


'Yes. Thought so.' Dreamer had guessed.

The Fourth Mythical Ring had the name Eylix and it was a male.

'Why are you all so fixated on having ix at the end of your names?' Dreamer asked, curious.

'No reason,' Helix said. 'And you don't have the luxury of wasting your time on names.'

Dreamer rolled his eyes. 'I know that.'

Helix said nothing and Dreamer focused in front of him.

"So Neptune," He said.

"Yes, my lordship."

"When I saw your memories there were some blurry images. I didn't get to see them. Care to explain what that was?" Dreamer asked.

Liberi nodded. "You are right, my lord. I wanted to ask about it as well."

"There you have it. It's the trending topic now." Dreamer said.

Neptune bowed a little at Dreamer. "I will tell you everything myself."

Dreamer and everyone else went silent as Neptune started speaking.

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