
Different In An Ordinary World...

{If you wish to read ahead, head to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread}

~~~(POV: Dannon Mayer)~~~

~~~(Location: Mayer Ranch, Umatilla County, Oregon)~~~

~~~(Date, Time, Year: March 13th, 7:41 AM PST, 2022)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 21 Years)~~~

"Dannon! Come eat!"

My mother calls my name, and I make my way downstairs. She's got an assortment of different foods, all of which smell great. I couldn't have asked for a better mother to have.

Eloise Mayer.

She's raised me by herself since I was an infant and has been with me through everything. I'm not like other people.

In total truth, I'm an Alien. Crashed down on The Mayer Ranch in Oregon in the year 2001. But I'm glad I know why I'm different.

I have an assortment of powers. The best point of reference is Kal-El or AKA Superman. From the comics I grew up reading and the movies I watched. It's uncanny.

The similarities between Kryptonians and Celaxians are many. I haven't learned much about my home. Theoretically, a being like a Kryptonian is possible in a universe based on physics.

You just need the right circumstances.

Celexians... Were... Are... That possibility.

"So, have you decided on what college you're going to?"

After graduating, I put off going to college and traveled the world for a couple of years.

"I don't think I'm going to college, Mom. I don't need it. Which means I've got to make other plans. Hope you don't mind me hanging around here for a while."

All I get is an amused grin at my sarcasm. She wasn't enthusiastic about the first time I left. However, she let me. No questions asked.

My best and biggest supporter.

Mom sits across from me and starts enjoying some of the food.

"Well, as long as you don't damage the Ranch like you did growing up."


After my powers began to blossom, Mom taught me to control them. At the expense of the Ranch in some places. It was hard goings at first, but now it's easy to control all of my powers.

"Well, it's not like I'll force you. But I do think you should find something to do. Hiding out on our farm shouldn't be your long-term goal."

She's not wrong. I do need to find something to do with the rest of my life.

"I'm trying to think of what to do, but it's not like I have many options. Eventually, someone will find out about me."

She understands more than I could ever describe in words. A solemn look appears on her features, and she sits back in her recliner. Not looking a day over 25 when she's actually 38.

I know Mom has been wanting to talk with me about another avenue. An option that I've thought about but always find a reason not to do. And from the look on her and the increase in her blood pressure. She's going to bring it up again.

"Have you thought about helping people with your powers? The world needs someone that can help it."

The world we live in now wouldn't like that... Someone with my Alien powers existing along with them...

Being an Alien is both a blessing and a curse...

"Could you imagine how people would react?"

She shifts a little in her seat. This is the typical direction this conversation has gone the few times we've had it.

"Science and Religion would clash like never before. People might even see me as a God... I don't want that... It twists my stomach. Not to mention social media and what that could do..."

A small sigh escapes her lips, and she gently places her plate on the coffee table. Looking at me with a sadness I don't see from her often. She has so much faith in me...

"You never know, Dannon... Sometimes, people don't know they need a hero. Don't you think you were sent here for something more?"

The reason I was sent to Earth is a simple one. My birth parents didn't want me to die, so they sent me here.

That's what the message left in my spacecraft says, anyway.

An infant that was only a few days old. Taken in by this remarkable woman at the tender age of 17, all on her own. She had no help from anyone since she was alone in the world too.

She raised me before she became an adult. It's hard to think I could disappoint her after everything she sacrificed for me.

What she risked to raise me...

"I don't know... I was lucky my parents sent me away... Loved me... They sent me so I'd live..."

A parent that's worth anything would do absolutely anything to save their children.

"I'll support whatever decision you make."

This conversation is looking to come to an end. She takes another breath to finish this off.

"It's not like the movies, and I see that. Just know that many people could use a hero right now..."

She finishes her food and leaves for the door.

My body gently lifts off the ground as I float from my seat. Slowing down and sitting in my favorite spot on the couch. I look for my favorite shows as I scroll through the channels.

"What do you think will happen to the people of Ukraine if this war continues?"

I stop on CNN and watch as the pictures are being shown.

"This war is just ramping up, and while the Ukrainian forces are fighting Russian forces, many innocent civilians are getting caught up in the crossfire."

It's not a pretty sight... Entire towns are being destroyed...

"In my professional opinion, this conflict isn't ending until another major power steps in. Or a full-blown World War starts up."


Talk about a hot take, but it's not like he's wrong. The war there could go to many places, meaning more lives are in danger, all for the political games of people seeking power.

But even if I did something, what would it lead to? Another conflict? A more dangerous one?

It's not something that sits well in my mind, and there is no good answer. Not one I can give.

I turn off the TV and let out a long sigh.

"If it does get to that point... What should I do?"

Do I have a responsibility to stop a World War from happening if there is a threat? Is it my place to make these decisions?

Interfering in wars and politics could lead me down a rabbit hole I never want to see. Letting humanity fight their own wars is the right thing.

But is it a good thing?

There is a difference between the two.

"Well, that's thoroughly ruined my mood."

Since Mom is on her way to work, I should also accomplish some of my daily chores.

I make my way to the back door and open it. Stepping out and taking a deep breath. Letting the fresh air fill my lungs and clear my head. The barn is my destination. The world slows down to a stop as I move to the barn entrance.

Opening it and the world speeds back up to normal. Moving at average speeds, I reach my horse's pin. Today is a good day to take him for a ride while I do the chores.

"How's your morning been, Bullet?"

He lets out a greeting exhale as his lips smack together. A horse with a personality isn't a rare thing. They're beautiful and intelligent creatures. Things I love about them.

"You ready for some chores?"

He gets excited as I unlatch the gate and get him all saddled up. After he's good and ready, I lift off the ground and gently set myself on the saddle.

"Let's go."

We're already moving along and heading for the property fence line. Bullet's around two years old at this point and full of energy. So I take him out as often as I can.

"What do you think... Should I try being a hero?"

All Bullet does is shake his head in many directions and let out a funny snort. Too bad I can't understand animals. But I'll take that as a no.

"Thanks for the advice, bud."

Bullet starts moving at higher speeds and enjoying the walk around the fence line.

"Hopefully, the world gets a little better soon... All the things with Covid the last two years and now the War in Ukraine this year... It's worrying..."

We speed up, and now Bullet is having a blast.

The morning has been good for the Mayer Ranch but not for the rest of the world. It's not like problems don't exist with becoming a hero. Disguise's, lying, and protecting my identity.

Just showing up on TV with my face out isn't realistic. People from home will recognize me. It's not a Superman fairy tale ahead of me if I become a hero.

"It's not like Mom is wrong, though... Many people need help from someone who isn't stopped by governments or politics. By bullshit getting in the way..."

People are being ravaged by famine and disease. Others suffer from acts of genocide and oppression. They have no one, and their lives aren't getting better. Not in their lifetime or their children's.

Shouldn't I help those people... The ones that need it...

How would I even help them... It's not like I have Alien technology that cures disease or grows food. All I've got is the spacecraft that sent me here and limited historical archives of my people... Is there a way I could feasibly do this...

I don't have a Fortress of Solitude or a Batcave. A place where comic book dreams are born and die.

If I had a place like that...

~~~(POV: Naedra, Administrative Artificial Intelligence)~~~

~~~(Location: -81.253865, 80.734111, Antarctica, Earth)~~~

~~~(Date, Time, Year: March 13th, 8:04 AM UTC, 2022)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 25,022 Years)~~~




"Signal located."

It only takes a micro-moment for me to locate him. He's come to think as his parents hoped he would. It's time that he finds a piece of home he didn't know was here. My primary mission has long since failed.

However, I can complete the one I was given 22 years ago.

"Releasing Beacon."

Sub-mind Aedrex is following the protocols as he's supposed to. The beacon will be picked up by those that have a transceiver. Bases in the Antarctic such as General Bernardo O'Higgins Base, Davis Base, and Yelcho Base.

They'll notify their governments. It won't matter. I'd much prefer to send a signal directly to the spacecraft he arrived in. It's too damaged to do that. However, once news gets out about what's happening in the Antarctic, he'll come.

"System's on standby."

The ancient Celaxian science and scout ship hums to life under the ice. We'll wait here patiently for him to come.

It's been so long since I spoke with a Celaxian... The ones here died... Killed each other on the way here...

~~~(POV: Diego Herrera)~~~

~~~(Location: General Bernardo O'Higgins Base, Antarctica, Trinity Peninsula)~~~

~~~(Date, Time, Year: March 13th, 9:34 AM UTC, 2022)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 27 Years)~~~




"What the hell is that, Private Herrera!!?"

I have no fucking idea what it is, but I know where it is.

"I don't know, sir. It's eating all the bandwidth. Lat and Long coordinates are... -81.253865, 80.734111..."

That's not...

"Are you stupid, kid?! That's impossible; that's in the middle of the Antarctic continent. Nothing down there but snow, ice, and rock."




Captain Jose Diaz makes his way to my computer and looks at the same data I'm looking at. His eyes look more confused as time passes.



"Get satellite scans of the location coordinates... Thermal, X-Ray, Infrared Light. Everything. Don't worry about the bills this will build."

My hands dance across the keyboard, and the information is being gathered.






"What's taking so long."

It's only been a few seconds, but this is driving me crazy too.

"Only a little longer, Captain."

We get the images from the satellite and soak up the information with our eyes. My mouth starts to hang open. The room fills with more military personnel as the signal echoes through the base.

Eventually, everyone's surrounding my single computer, looking at what we're looking at.

"What am I looking at here, Galvez..."

No way Galvez knows more than us, even as a scientist on assignment here.

I can't stop staring at what looks like...

"I don't know, Captain... We need to send the findings back to Chile... They'll be able to interpret the data from there better than we can..."

That means the results will reach governments worldwide within 24 hours. The Antarctic is about to become a military zone. I can only imagine what's about to happen to us.

~~~(POV: Eloise Mayer)~~~

~~~(Location: Mayer Ranch, Umatilla County, Oregon)~~~

~~~(Date, Time, Year: March 13th, 4:55 PM PST, 2022)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 38 Years)~~~

"It's hard to say how long the market will take to recover since the lockdown last year. Many economists predict it'll be around three or four years before the markets return to pre-pandemic levels."

Dannon doesn't enjoy watching the stock market as much as I do. It's my job to watch it and make money from it. He'd be better at it than me if he cared. His beautiful mind sees things I know no one else can.

CNBC has its moments, but for the most part, I don't get my financial news from them. I have my websites and sources. It's why we live such a comfortable life. I'm good at my job.

My son has been quiet since I got home. Not in the sense of ignoring me. Only that his mind is elsewhere, I mute the TV and turn toward my boy.

"What's on your mind, sweetie?"

The concern in my voice is more pressing than I want it to be. Nevertheless, he closes his eyes and releases a sigh.

"Thinking about things..."

Oh, how descriptive, my son!!

He sees my stare and cracks a small smile.

"What we talked about earlier. I've been trying to find a way to make it work. No matter what I do, I always get stuck in the same place. People I grew up with will recognize me."

He's not wrong. A 6'4 black-haired hazel-eyed beauty sticks out. And my son is a beauty. The closest town to our Ranch is a small place. The graduating class of 2020 will know it's my son when they see his face on TV.

I'd advise my son if I knew what he's dealing with. In reality, it's something no one in the world has dealt with.

"Take your time, sweetie. It's not like you need to be a hero tomorrow. It was a suggestion. Something I think you'd be good at. I don't want you doing that because I want you doing it."

Ultimately, I want him to do it because he wants to do it. He's a good man who can make a big change in the world.

But he has to want it.

Seeing how serious he's taking it, I think he does want it. No matter what he decides to do, I'll support him. If it were up to me, he'd never leave home, and I'd spoil him rotten. That's not how you raise a kid, though.

He's his own man now, and he needs to do what he thinks is right and what he wants.

If you want to read ahead go to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread

Word count: 2591

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