

Leo kept walking and walking, shortly after his departure he was unable to see the village anymore.

Leo felt quite sad having to leave the village, but it was for the best.

If he stayed there it would not be long before he was tracked down by the foundation.

He first had to get in contact with some powerful people.

Truthfully, Leo knew this was borderline impossible, all groups were hidden from sight.

Leo did not know a lot about the multiple groups that plotted against the foundation, as a surgeon he never really was concerned about it.

He did remember one group of interest particularly well.

When he still was a surgeon, the site once went into a week-long lockdown.

It was rumored that a chaos insurgency member infiltrated the site to execute an assassination.

After a week in lockdown, the suspect was finally found and detained.

However, when he was in custody he ended up killing himself by consuming a cyanide pill.

It would be pretty ideal for Leo to join the chaos insurgency, but they were stupendously hard to find.

They usually would find you before you find them.

Leo kept walking until the sun went down and climbed up a tree.

"Why the hell did I not bring a sleeping bag or a tent?"

Leo questioned himself, he really felt stupid for not doing so.

He was so preoccupied with his experiment and thoughts that he forgot to bring them along.

Leo already expected to find nothing for multiple weeks straight.

To start with, he was in the middle of nowhere.

The nearest town was already a long way gone, let alone a group of interest.

Suddenly, Leo remembered something from when he met Sogrith in the dream.

When he looked on the board in the dream there was a symbol of an opened gate on the next spot for Leo to move to.

Leo tried to think hard of which group of interest this could be, but he had no idea.

So far he only knew the Chaos Insurgency.

After a while of thinking, Leo finally fell asleep.


-SITE PSI, 3:00 AM-

A young woman was sitting in an interrogation room.

The room itself was small, there was a metal table and two metal chairs.

There was an electronic door operated by keycard and a tinted window for observers.

The woman was sitting on one chair, waiting for someone to show up.

After waiting for about five minutes, the door opened and a man entered the room wearing an jester mask.

You could practically see the fear in her face.

The man with the jester mask spoke.

"Debriefing of combat medic Doc after failure to complete mission, log start."

"Hold on, are you O5-4?" Doc asked.

She knew this was a risky question but she just had to know.

Doc was unable to see the man's facial expression, but he still replied.

"No, I am not. I am simply just a follower of him and a member of the intelligence agency, you may refer to me as Hierophant."

The man continued speaking "Doc, please tell me what happened first before I start asking specific questions."

Doc had thought long about what she would tell him, and she planned it out exactly.

Doc started speaking.

"After entering the building, we found out that everyone had been massacred. they all had stab wounds so we started looking for the perpetrator.

We found footsteps in the dirt and Hawk went and scouted the area, After a while Hawk reported in that he had spotted the perpetrator.

We thought we found our target, a member of the serpent's hand but we were oh so wrong...

We all went to Hawks location and rested for the night, preparing to seize the village the next day and to capture the serpent's hand member, afterwards amnestics would arrive."

Doc took a breather and took a long break.

The man in the jester mask suddenly spoke.

"I know that this is hard for you, but you have to continue. We have to contain the SCP that is out there in the wild."

Doc took a break for a couple of minutes before looking The Hierophant in the eyes and speaking.

"I am ready to continue."

"I need an alibi to justify, somebody to blame"

lazylizardcreators' thoughts
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