
Cat Out of the Bag




Luna and I head out while Charlie stays behind to feed the creatures. Climbing up the ladder first I am greeted by the faces of Daphne and Hermione in our compartment with Neville.

I smile as I climb out, "Hey," I say with a smile as I carefully make my way out.

The girls seem surprised, "Hello Soren, what took you so long?"

I sit down next to Neville as Luna's head peaks out of the suitcase, "I was showing her the animals."

Luna gives them a smile, "Hello."

Daphne looks at her enviously as Hermione complains, "We haven't even gotten to meet them yet."

I look at the suitcase exhausted as Luna sits next to Hermione, "I can introduce you if you want."

Hermione sighs, "We can just meet them some other time, we have all year."

I nod as I look at her oddly, "Speaking of animals, where is Crookshanks?"

Hermione grins as she lifts her robes a bit, at her feet is a sleeping Crookshanks. For only having the cat for a week she sure loves it. From the corner of my eye, I see Neville hide Trevor inside his inner robe pocket.

"Oh yeah," I lean across the compartment and put my hand in front of Luna's shoulder. The girls give me a scrupulous look but after a moment their questions are answered. Gilg slowly slithers from Luna's hair onto my hand.

Sitting back in my seat I place him on my shoulder opposite Enki and he slithers into the folds of Sin.

Seeing the girls are still giving me an odd look still I ask, "What?"

Daphne shakes her head as her cheeks tinge red, "Nothing."

"Have you been enjoying your winnings? We didn't talk about it last time I saw you." Neville asks curiously.

I shrug, "I haven't really bought much, you could say I made a few investments though."

Remembering something I look at Daphne, "Did your father tell you when you are moving?"

I see her smile fade as she looks down, "He said after Christmas break, I will transfer to Durmstrang."

Luna leans forward to see Daphne past Hermione, "Why are you transferring?"

Daphne's eyes narrow as she looks annoyed, "I don't know, he won't tell me."

I know but I won't be the one to tell her, "You have a younger sister don't you?"

Daphne nods, "She is starting at Hogwarts this year, she is very weak so she was babied heavily… I hope she isn't sorted into Slytherin, I don't think she could handle the environment well."

I can see Hermione is getting angry at the conversation, "If she won't do well in Slytherin how will she fair at Durmstrang? What is your father thinking?" she asks in an angry huff.

Daphne gives a sad sigh, "As if my father ever cared about us. To him, I am just a pawn to be married off to increase his power. He has accepted that he will not have a son so he wants me to give him mine."

Neville and I are taken aback while I can see Hermione fuming, "Why does he think he can take your child?" Luna asks seemingly already certain that Daphne would never give up her child.

Daphne gives her a small smile, "I don't know, but I would never let him have any of my children."

I look up meeting her eyes, "This seems like an odd thing to tell a thirteen-year-old. Did he tell you this himself?"

She nods her head, "He becomes loose-lipped when he drinks."

The compartment falls quiet as no one knows how to follow up the conversation.

"You said your sister has a weak body, what is wrong with her?" I ask changing the subject a bit.

"Blood malediction, a blood curse was placed on one of our ancestors. She was unlucky enough to receive it, the healers say she will be lucky to live till forty."

"Do you know who placed the curse? I've read about blood curses, they are incredibly cruel and very difficult to do."

"Yes, the story is passed down in our family, it is a 'mark of honor' for our family." My eyes narrow as she continues, "It is said our 'great ancestor', Alexius Greengrass defeated Herpo the foul along with his basilisk in a duel. Herpo the foul took the loss hard, he placed a curse on our family and bragged about till Alexius destroyed his Horcrux in retribution."

I am a bit shocked at the unexpected wildness of the story, "Soren, you had a book on Horcrux, what are they?"

My brow furrows in disgust as I remember how they are created, "They are a disgusting tool dark wizards use to get false immortality."

Hermione seems confused, "There is no way there is just a known tool for immortality, what's the catch?"

"Basically a Horcrux is a vessel for your soul, you go through a… process… of stretching your soul using the life of another person. Then slowly your body begins to deteriorate into a hideous form. It's why Voldemort looks the way he does because he has a broken soul."

I see Hermione's eyes widen as she connects the dots in her head. I give her a look to say 'don't say anything.'

"Doesn't that mean he is probably still alive?" Luna asks with a small smile as she swings her feet.

I can feel Neville tense up next to me as I hear breathing become ragged. I turn to see his face pale as expected. Putting a hand on his back I give a supportive smile, "Don't worry, if he ever steps foot back in this country again he will be sent packing."

Neville's eyes meet mine and I can see the pure fear in them, "So you're saying she is right? He is still alive?"

I give a small nod as I look at Daphne, "Since the cat is out of the bag I guess I will tell you. Your father wants you to move to Durmstrang in order to rejoin the Death Eaters. I ask that what I said today won't leave this carriage."

Daphne has tears gathering in her eyes as she nods, Hemione wraps her arms around her as she cries. I look at Luna who nods with a plain face, finally, I turn to a worried Neville and he gives me a weak nod.

I give him a sorry look as I pull out my wand, "Sorry about this, Mimblewimble."

Seeing nothing happen he looks at me oddly, "What was that?"

Hermione is glaring at me from across the seats but I avoid her eyes, "It's the tongue-tying curse, you can't speak of it if you wanted to."

Neville looks down as he nods in understanding, "Sorry Neville," I say rubbing his back.

He shakes his head, "It's for the best."

The compartment falls into silence for a while before Charlie's head pops out from the suitcase. He looks around with a confused expression as his eyes land on me.

"What did I miss?"

I give a small smile as he climbs out of the suitcase, "Nothing much, finished feeding them?"

He gives his usual smile as he nods, "I'm going to sit with Professor Lupin."

I nod, "Take care, and thanks."

He waves as he opens the door and steps out, "Anytime boss." He says a bit sarcastic.

I've gotten behind massively and wanna get back ahead so I will be taking a break from writing for a few days. I will begin to post again on the 3rd. I need a small break because I find myself writing the chapters for certain days and not the ones I want to write making writing really slow so I'm giving myself a few day leeway to write what I want making everything go faster.

SirSykocreators' thoughts
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