
Chapter 187: The Rising Sun of the East

" We need reinforcements! here! this instant!" Marquis Byeans shouted as he was being cornered together with his battalion with a remaining of a thousand Barcel soldiers of Acun Empire they were located at the edge of the map at the north-west direction almost near at the barrier of Acun & Jin de dragon Empire the battlefield was near at the sea and only a matter of time to jump at the cliff to see a the sea which is filled with ships of Acun wrecked along with Airships of Jin de dragon Empire falling down.

" Marquis Byean we can't ask for reinforcements anymore! we're being surrounded even at the western side which is the direction to our empire is already stationed by the enemies!" A Barcel soldier shouted as her head was blown apart right in front of the Marquis Byean they were cornered by a thousand Dragosaur Riders at the west and at the north-east, east, and south-east of the battlefield there was a marching army of 3 times of their number that keep attacking them on a long-range while at the south they were being attack by a thousand Jin de Khans which was a unit wearing a chainmail & leather clothes along with a golden ribbon wrap at their forehead and was riding a horse-like beast with 3 legs, one from the front & 2 from behind as it have a monstrous lion head-like together with its skin that might be violet, orange, and green accompanied with sharp scales, the Jin de Khans are wielding a pair of curve blade or a short-scythe and their faces are covered by a mask resembling a dragon.

" FUCK! everyone hold the line! we gonna die here but! our death is for our empire! do you all understand!" Marquis Byean cheered his battalion with all his might as he slam his scythe & shield at each other and he left his position along with 300 Barcel soldiers on a phalanx formation while holding their shields & scythes as they were running towards the marching army of the Jin de dragon Empire at the east he was at the front the one leading them all as he ordered the remaining Barcel to handle the west & south in a defensive position.

" ' For Empress Czarina! we shall kill them all!' ( Golish )" A commander from the Jin de dragon army who was wearing a robe accompanied with accessories made from jade and behind him as a marching unit at the east wearing robe & chestplate with the sigil of their empire from front to back while wearing a hat called Liangmao as they run forward a thousand of them towards the Barcel Phalanx.

" ' We are near at the Acun Empire its our time for our revenge!' ( Golish ) " Another commander shouted which wearing a fully armor along with her head covered by an helm resembling a demon and she was walking along with the army in her back at the north-east with a pair of Jians at their waist as they march forward a unit of heavily-armed of Jin de dragon Empire.

" ' Forth! No looking back! our victory is near the time we reach farther west!' ( Golish )" Another one which commanding a unit holding a medium-size canon-like weapon on their arms as their other hands place at its mouth while their arm was hugging it and they were wearing an attire made from silk yet they have some hanging reflective-metal plates around them as its a source of mana it was heavy weapon so the army of the Jin de dragon empire at the south-west is moving slowly same as at the north-east.

" ' Jin de Khans shall bring only Victory! do you hear me my siblings! its time to slaughter those Acun people!' ( Golish )" The commander of the Jin de Khans shouted as they march forward and the Barcel soldiers waiting for them in dozens of diagonal lines with their scythes raised up & their shields stick together and a pair of diagonal lines at the front and been followed by more in the back.

" " We should go now, we will win here so come on let us move farther west.' ( Golish )" The commander of the Dragosaurs ordered as they truly leaving the battlefield and going farther west traveling near to the borderland of Acun.

" Bird of Sol & Bird of Luna heed my call and wreck them all!" Marquis Byean summoned his mythical beast together striking forward to the unit of the enemy at the east as both goes merge and [ Bird Dragon of Eclipse ] was been seen by the enemy as it was so wide enough to strike down hundred or dozens of them to ground as if the bird have emerge from a eclipse making the enemies mesmerized on its form yet the enemy open their palms, spread their arms and swaying it like the flow of yin & yang, and then they smack their palms together to the front as they casted spells and continue doing their kung fu and keeps casting spells fighting the Bird Dragon of Eclipse as it keeps flapping its wave & blasting its powers to them.

" For Acun we fight until death!" Marquis Byean shouted as his mythical beast finally strikes down some of their enemy to the ground and being tormented by its power and then the Barcel Phalanx runs faster and took advantage to swing their scythes and push their shields towards the body of their enemies along with casting their own spells while the enemies at the north-east & south-east goes march toward the center as they were going to corner them.

The enemy's unit at the south-east shots magical metal-ball towards the center while the Barcel Phalanx countering it by slicing it with their scythe and some time making it bounce with their shields coated with aura and accompanied with some magical spells, for the enem'ys unit at the north-east go pulls their Jians at their waist and begun to swing it as they meet the Barcel soldiers at the battlefield and the enemy's units at the east was unbelievably being push yet the Barcel Phalanx have no chance to win.

While the Barcel Soldiers facing the Jin de Khans head to head toe to toe as it was a chaotic they were pulling them down from their beast and while the enemy are pushing them at the cliff and the battle was continuing for a couple of minutes and, its still not dawn there was still an hour or more for the rise the sun to rise at the east.

Something appeared at the east it was a rising ball of flames with some wings on it around with its shining light that caught the attention everyone it was now a ordinary sight cause everyone can see a path up to the sky which flames are going up along with its getting bigger & shiner as its lights are blinding the enemies and the heat around was being felt by everyone, along with an unexpected screams at the farther west where an unexpected army was marching forward waving the flag of Acun empire as their blades & armors was drench in blood a legion of Acun Guards riding their mythical beast came forth.

" Marquis Byean its still 5 o'clock in the morning but why is there a sun rising up at the east?" A Barcel soldier asked to Marquis Byean which was smiling and rampaging as much as he want then pointed his scythe at the west.

" A reinforcement had arrived and not just an ordinary one, look it is the Legion of the Acun Guarda and look at the east! that rising sun! Oh Hail! Emperor Armaros!" Marquis Byean shouted as he step on a pile of dead bodies yelling loudly and the time he said his name everyone was shocked until.

[ Meteorite of Dawn ] the ball of fire exploded as I fly higher and being followed by explosions of magma & lava together chasing down the enemies at the ground along with ray of light beaming towards their head until they explode [ Sunlight Shot ] [ Morning Thunder ] together with a cloud storm thundering the Jin de dragon army below and I was going down as hundreds or thousand of our foe are being affected by my spells then I stomp my foot at the ground creating a sun quake resulting for dozens of foes nears me turn to ashes.

" For Acun Empire, I your Emperor will fight along with you all to Victory!" I roared as I pull my sword and goes swinging it to my foes along with summoning my Phoenix King at the sky aiding the Bird Dragon of Eclipse and my Sun Lion King clearing a safe path for the cornered Barcel Phalanx to move back and go a defensive position.

" Your Emperor! its an honor to fight along with you." Marquis Byean goes to my side was he swung his scythe killing one of those heavily-armed enemy and I pat his back as I elbowed and foe to her chest drilling a hole on it as a spiral thunderbolt passed through her and then goes electrified the others.

" Likewise Marquis Byean and, here they come the Czeal & Don." I pointed my sword at the east as another set of reinforcements arrived at the same time being lead by Marques Cathe Czeal & Marquis Daniel Don.

" We will win together and only winning, defeat will never be in our empire again." I uttered as I jump of the skin and took a spin as I swung my sword releasing a huge slash made from light and sliced the ground with my foes and i landed back while I glance at Marquis Byean swinging his scythe and bursting his magic in all cost.

I open my palm and a tentacles made from lightning goes pulling & chaining dozens of enemies before throwing them up to the sky for my Phoenix King to deal the final strike and 5 of those Heavily-armed foes all together come forth to me as I blocked their Jians 10 of it all together swung down in one way and then they moves around thrusting their Jians and swinging it up-ward as I grip the hilt of my sword so tight and deflect their attacks by rotationally moving my sword.

" Get out." I said as as I swung my sword along with my other arm in a curve it was like I was throwing a wave to my foes [ Wing of Eruption ] a spell using my lava-magic attribute a wave of lava in a curve way rising up then slam down to the ground like a sea wave reaching the shore.

" The battlefield seems dark, its time to light it up." I stab my sword at the ground between my legs as I spread my arms and in my palms a pair of spherical light-magic attribute was increasing & decreasing in size at the same time as I spin my hands slowly just one spin closing my arms until my hands close to each other then the spherical spell shot up to the sky like a fireworks as its getting brighter, brighter, and brighter as if its already afternoon for a sec before it brought chaos.

[ Heaven of Slaughtery ] it quake the sky and numerous of light going down while our foes took action in nick of time trying to attack those light while the Legion of Acun Guards, Czeal, Don, and Barcel soldiers took advantage to stab their enemies at the back, cut their throat, and murdering all of them until the those numerous hands of light goes down so fast eliminating my foes one by one until a complete slaughtery was done along with my spell & us Acun Army.

" We won! today! we will win tomorrow! we will win the next day! and we will win! Forever! Acun Empire!" I roared to my army with my blade raised up to the sky and the battlecry of my army my people can be heard all over the place until the Sun truly ascended at the east and another marching forward going to take my victory one by one as day will pass before our complete victory against Jin de dragon Empire.

From now on, I, Emperor Armaros Magean Herean Novun, will lead the Acun at war in the east, its just been a day I miss you My Empress, Amaris Herean Novun, hahahaha after this war our marriage shall be done immediately I can't let anyone have you besides me no one else.

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