

It took a while for Alex to recover, he really did not want to tap out but he had to.

After about five minutes he had recovered enough to speak normally again.

"You really are a sneaky bastard aren't you Leo?" said Alex

Leo just smiled before responding

"You yourself said that honor does not count in a fight to the death, I just fooled you and you fell for it, if it was a real fight you would have died for sure."

Alex did not deny this, he knew that what Leo just said was absolutely true.

"Anyways, I think you have trained enough for today. I am proud of your progress so far Leo." Said Alex with a smile.

"So, what is up for me next?" questioned Leo.

"Crawler is waiting for you at the armory, I will escort you there." responded Alex.

Leo and Alex left the gym and went to the armory.

"Alex, do you have any idea what my first mission will be?" asked Leo.

Alex seemed to be thinking for a while.

"Well, Percival values you deeply since you have the potential to make us hundreds of millions, your first mission will most likely be escorting a delivery."

Leo was disappointed upon hearing this, but he accepted it.

Truthfully, all Leo wanted to do was get revenge on Lynn.

Ever since he was reincarnated it had been in the back of his mind all the time.

But he knew that if he rushed it he would die a meaningless death.

Percival was simply trying to get him some experience before giving him heavy assignments.

After a while, Leo and Alex arrived at the armory.

"I will be taking my leave now, I will speak to you later." said Alex.

He quickly walked away, most likely going back to the dormitory.

When Leo entered the armory he was surprised.

From the outside, it appeared to be quite small, about 15 by 10 meters.

However, it was way bigger on the inside.

It looked more like a shop than an armory, the weapons were all behind a shop counter and a lot of combatives appeared to be talking to butlers.

Leo took a look around and quickly spotted Kevin, he was polishing his gun.

Kevin quickly noticed Leo and stopped polishing his gun.

"Follow me, I don't have time to waste," said Kevin.

Leo quickly followed Kevin until they arrived at the shop counter.

After waiting for about twenty seconds one of the butlers approached Leo and Kevin.

"Ah, sir Kevin it is good to see you once again, how may I help you today?" asked the butler.

Kevin quickly responded.

"The new guy needs a weapon, you able to help him with that?" asked Kevin.

The butler nodded and Kevin walked away.

"May I inquire your name?" asked the butler.

Leo gave the butler his name and in return the butler told Leo his name and what he was.

All of the people dressed as a butler were weapon experts, they knew everything about most guns and what would fit an operative the best.

This butler's name was Christopher, he was a specialist when it came to handguns and sniper rifles.

"Please follow me sir Leo." said Christopher.

Christopher headed towards a backroom and Leo quickly followed him.

When Leo entered the room his jaw dropped to the floor.

The room was 20 by 20 and it was filled with handguns.

It ranged from magnums to lugers and up to M1911's.

"So, sir Leo, what is your role in your squadron?" asked Christopher.

Leo appeared to be thinking for a while before responding.

"I am the group's assassin, I specialize in silent takedowns," said Leo.

Christophers' face immediately lit up.

"Ah, it has been a while since we had an assassin here! Give me a second and I will get you some weapons!" said Christopher out loud.

Christopher picked up three weapons and started modifying them.

He kept on screwing things on and screwing things off until he appeared before Leo once again.

He laid down three guns, all vastly different.

"These are your three best options, each of them functions slightly differently and has different penetration power, but since you are an assassin all weapons must be quiet, so you will be trading penetration power for volume." said Christopher.

"What weapon should I pick?" thought Leo.

"the shadow looks left, but you look right but who is the shadow and who is truly you?"

lazylizardcreators' thoughts
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