
Ready To Go

Kandun was the most fearsome clan amongst the hunter's troops eighteen years ago. They had the riches, they had the skills... They had people.

Everything they did involved killing animals. Whenever they felt like having a bath, they'd kill an animal and crossed its hand over the body, placing the dead thing beside where they wanted to bathe for easy cooking after bathing.

Actions like this took place in Kandun and every other Clan feared them. Other clans started planning against them because most of the animals they killed were what they worshipped and they had different species of those animals around the forest.

But on a faithful afternoon, when almost everyone was outside, doing one thing or the other while very few stayed in one tent,

out of the gloomy and boring days, an ear-piercing scream took place and everyone inside their tents rushed outside just in time to see the blood of their people splattered everywhere.

Wolves came after them. They heard some things from other animals about how the Kandun people slay animals like their flies.

The wolves wiped out everything. Everyone that they caught sight of.

But seven children with a woman hid in one tent, the children shivering like there was cold everywhere.

Their eyes were fixed on the white little wolf that poked its head into the tent. His green irises and dark blue pupils are giving each child goosebumps.

But like the wolf heard the thoughts and saw the fear of the little children and woman, it withdraws and ran away, not hurting them.

By the time the woman dared to follow also, she found nothing... No one.

The bodies of the hunters are gone. The children's parents are gone.

Her family... gone.

She broke down in tears gaining the children's attention and they stood around her and watched her cry.

The youngest amongst them, Zyla, walked up to her and knelt in front of her, staring into the woman's red eyes.

"Stop crying, mama" her little voice was heard saying this. The woman stared at the girl with tears still in her eyes. She touched the girl's white hair and tangled her fingers in it softly.

She pulled the girl closer to her and whispers gently

"Do not kill an innocent one"

The girl stared at the woman with very disturbing eyes because she didn't understand what she meant.

And for the past eighteen years, she still didn't get it. The woman trained all seven children to be great assassins. Doing the best she could and sent them to the modern-day city to live in and grab some technologies for a fight.

To the children, they thought they will kill all wolves that comes their way, and that's what they have been doing with a free mind.

But the younger girl didn't feel comfortable with these acts, but she had to abide by them because of her seniors.

Even though they forced her to do something she didn't like, what the old woman told her at first remains stuck to her brain.

The woman died months before the situation they are in now.

Planning to send Zyla, the youngest of them all to get the Emperor of the wolves to like her, and then they attack from there.

Though Zyla has other thoughts about this plan of theirs, who will she tell? Who will listen to her?

"Remember all they have done to us, Zyla"

Zyla stares directly into the eyes of her colleague, Janice. Janice, Carl, Alan, Jackson, Selena, and Sonia, plus her is making seven.

The six older ones are planning to get married to themselves while she's the only one left out. It's not like she does love any of the guys that's from Kandun anyway. It's good to maintain a distance, incase they want to bring something up.

"Here" In the hand of Janice is a microchip that they gathered a lot of money to order from the United States.

"This will be in your arm so we will be watching from here. And this..." her other hand shots forward.

Zyla looks at it and then back at her with no expression on her face.

"You will place this around your ear so we will be communicating from here"

Zyla's eyes return to the items that are held out for her "Notice that we are giving you two of each. I know you can handle one, but incase the wolves gets to know who you are, you can always call for help through the second chip, and ear deposit"

Zyla's shaky hand takes the items from the palms of Janice's hand. She feels it properly and turns it from side to side to have a better view.

"And here" A tube with green liquid is held out to Zyla by Janice.

Zyla looks at Janice with the "What's that?" look.

"The liquid to get him numb. Just before you end him"

Zyla takes it slowly, knowing fully well that the tube is not a big or small one. It's just average.

"I believe you're ready now," Carl says over the desk that they are all seated around.

They are in a wooden house at the far sketch close to the forest where Zyla is sent to.

"I know how beautiful you are, Zyla. You're single and that's the special thing about this. The Emperor of the wolves, as we heard, can change to a human being at all times. Be very careful to not get carried away by his handsomeness, but make sure he does by your beauty"

Janice dips her thumb in a red quail container on the desk and made three marks on the face of Zyla. She grabs a knife near her and takes Zyla's left hand in hers.

"Are you ready?" she asks

Zyla hums out her reply in a positive way.

"Look away," Selena says and Zyla obeys with her eyes closed.

Janice then softly used the knife to cut deep into the flesh of Zyla who groans in pain. Zyla open her eyes and look at her hand when she felt no more knife digging through her hand.

Her light red blood flows down and into a bowl on the desk. When the gushing stopped and it drips slowly, Janice places Zyla's hand well and steady on the desk and carefully inserted the chip into her flesh.

After she did that, she pulled the sleeve of Zyla down and stared into her eyes.

"Make sure you always wear something to cover that mark. Don't forget"

Zyla nods in understanding.

Carl, Janice, Selena, and Sonia nod with smiles on their faces.

"I just wish Alan will be here," Zyla says with a shaky voice.

Alan quit being an assassin immediately after they finished their training abroad. He said he didn't want to kill anyone. When he asked who will follow him that night, Jackson said he would.

When she wanted to follow, Janice stood in her way and told her to not go anywhere. They needed her.

Alan stared at Zyla that day with pleads to follow him in his eyes. Selena and Sonia are always communicating with them because they are engaged to them.

Janice is also engaged to Carl. Zyla is the baby amongst them.

The main reason why Sonia and Selena are still here is that they wanna have revenge for their parents. After, they will all depart, get married, have children, and live their lives.

While she will roam around looking for a husband. How sad.

"Don't worry. We'll tell him his little sister is on the go"

Selena says and they all laugh while Zyla smiles sadly.

"You're ready to go, Zyla"

Zyla nods faintly and with all her might, she raises her left hand with sweat dripping down her forehead.

"Argh!" she groans as the chip in her hand moves and stables in her blood. She takes one of the ear deposits and fixes it around her ear, buckling her belts and inserting knives and the gun in it.

The tube with green liquids glows as she brings it close to her face to have a better view.

She's ready. Ready to go.

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