
Unfinished ending

When the elevator reached the 16th floor Milena could hear the noise of some steps in that place, so she smiled maniacally.

As she exited the elevator, she could only take a few steps before a werewolf lunges at her.

Milena didn't even have time to use her weapons when she was pushed into the wall as claws dug into her chest.

Spitting some blood Milena smiled "Son of a bitch, at least buy me a coffee ..."

At that moment, the werewolf split Milena's body in half while howling with joy.

Liam, who heard that, pressed the button that activated the C4 on the vest so an explosion ended the life of that werewolf.

Destroying the entire building in the process, this made Liam feel a bit bad, but it was at that moment that he could see a werewolf emerge from the rubble who had no arms and could barely walk.

Liam didn't even think about it. He took the missile launcher he had and shot the werewolf, who, when he saw the trail of light from the missile he could simply give a cry of hatred.

Before it was destroyed into a thousand pieces, at that moment Liam just sighed and came down from the roof of that building to get to the place where Milena would be naked.

He had already prepared the suitcase with the clothes so that he could change clothes, so when he arrived at the place.

He watched with curiosity as Milena's body began to regenerate as if it were a kind of plasticine; the body began to regenerate.

Until Milena opened her eyes and squeezed her hands because the pain she had felt when being blown into a thousand pieces had been too much, so it took her a few seconds to get up.

Liam, seeing this, helped her up and put on a jacket to cover her. Milena looked at Liam at that moment with some helplessness.

"I guess it was a very good ending for Nandor's son of a bitch. I wanted to have to kill him, but it was impossible, right?"

Liam just sighed and hugged her. "You killed him in the best possible way, when the C4 explosive blew everyone up you did."

Milena clung to Liam's chest and started crying, "But I didn't want to have to kill him like that. He must have suffered even more, the way he died was too nice.

You know, all the damage he did to me was so much so that sometimes I imagined killing him while forcing him to listen to the damn story my mother was telling me.

But now I can't even have my revenge, but not only that, but my father is also going to die and I won't be able to kill him with my own hands.

Because the people I hate the most have to pass away so calmly when they hurt me so much, that's not fair Liam.

They deserved to suffer more. I even thought they will spend time in damn hell, but I'm sure that with their luck they might not suffer.

So why was I the only one who suffered and who has to suffer? Why did I suffer for so long but they enjoyed their lives peacefully?

Is life so unfair. "

Liam, who was hugging her, caressed her scarred back. "Life is never fair. She is an uncontrolled bitch that only grants sorrow or joy.

But fortunately it is that way because imagine if it really took control, people would be suffering at all times for it.

I know that hurts, Milena, but you have to be strong, because even if they die, they will always have in their hearts the things they did against you.

You must also have faith that all of them are going to end up in hell, because where else can the damn murderers be?

But I think we should get away from this place because I think there is nothing to do here anymore. "

Milena sighed and continued hugging Liam until she could feel better. After that, she got up and began to put on a new change of clothes because the cold of the place made her uncomfortable.

When Milena was ready, she hugged Liam's arm and the two of them started their way to the extraction point where they could return home.

When Charles arrived with the helicopter, he only smiled when he saw Milena hugging Liam's arm.

"Go if the two lovebirds made much progress in their relationship with just another mission. How good it is to be young. You two remember me when I met my wife.

It all started when we were in the dense jungle of Vietnam. I was transporting a few injured comrades.

When a group of the Vietcong began to open fire on my helicopter, I managed to dodge most of the bullets but one of them managed to hit the main engine so I began to lose power and ended up descending on a small town in the distance.

For a moment I thought that in that place my life would end because I assumed that there should be enemies, but to my surprise, I met a group of doctors from the United Nations.

There I could see her, black hair and brown skin and beautiful brown eyes. She was a volunteer nurse from Mexico.

At that time, I told myself that this woman will be my wife. When the war ended, we started a life together in my native Chicago, where we had some children.

Really, a dream life. Then she got sick and one day she just died in my hands. My children abandoned me and I ended up alone.

But since I started working with Milena, things have improved again. Liam better take care of the princess who may be old, but I learned a torture technique or two in Vietnam. "

Liam just smiled and watched as Milena slept, leaning on his arm. "You can be sure I will take care of her, although I have a doubt that maybe she will take care of me.

But there is something she said that worries me a lot. When her father dies, there will be no diplomatic problems because they try to force her to marry someone she does not want. "

Charles scratched his white beard. "I couldn't tell you, but you would have to ask the boss, as he is the one who has direct contact with the government.

From what he should know, I think you went to his office on the top floor when you first arrived, didn't you? "

Liam nodded. "It's a beautiful office, and a very relaxed atmosphere but the leader is a kind of scary."

"It is normal, because he fought in the First World War, he is one of the longest-lived humans that exist today."

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