
Chapter 3 - Escaping Helgen With the Boys - Part 2

(Status sheet from last chapter)

I had already forgotten about the system that the old man gave me and I wasn't expecting it to appear now. Either way I didn't have time to go through it because the others were looking at me as if I was worse of a monster than the dragon outside.

(Lokir/Ralof/Abjorn): """..."""

(Nero): "...What? He was annoying as hell."

After they remembered who is it that I killed they totally went along with it. I mean, Skyrim is a place filled with magic, creatures that can destroy entire settlements and cities, old mans that can talk with dragons and an entire race of sassy elfs with superiority complex and daddy issues. I'm sure they've seen or heard about weirder things than what I just did.

(Nero): "Anyway, I can see some chests at the end of the beds and there seem to be some provisions and miscellaneous things over there so let's prepare for a fight, I'm sure we're not the only ones that found this place."

When they heard me they realized that what I said made a lot of sense. We were nowhere near this place when te chaos began, surely there were people near here that entered before us.

We found quiete a lot of things and decided to distribute them according to our proficiencies and professions, if you could call them that.

Lokir got himself a short sword made of iron with some light leather armor that was scattered near one of the beds.

Abjorn took an axe and a mace that were on a weapon rack, he found some imperial armor to protect himself.

Ralof said he was going to be fine with his current outfit so he only grabbed an axe.

I didn't really like the concept of armor, so when I get my hands on a defensive spell I'm going full comfy clothes because that's the true way. For now I grabbed the remaining pieces of imperial armor that were left: boots, greaves and a chest plate. Along with the armor I got myself a sword.

We found a couple of shelves and a table filled with food and drinks. Until now in general we've got: 45 septims, 2 health potions, 1 magicka potion, 1 stamina potion, some cloth bags to store it all and the armors and weapons.

(Abjorn): "Alright, I think we're pretty much ready to go now." He said while swinging his weapon a little.

We all agreed on that and were about to move forward but Lokir asked something that we forgot.

(Lokir): "I'm relieved to see your enthusiasm my friend, but I would like to know if any of you know any magic spells. I wouldn't want to be in the way of a stream of flames just because I didn't know you could use it."

We realized that he was totally right and that scenario was a possibility. In the end, Only Abjorn and Ralof knew some spells. Abjorn can use the basic spells of flames and healing, while Ralof only knows healing. Knowing this we were more confident, after all we had 2 people that could treat any non-life threatening wound because that's the reach of the basic healing spell (I know that the healing spell doesn't work on other people besides you, but I always found the fact that you needed the healing hands spell totally stupid. If we're talking about healing undead creatures or something like that then it makes total sense, but why the hell would you need it for another person).

We opened a door that was made of wooden bars and came to a corridor, after turning right we could see a lever that opens a metal bars door that leads to a circular room where 2 stormcloaks were resting.

(Ralof): "Ok, you guys wait here, if they see you on that imperial armor they'll try to attack you."

We nodded and Ralof went to open the door. The stormcloaks that heard footsteps were alerted but relaxed after seeing Ralof. He explained to them why we had the armors and then we alongside the two stormcloaks started moving. After opening another door we went down a staircase and saw a man being buried by rubble, product of the dragon outside.

After going along the hallway we found a door. Lokir told us to keep quiet and started looking through the key hole. He then told us that there were 4 imperial soldiers inside with one of them wearing a captain's armor. We agreed that Me, Abjorn and Ralof will go at the front, with Lokir and the other 2 covering us from behind.

Ralof counted down from 3 and then, with a kick, flung open the door and we stormed in with battle cries, it seems that Ralof's and Abjorn's cries had a greater effect on the imperials because of their nord heritage.

When I came face to face with my opponent we crossed swords, though mine was of inferior quality I compensated for it with strength. We traded a few blows and when I saw that he was making a swing too wide I lunged forward with my sword in a piercing motion, managing to pierce his throat, effectively killing him. After being done with my opponent I looked at the situation of the others. Ralof already finished his and was helping Abjorn, while one of the 2 stormcloaks was fighting the last one, with Lokir and the other stormcloak flanking him and stabbing his heart and neck.

We salvaged what we could and found some more potions and septims. Lokir took some empty mead bottles and said that we would need something we could use to store water. After rummaging through the place and taking everything useful we continued moving forward. At one turn while going down a staircase we heard sounds of people fighting and found 3 imperial soldiers fighting 2 stormcloaks. There were a handful of corpses of both sides on the floor.

After taking care of the imperials with a little bit of trouble because the stormcloaks wanted to kills us too, we stopped to relax for a minute. Abjorn and Lokir found some weapons and a shield, wich Abjorn took and ban testing. Ralof told me that he found a cage that had a corpse with mage robes, a book and a couple of septims, so he game me some lockpicks he found on a table inside a backpack and gave the backpack to Lokir So he could take care of the septims, potions, books and all of those things.

After several tries I managed to unlock the cage and looted everything inside. After storing them in the backpack, we continued our path. We passed through some cells, a torture room and a cave passage that lead us to some sort of sewers where we found 8 imperial soldiers stationed. This one will be a tough fight and most likely the weaker ones in our group are going to die but we don't have many choices.

We charged towards the first 3 imperials and made relatively short work of them, but when we has just finished we heard a scream behind us and saw 2 of the disposab- *cough* stormcloak soldiers pierced by arrows. I looked in the direction of where the arrow seed to come from and saw 3 archer with 1 soldier guarding them. 'If we don't kill those archers we're done for'. At that moment I saw a blackish purple liquid-oily substance on the ground that they were standing on. I went near Abjorn and told him about it. I would've never thought he would run straight to where they are while holding his shield high up to block the arrows and then blast a stream of fire to their feet. The ground on where the archers were stationed suddenly caught fire and burned everyone of them till there were only charred bodies left. The odor was stinging and horrendous so we decided to go past them quickly, but before that the extr- *cough* *cough* the stormcloaks said they would stay back to see if there were anymore brothers and sister that would come through here.

After Ralof said all that brotherly thingy of bonds and shit we moved forward where a lever activated a bridge. Just as we were about to cross it, Lokir pulled Abjorn back and saved him form being crushed to death by some rocks that caved in.

(Abjorn): "Thank you very much my friend."

(Lokir): "Don't sweat it, we would have to deal with more problems if one of us dies and breaks the distribution. It would be troublesome and tiring."

(Ralof/Abjorn): "HAHAHAHAHAHA."

(Lokir/Nero): ""...""

(Lokir): 'Seriously, what kind of fucked up group is this. It's like the grabbed the least compatible people and mashed them together'

We kept going, now through a caves system that was connecter to the dungeons of Helgen. It was...weird to say the least. Since the time I woke up on the carriage I've been feeling that the air in this world is different. Of course it's much more cleaner because I guess pollution it's practically nonexistent in this place, but there is something more that I feel is entering in my body every time I breathe. Maybe it's magic or magicka how they call it here, but I'm not sure if that is something you should be able to feel when you breathe. I guess I'll research it later, we haven't even left Helgen yet.

As we kept going with a little talk here and there, mostly Ralof and Abjorn or Lokir being sarcastic wit the latter, we found ourselves hiding and peeking at...abomination. Yeah, that should be the only logical and right way to call them. And by this I mean that we're seeing spiders that seem like tarantulas that are half the size of an adult human, while there are some that reach little more than 3/4. If I had fire magic I would have purified this cave since the moment I saw that.

Anyway jokes aside, we were discussing the method we would employ to purify the place that seemed to be their nest, as there are webs and spider eggs everywhere. Lokir suggested that Abjorn put fire to the webs while he fires with a bow that he picked from one of the imperial bodies, with me and Ralof guarding him of any of those things that come too close. We found it to be a logical and good plan so we went along with it.


Of course, that's a lie. When Abjorn began descending the mini cliff we were at he kicked some rocks that rolled down and alerted the spiders. Seeing that he already fucked up, he began running towards the webs with the intention to burn them... The thing is that, one of the spider spat venom at his face and he started screaming while his left hand was throwing flames and his right hand swung his sword around life he was a cheerleader animating a football team. Anyway, we started clearing the spiders that were distanced from the amalgamation of creatures that followed Abjorn while he ran screaming. That way we got rid of the vast majority of them and helped Abjorn with the remaining ones. After that experience he changed and got a noble objective to accomplish, and I quote:

(Abjorn): "In the future I'll spend all the money I get on learning extremely powerful fire spells to purify the world of these aberrations of nature."

(Ralof/Nero/Lokir): 'The thought of these guy running around throwing massive fire balls makes me anxious and uncomfortable, but it's absolutely hilarious at the same time.'

We followed the only path that was left and I remembered that this was the final stage where we would encounter a bear sleeping and we needed to choose between fighting and killing it. And to my surprise our choice was...... none, because there was no bear. I thought to myself 'Maybe, this world being actually real instead of just a game changed some things. Sure we found different numbers of enemies inside the dungeons than the ones that appear in the game but I didn't really think too much about it at that moment. I should really start thinking seriously about this. This isn't a game anymore, I'll be living in this world and if I want to have adventures then my life will be on the line.'

With my new resolve and eyes full of confidence we approached the place where the bear should've been. At that moment I began to feel uneasy and Lokir seemed to feel the same. I could attribute my sense of danger to my demon blood but I guess that him being a thief really honed his senses and mind. While I was thinking that, I smelled something, something foul like rotten food or the like. And then, out of nowhere I saw how both Ralof and Abjorn were sent sent flying like someone who slaps a mosquito. Two big arms as thick as my torso appeared in my field of vision and then I took a good look at 'it'.

Standing a little above 2 meters in height, with extremely toned muscles and a humanoid form. It had 3 eyes and seemed to move by animal instincts alone. Yes, it was a troll. In the game these things were the absolute noobie killer. Being level 14, they could kill an unprepared low level player or even one that stands around level 20.

My brain stopped for a second and then my body began to move on it's own to barely avoid being hit in the head by that thing's punch. Lokir went running to check on the other 2 to see their state. Luckily, Abjorn only broke his right arm where he was punched. Ralof was far worse, he had a broken arm, a few broken ribs and was barely conscious, product of hitting the border of a wooden cart that was laying in the cave.

(Lokir): "Shit, shit, shit. Abjorn you have to use your healing spell on ralof to get him well enough to cast his own spell. After that you'll both cure your right arm and you will help Nero deal with that thing. I'll provide fire support from up there and Ralof will have to heal himself."

(Nero): "Abjorn, when you come here start using your flames spell, trolls are weak to it because it cancels their healing factor."

(Lokir): "If that's true then we'll have a much easier time dealing with it. Nero you hold it for 30 seconds! I know it's a lot of time, but we don't have any other choice. I'll go position myself to provide with assistance."

I didn't even hear what Lokir said as I was too focused on not getting hit by this superman wannabe. Each time his attacks passed by my side I could feel the pressure in the air generated by it's monstrous strength. I looked towards Abjorn to see how much time he needed. But alas, that single second was enough for the troll to throw me off balance and send a single punch towards my face.

Without anything to defend myself I instinctually raised my right arm that was still cover by the rags and bandages and the troll fist connected with it. There was a gust of wind that send dust, pebbles and some bones that laid around flying in the air. Everyone stayed still without knowing what just happened. We were there, both me and the troll, his fist still in contact with my arm that was now uncovered for the whole world to see. And what they saw left them awestruck. From my elbow to my fingers, my arm was of a blue color with the borders of my palm, fingers and forearm being red. My fingers and the center of my palm were of a bright blue that seemed to be some kind of energy that formed a straight line across the upper side of my arm that broke into thinner ones at the sides.

With a couple of sparks coming out of it and my heavy breathing, coupled with my now waving withe hair, product of the air pressure, my iris turned a crimson red with the white sclera fading completely into a total black abyss. The troll made a surprised grunt and I flung my arm pushing it back a couple of steps.

(Lokir/Abjorn/Ralof): "......" 'WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?!?!'


Chapter word count:2769

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