
First mission

"Anyways, I am gonna go see what Emilia is up to, last time she destroyed a laptop in a fit of rage, gotta ensure that does not happen again." said Alex.

Alex left the dormitory, and now only Leo was left.

it was about 10:00 PM but Leo was already really tired.

He quickly headed to bed and thought about everything that had happened today.

"It probably was for the best that I got captured, I wouldn't be able to destroy the foundation on my own." thought Leo.

After pondering about his day for fifteen minutes he fell asleep.


"Wake the hell up you lazy bum!"

In the next second, Leo felt some ice-cold water pour down his face.

He instantly jumped up from his bed and looked around.

He saw Emilia standing next to his bed with an empty glass in her hand.

"Jesus Christ I have called your name 4 times already and you just don't wake up, we have a mission later today and the briefing is starting in thirty minutes, hurry the hell up." said Emilia.

"You know, I am grateful that you woke me up but next time mind doing it in a more peaceful way?" said Leo.

However, Emilia was already gone.

Leo quickly got dressed and headed to the briefing room with ten minutes to spare.

Emilia and Kevin were already there, the only person missing was Alex.

Leo decided to sit next to Emilia and asked her if she had any idea what the mission was about.

"Probably a simple escort mission since you recently joined, should be nothing too complicated."

After another five minutes, Artemis entered the room along with an unknown lady.

Alex took a seat and the lady introduced herself.

"Goodday everyone, I am sales representative Riley and I will brief you on your mission for today."

"Recently sir Noah has ordered item SOM64 from us totaling in at 4.5 million united states dollars and requested an escort for it, the escort fee is half a million united states dollars and your squadron has been chosen to escort it.

Sir Noah requested for the item to be transported to Russia, Pinega to a secured warehouse.

You will be taking a helicopter to the Netherlands, a armored truck will be there to escort you and object SOM64 to Russia. You are expected to be back at HQ in about one and a half week.

You will be leaving in 3 hours, pack your gear and get ready, the helicopter will be waiting for you outside.

Agent Pirate you will receive a special weapon shipment for this assignment containing a M249 SAW, weapon specialist Daniel has chosen this weapon for you.

Agent Artemis you will receive a special weapon shipment containing a Heckler & Koch G36 with dual drum mags, Weapon specialist Daniel has chosen this for you.

Agent Crawler you will receive a special weapon shipment containing a KNT-76 sniper rifle, this weapon has been chosen for you by weapon specialist Erik.

And finally agent Nightmare you will receive a special weapon shipment containing a combat sickle, this weapon has been chosen for you by weapon specialist Christopher.

That will be all for your briefing if you have any questions, contact me."

The moment Riley left the room laughter was heard.

Emilia was laughing at Leo.

"A combat sickle? Really? That weapon specialist is just as insane as you are Leo!" Said Emilia with tears in the corners of her eyes.

Leo was extremely angry, everyone got a very good weapon for this mission and he got a sickle.

"ENOUGH!" yelled Kevin.

The room immediately went silent.

"The chances of us being attacked are low, usually only one in ten shipments gets raided by a Mobile Task Force squadron, let's prepare to leave." said Kevin.

Leo left the meeting room and headed back to the dormitory.

He did not have any advanced armor, since it would most likely get destroyed when he morphed into a different form or if he changed his limbs into different forms.

Leo only wore the clothes he was supplied with by MC&D and brought some insulating clothes with him for when they would reach Russia.

Leo put a tactical rig on carrying seven MAC-10 magazines in it.

The MAC-10 itself was on Leo's back and the sickle was in a holster on his thigh.

After waiting for two more hours, Leo and his squad were ready to depart.

They quickly hopped on the helicopter and got ready to leave.

"If it makes you, we can execute the program."

lazylizardcreators' thoughts
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