
155- Nico Robin

"Ethan, we need to leave quickly." Nami ran to the ship while most the girls followed her except for Vivi, who still looked at the explosion in disbelief.

Lucy stood next to Ethan and did not move. "I don't understand why we're in such a hurry? It doesn't matter who's coming, we'll just crush him."

"You're right, but Nami seems to be very afraid of the Shichibukai, and maybe in her mind he's here now." Ethan sighed.

"Gem, you and the rest of your new crew go to Alabasta and on your way there destroy and kill the members of your former organization, but don't attack the officers, just attack the minions." By using kills, this crew will gradually become stronger.

Gem nodded and began to gather his new crew and went to the opposite side of the island in order to sail.

"We have to go too." he said before turning to the princess who was frozen in shock. Ethan ran up to her and picked her up bridal style and then jumped onto the ship.

Vivi immediately jumped out of Ethan's arms and started looking around frantically.

"Where is it!?" Vivi yelled as she looked around.

"What?" Ethan asked confused.

"My duck, Karoo," she said.

"We don't have time to get your duck." Nami said, seemingly in a hurry.

"I can't just leave it here!" she yelled.

"We are all set, let's go!" Zora yelled as she pulled up the anchor.

"What's wrong with her?" she asked.

"She is missing her duck." Nami said in an annoyed tone. Zora looked at the two of them strangely before she spoke.

"You mean this duck." she said while pointing to the giant duck standing next to her. Nami and Vivi stared at the duck before yelling out.

"IT'S ALREADY HERE!?" they yelled.

they immediately set sail and began sailing up the waterway in order to reach the sea faster. As they were sailing up the waterway they entered a thick fog similar to the one the had when they came to the island.

it was hard to see but with Nami's guidance they were making it safely out into the wide open waters of the grand line once more. Just as they were coming through the final part of the fog a voice that Ethan had been waiting to hear finally spoke.

"I'm just glad that we got away from the people chasing us,"

Ethan turned when he heard that and looked across the ship to see he sitting on the railing idly, 'Nico Robin' he thought to himself as he saw her, she really was more beautiful than what her anime persona gave her credit for, a slender body with curves in all the right places, long black hair and eyes that a man could get lost in if he stared for too long.

Nico Robin smiled when she saw Ethan looking at her but he didn't say anything. In fact, most of the crew members noticed her presence, except for a few girls.

"You can say that again," Nami replied not really noticing that someone had invaded the ship.

"With all this fog we need to be careful to avoid the rocks," Nico Robin said again.

"I'll take care of it," Nami said happily before she blinked a few time and looked over to Ethan who was standing next to her.

"Did you just say something?" she asked while looking at Ethan.

"Do you really think I would make a female voice like that?" Veins appeared on Ethan's forehead and he really wanted to punch Nami's head because of her stupidity, but he didn't.

Lucy looked at Ethan and then at Nami and gently punched Nami's head but it still caused a visible bulge.

"Lucy, why did you do this?" Nami grabbed Lucy's cheek and pulled it hard and asked angrily as her teeth became serrated as if they were a shark.

"with no reason." Lucy looked at Ethan and then said.

When Nami wanted to explode in anger, Ethan spoke, "She did that for me, and you also didn't notice that someone has slipped into the ship."

"This is a nice ship." Nico Robin said.

all quickly turned to her as Vivi spoke out in shock identifying her as Miss all Sunday and revealing her to be Crocodiles partner. Mikita froze where she was and her eyes widened when she heard the name there wasn't an officer agent who didn't know just who that woman was partnered with.

"Crocodile is her partner!?" Nami yelled out in fear.

"She was the only one who knew the boss's identity and that's how we found out, by following her back to him." Vivi said as she looked at the woman with eyes of hatred.

"You're wrong, Vivi. She's the one who allowed you to follow her." Vivi and Nico Robin looked at Ethan in astonishment.

"Hmm, interesting. How did you know that?" Nico Robin did not deny and looked at Ethan with some interest.

before she could hear any answer from Ethan she suddenly found weapons pointed at her from various angles, Nojiko with a pistol on the right, Hailey on the left with her spear, Zora, Kuina and Clara draw their swords, Nami takes out Perfect Clima-Tact, Alvida grabs her mace, While the rest of the girls stood ready.

"I would really appreciate it, if you would stop pointing those things at me," Nico Robin stated before in a flash all weapons were knocked from their own hands.

Ethan knew what her powers were and even he was surprised by what he saw, he had been trying to spot the limbs he knew were being sprouted from the various surfaces but evidently they were there and gone so fast even.

"Now calm down, I'm not here to fight anyone, I haven't been giving any orders to do so" she stated as she looked over all of them again. Nojiko and Hailey had been tossed to the lower deck along with their weapons.

"Now can we continue our conversation?" Nico Robin looked at Ethan but as soon as she blinked Ethan disappeared from his place and then immediately she heard a whisper in her ear with some warm air coming from Ethan's mouth to her ear. "Hi, you look prettier up close."

'I didn't even see him move.' Nico Robin was terrified, and what made her afraid even more was what Ethan said after that.

"It's really unexpected that someone like you works for the crocodile, what did he give someone like you to follow him?" Ethan put his arm around Nico Robin's neck and spoke gently as if she was his friend.

'Does he know my true identity?' Immediately she used her Devil Fruit and wrapped Ethan with soft arms and then tried to push him away from her and throw him, but his body did not move an inch.

'What a wonderful feeling to be wrapped in soft arms all around.' Ethan started to think of another use for this Devil Fruit other than fighting.

'Am I going to die here? I didn't even achieve my goal.' Seeing the power of Ethan, She felt remorse for deciding to show herself to someone with a catch bounty of 300 million. She had to expect that someone with a bounty like this on his head would have to be so powerful. 'I don't want to die after I came close to finding one of the Poneglyphs, I haven't even read it yet.'

The girls looked at this happening in front of them and Makino spoke with a chuckle, "She must be part of the crew soon."

"Ethan is a kind person who opens his heart to even enemies, especially females~~" Alvida deliberately says 'female' in a playful way.

"He's just a womanizer controlled by his lust." Zora said sarcastically.

Ethan noticed Robin's fear although she tried to hide it with a smile and even before she spoke, Ethan spoke, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

Immediately after that, Ethan moved away from her and returned to his original place. However Nico Robin is still cautious because she now knows that he can approach her in an instant without her realizing.

"Like I said I won't hurt you. Can you tell me why you came here?" Nico Robin looked into Ethan's eyes and saw no hostility in them.

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