
But we're the good guys

"I'm quite relieved you didn't let loose on Dr. Cortez back in the elevator," Tony says as they walked into Henry's office.

"You seem surprised?" Lucifer queried with a stare. "You were the one who begged me not to."

"Yeah, I did but I didn't think you would listen."

Lucifer scoffed, "You know the fact that every little thing you say annoys me is what makes me want to keep you around, don't make me dislike that trait," He said as he walked to the chair behind a big oak desk and sat on it.

"What are we going to do?" Tony asked then gasped at a thought. "What if he is behind the missing phone?"

"Why would you think that?" Lucifer inquired tapping his finger against the desk.

"No one in their right mind would come back to the company except they know the only incriminating evidence against them is nowhere to be found."

"Mhm… that could be true," Lucifer replied. "Or maybe he is something else, and he is trying to taunt me."

"Is that what you care about right now? We should be trying to clear Dr. Bates' name," Tony said.

"You do that. I will take care of our snake myself."

Tony slapped his forehead in frustration at the haughty demeanor of his new boss but was quick to comport himself before Lucifer could notice.

Just then, the office door swung open and a dark plump man walked in followed by a taller woman in a ponytail.

"And who might you be?" Lucifer demanded.

"Detective Donnie Scott, NYPD," The man said flashing a badge. His deep voice and stern face would be enough to scare off whatever scheme a man kicked around.

"This is my partner, Detective Pamela Clark. Your colleague was quite glad to show us your office."

"Cortez," Lucifer murmured under his breath. "What do you want?" He asked the two officers.

"We have a few questions about your project Mr. Bates," Pamela spoke this time. She looked serious too but Lucifer could tell it was all an act. "The facts about the explosion don't add up," She continued.

"I don't understand, what exactly is going on?" Tony asked.

"A public investigation on the explosion was opened this morning—"

"But what happened was an accident!" Tony cut Pamela off.

"That left twenty staff dead and fifteen others in critical condition yet somehow the man in charge of the project happens to walk away unscathed, that's a little fishy don't you think?" Detective Donnie puzzled

"I don't know, must be dumb luck I guess," Lucifer replied almost immediately.

"Yeah, right… Then you must be a casino's worst nightmare," he said sarcastically with eyes piercing into Lucifer's trying to read him.

"Is that all? I don't have all day," Lucifer said gesturing to the two seats in front of them.

"I'll be by my desk in case you need me, Dr. Bates," Tony said trying hard not to show his panic. He worried Lucifer would say the wrong thing to the detectives. Lucifer nodded.

"Why don't you stay and join in our little chat?" Detective Donnie called as Tony was about to leave. "We don't mind," He added with a grin that showed off his full beard.

Tony became puzzled but was felt relieved knowing he would be close to have Lucifer's back.

"Please, continue," Lucifer said as Tony stood erect beside him.

"So what can you tell us about the explosion of your Mirror Bridge project?" Detective Pamela asked, her eyes fixed on Lucifer only.

Tony's heart skipped a beat as he knew Lucifer knew nothing about the project. He shot a nervous glance at Lucifer who paid no attention to him. Lucifer on the other hand maintained a calm demeanor.

"What would you like to know?" A smirk penciled across Lucifer's face as he leaned back on his chair.

"Forensic reports say the explosion was a result of an unstable material in the nuclear reactor- antimatter. Is that correct?" Detective Pamela's tone was unwavering even as her eyes swayed from Lucifer to Tony.

Lucifer glanced at Tony before answering. He had no idea what she what talking about. Still, he chose to play along.


"It also says you were the closest to the blast." She continued.

"Yes," Lucifer answered again.

"How do you explain that?"

Tony was the one to speak this time.

"The reactor shut down and the only way to get it going was to start it up manually, Dr. Bates chose to do it himself."

"Mhmm," Agent Donnie's eyes were fixed on Lucifer. "So you mean you knew your machine had issues and you chose to start it again?"

"It's not like that!" Tony snapped.

"Cut the crap!" Detective Donnie retorted in a harsh tone. "We know from an inside source that you were told to call off the test when the machine didn't function as it was supposed to and you didn't."

"Dr. Cortez," Tony's said as he and Lucifer's eyes met each other once again. "Listen, Dr. Bates knew it would work. And it did work... until it happened." Tony bit his lip at the bitter thought of what happened next. His knees shook in terror as he remembered his colleagues who died. He wondered if his dream was a sign that he had cheated death, a sign that he had a price to pay.

"So why did it happen?" Detective Pamela asked Lucifer.

"I'm afraid we don't know anything. My assistant and I were even at the facility yesterday but we couldn't arrive at any conclusion."

"You know we went by the hospital, why would the two of you leave without being discharged?" Agent Donnie wondered out loud. He had a sore contempt against rich billionaires who felt their money meant they could get away with anything and following his guts, Dr. Bates fell right in this category.

"Was there a rule saying we couldn't?" Lucifer queried assertively. "We're here now, aren't we?"

"But that doesn't mark you innocent," Donnie remarked.

Not wasting any time to reply, Lucifer winked an eye. "It doesn't make us guilty either."

Donnie clicked his tongue and nodded his head as his eyes moved around the office. Just as he had expected, chatting with Dr. Bates was not going to be a mere stroll.

"Where did you go after leaving the hospital?" He continued.

"As I said before, Ash took me to the exploded facility first--"

"Who's Ash?" Detective Pamela asked.

"My assistant," Lucifer gave a pointed gesture towards Tony. "That's what I call him now."

Pamela flashed a stare at Tony to confirm if what Lucifer said was true. Tony in response cleared his throat as he adjusted his tie with a nervous hand. The issue appeared to be of little interest to Detective Pamela who turned away.

"And what happened at the facility?"

"I don't think anything spectacular happened yesterday," Lucifer answered. "No, nothing happened."

"Are you sure you want to maintain that story of yours?" Donnie uttered. "Some witnesses said they saw you beating a guy."

"In my defense, I was only asking for directions," Lucifer cut back with a grin. Meanwhile, everyone could feel the agitation on Tony. "And his direction led us back to this company, I'm sure that Dr. Cortez can fill you in the rest." Lucifer's smug expression was a frustration to the two Detectives as he made it seem like he was enjoying himself. Donnie particularly hated it.

"Where did you go afterward?" Detective Pamela questioned.

"Oh, I went home," Lucifer replied. "To my beautiful fiancée, Lila."

"Okay. And you?" She asked Tony.

"I went home after too."

Detective Pamela nodded as a sign that she had no further questions.

"Is there anything else, detective?" Lucifer's gaze fixed on Agent Donnie.

"Is there something you would like to add, Dr. Huffman?" He asked.

"Uhm, yes," Tony answered. He wondered why Lucifer didn't say the truth about Dr. Cortez when he had the chance. Regardless, he felt he needed to, it could end the unsolicited questions and accusations once and for all.

"Dr. Cortez is behind all of this."

"What?" Detective Donnie blinked.

"Dr. Cortez wanted to ruin Dr. Bates by sabotaging the Mirror Bridge, he was behind the explosion," Tony replied bluntly.

"Mhmm," Detective Donnie raised a brow in skepticism. "What proof do you have about this?"

"We did yesterday, records of wired transfers to offshore accounts and also text conversations between Cortez and the punk he hired to do his dirty work"

"And where is this proof?" Detective Pamela demanded.

"We don't have it anymore," Tony mumbled as his eyes glanced around, not focusing on anything.

"You dare make accusations without proof?" Detective Donnie exploded. "What kind of scientist are you?"

Lucifer chuckled. "Listen, detective, unlike Ash, I'm not going try to prove my innocence to you. It all depends on if you chose to believe or not. And from the looks of it, you are pretty clueless." He added then burst into laughter.

"You both think this is a joke, don't you?" Donnie glared. "Well, we will be back, and it wouldn't be so funny by then."

"Alright, till then," Lucifer replied as the two detectives sprang to their feet at once and made their way out of the room.

"That bastard," Donnie cussed just as they walked down the hall to the elevator.

"What now sir?" Pamela asked.

"We will come back and nail him." He answered. "Let's get a court order so we can search his office."

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