
new place 2

" yes sir , I need to go now " I answered trying to leave , because I have many things to do .

"ok make sure you inform me if anything is happening that you don't like , or any bullying,you can inform me ,you know that you are the youngest here and many other student will see that as an advantage to bully you ,so you can report to anyone, and if that person doesn't respond,you will inform me as well ,ok you can go now " .

" thank you very much sir , I will surely inform you, I will take my leave now " I bowed my heads as a sign of gratitude and respect for the head master before turning to leave the office.

i am happy that at least I have people who are going to care for me , been the fact that I have no parent in this life.

walking to the house master the headmaster asked me to meet , and also viewing my NEW PLACE, not knowing where is the housemaster or his office , I decided to asked someone a student precisely, he is wearing a dark green robe with some strip of golf chains.

" good day senior, please can you direct me to the housemaster "

" are you new in this school , you seem quite young to be in this school , anyway the house master office is over there " he answered pointing at the direction of a magnificent building.

' another person commenting on my age today ' I thought to my self .

"ok thank you " I said and started heading to the building the student directed me to .

getting closer to my destination, I saw some student kneeling down close to the entrance of the building I am heading to.

the area is a little bit noisy , and I can see the student knelling are whispering among their self and there is also a middle-aged man standing close to them .

"I bet this will teach you guys a lesson for breaking the school policy , I bet you don't remember that a student who lounges In this school is not permitted to leave , unless with instructions to carry out some duties, then you guys decided to break the school policy and went as far as jumping through the fence , spoiling the school image outside, and some of you even went ahead to mix up with the females outside, if you don't remember, you are learning in this school , and lounging here in this school , it automatically becomes your new home , and you have to forget about anything going on outside the school , we always inform you guys if anything is going on in the environment, but you guys refuse and you must suffer dearly for it .... " after the man finished talking to the student, one of them raised his hands and the man pointed at him to speak up.

" sir we are sorry , I promise we won't break any school policy ever again ... " he haven't finished his sentence and the man who I supposed is the head master cuts in angrily.

" speak for yourself,young man ,if you should be forgiven now ,and you repeat the same action again you are actually tarnishing the school's image you know " the housemaster sounded harsh to the student.

" men , am I really staying in this school with this headmaster for a year " I muttered to myself seeing his harsh behavior towards the student under punishment, I am a bit scared but I summoned some courage and I walked a little bit closer to the housemaster.

" good day sir " I greeted the man who I supposed is the housemaster,the attention of the whole student kneeling down are on me now .

" young man what are you looking for ,do you have any older brother here ,you are not suppose to be here " he said to me looking a little bit harsh .

" a _ actually the headmaster asked me to look for the house master.. " the house master anger lessen hearing that the head master asked me to him .

" he asked me to give you this , he said you will show me to my new room here " I said after a little encouragement seeing the house master anger lessen a little bit.

he looked at me with his eyes as a sign of unbelief , same as the other student, they are all looking at me with disbelief.

" what are you sure of what you are saying " he said looking at me with disbelief.

" yes sir ,I enrolled yesterday and I will be lounging here for a year " I answered with confidence again.

" what he enrolled ".

"am sure that he is lying,maybe some practical joke,I can't believe him at all ".

The student kneeling are talking to each other also surprised that I am coming to attend the same school with them at my age .

" ok ok I believe you , this is the head master's sign , ok wait while I teach this policy breaker some lesson , before then you can wait " he said to me and turning to the boys kneeling.

" you guys will pay for breaking the school policy"

" please house master , we will change"

" yes we will change house master , give us a second chance" they are all pleading for their freedom, seeing all of them pleading means the house master is a very harsh man.

"ok , your freedom is in the hands of this young man over here " he said , I wasn't looking at the house master and the student kneeling , I am looking at the surrounding.

I turned back to see who the young man to save them , turning my back I saw all of them looking at me including the house master .

' what happened , what did I do wrong , why are they looking at me or a.... ' I am still thinking when the house master pointed to me .

" you what is your name " he asked

"my name is Lee sir " I answered with sweat dropping from my knee cap and my ankle , I am shaking because of the fear in my mind , that I did something wrong .

" ok Lee , what do you want me to do with these policies breaker " he asked pointing at the boys knelling.

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