.

Noah had a massive smirk on his face when he heard this.

"So, tell me what happened and why you were injured along with your comrades."

"Well, we ended up getting ambushed by the foundation in Belarus while transporting your item, one of our agents got hit in her artery and is not with us at the moment, our sniper got shut in his abdomen but it did not hit anything while I got shot in my shoulder when I was fighting their commander." Said Leo.

"Ah, I assume you killed their commander, right?"

"Well, I took him in alive. He is missing one arm though." said Leo while shrugging his shoulders.

Noah was surprised upon hearing this.

"Listen, Nightmare. I want you to report into HQ and mention that I want to buy him from them alive once they are done with him, tell them to call my assistant to discuss the price later today."

Leo was surprised but did not question Noah's decision and reported back to HQ.

"Alright, done." said Leo.

Noah looked happy and relaxed his body against the back of the car seat.

"We should be arriving at my mansion soon, one of my trusted medics will be checking up on you and your teammates."

Leo quickly countered.

"No need to check me, I already received special treatment."

Noah looked at Leo with a conflicted face before sighing and nodding.

After a couple more minutes the car stopped and the driver opened the door for Leo.

When he got out he could not help but let out a gasp.

In front of him was a massive mansion covered in snow, it looked like something straight out of a fairytale.

"Someone else in that body?"

lazylizardcreators' thoughts
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